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Old 10-10-2005, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Loulabelle
My general stance on smoking is that it's a bizarre and quite revolting habit and I've noticed that smokers are generally less environmentally and socially conscious people. For example, I'm sure the majority of people here would not dream of dropping a coke can in the street, but how many smokers will happily drop a cigarette stubb on the pavement? It seems to be completely acceptible behaviour. I've even seen my house guests and neighbours drop cigarette butts on my door step or into my flower beds in full view of me, as though it doesn't count as littering!!!!! And then they wonder why I think smokers are disgusting!

Anti-social behaviour like that does nothing to help improve my view of smokers. Smokers want respect and consideration? Then it's about time they tried to show some REAL consideration to others! Smoking outside and then tossing your butt into the street is not my definition of consideration.

Geezzzzzz......I've NEVER been that slovenly! First off...I NEVER discard anything that isn't biodegradable! Sure, I'll toss an apple core into the woods as I drive down the street or something of that nature. But I never toss anything that I know won't biodegrade!

I don't know who your friends are but ewwwwwwwww! I've never met anyone like those you say would put a cig butt in your flower bed! I've had humongous parties here and on clean-up had to pick up maybe 5 cig.! I'm betting those were the friends that ended up passing out on the! But then, my friends know me and know that I am environmentally friendly...and seek out the recycling bins and ashtrays when they visit...cause I provide them for them!!!!

I will never advocate disposing of a cigarette butt! Matter of fact, where I work there is a private club across the street and they use our parking lot after hours for their overflow parking. Every morning, like clockwork, I go around picking up the butts on the ground from the patronage the night before. If I left them there, no one else would ever pick them up but just complain when our smoking privledges are taken away. I know it's from the patrons of the club and not our employees because "I AM THE KEEPER OF THE BUTT CAN"! If I spy an inflection in keeping the grounds where we break clean...I'll call them on it. Once, a new guy at the job came back from break after I had gone in. Someone came and told me he put a lit butt in the butt can. LMAO at the tattletale, I knew it would have to be my responsibility to set the newbie straight. I went to his work area, introduced myself, shook his hand and asked him to please follow me. I explained as we walked that if he put lit butts in the butt can provided that it would catch fire and our smoking privledges would be under scrutiny. We walked to the sink, got a pitcher of water, and started to the door. I told him it was either this or he'd have to piss in the tiny hole to which he put his butt in. He laughed, appologized and put the lit cig. out!

If I am arriving at a store, of which I can still smoke outside as I near the establishment as far as I know, I check to see if they have a place to put out cigs. Most do but some don't and I'll never understand that! We don't smoke in the store...duh! Don't they think that of everyone who comes to their store there just might be a few smokers who will outen (<---Pa. Dutch slang) their butts in front of the store? Provide a place to dispose of the butts for crying out loud!

If smoking is banned inside establishments...or even in homes and private clubs, etc....but we still have the right to smoke's about giving us a place to outen our butts?

Or...would you all just prefer that we move to our own island?

Geezzzzzzz...I hate being stereotyped!
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