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Old 01-26-2004, 03:27 PM
cbsnlek's Avatar
cbsnlek cbsnlek is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Sweden, U-hamn
Posts: 21
The Mansion Pt 1

Hi there! Are you ready for a story?

This is my first story here and this is the first 7 pages of it. I know it is starting slow but I hope it works well as a teaser. The rest is a bit more in to the stuff...

Ok, here is one coming to you. Its a made up story based on a dream. Some of the characters in it does actually exist but none of the events described has ever occurred.

Short introduction to me, my name is NOT Daniel but that is how you will know me. I am forty three years old an unemployed, hence why I got the time to write this story. My main interests in life are women, billiard, dart and socializing in the Pub. My passion is photography, especially women. I currently live at the home of a fantastic woman who kindly let me use her couch as a bed. She is one of my absolutely best friends and I love her to bits for what she done for me. THANK YOU!

As I mentioned in the beginning the story is based on a dream I had some time ago, a wet dream in more than one way. Because of the nature of dreams I have added in bits and pieces to fill it up and some fantasized and real events to make it a story.

About two years ago I met a guy named Robert, I did not really know him except from the pub which we frequent. This day he came up to me and asked if I would be interested in making some pictures of his girlfriend and a friend of hers. They would like to do some model pictures. As he mentioned 'You will get paid' I more than willingly accepted. I told him truthfully that I never had done model photography but would try. Payment we will discuss after they have seen the pictures.

We met up on a Tuesday and I was introduced to Julie and Marie. We went through what they wanted and agreed on a date. The day came with beautiful weather and perfect for outdoor pictures. Luckily I had brought a friend with me and Robert was also there cause I would need some assistants for the light reflectors. We made about forty pictures outside and another sixty in the studio.

Saturday after the shooting I met up with the girls again to show them the pictures. They were ecstatic and I have to agree most of the pictures had turned out very good. We agreed on a price which has inspired me to go on with model photography. I have been quite successful since then and by now have a portfolio of about a thousand model pictures. Julie by the way eventually got a model job as direct result of my pictures a few months later.

Some time later my best friend Kevin told me a friend of his was coming to visit. He was keen on introducing her to me and asked if I would be around the next week. I had nothing planned so why not. We talked some about her, how he met her through a business colleague and how they both later had split from their partners. They had stayed in contact as best friends ever since.

Wednesday arrives, still nothing from Kevin. I receive a request for a modelling job from a girl who had been recommended to come to me. She is a professional model and needs new pictures for her portfolio. I agree to meet her and her manager at five in 'The old Fagg'.

Just ten minutes after I have finished the call with the girl Kevin calls. His friend will arrive at the airport at four and he can not pick her up, he has to work. Can I pick her up? I tell him about the meeting I have at five but I will try to postpone it. I will call back as soon as I know.

I cant get hold of the girl but I finally reaches her manager, can we postpone about an hour? I tell him about Kevin‘s dilemma and he agrees to meet at six instead.

I call Kevin back and let him now. How do I recognize her. Her name is Jill Gray, she is about 170 centimetre, slim and quit good looking. Ok no problem, even if I cant recognize her I just have the information call for her.

I drive out to the airport at three thirty, it is only a ten minutes ride so I should have enough time. Nope, her plane was early. I look around, there is loads of slim good looking women around so I go to the information.

- I am looking for a Jill Gray who just arrived from the United States.
- She was here just a few minutes ago, do you want me to call for her?
- Yes please.
- Ms Gray, please contact the information desk. Ms Gray.

Two meters away this beautiful woman turns around, she is absolutely stunning.

- I am Ms Gray.
- Good afternoon, my name is Daniel Denner. I am here instead of Kevin. He had to work and could not get away.
- Hi I am Jill, thank you for picking me up.
- No problem, I am suppose to take care of you until Kevin can show up. I can take you on a short tour of the city if you like?
- That‘s ok, I have had a good sleep on the plane so I am fresh.

We got in to town and went to Mulligan‚s. We had a quick beer and I arranged for her luggage to be stored there until Kevin arrive.

- I have to be in this meeting with a model and her manager at six for a photo job. If Kevin has not showed up I can either leave you here to wait for him or you can join me for this meeting.
- Oh that‘s interesting, I do a lot of photography my self. It would be interesting to see how model job negotiations is done here.

Five thirty and still no Kevin. We walk down to The old Fagg where I am suppose to meet the model. Mark the manager and Jessica arrives five past the hour. We go through hers and mine portfolio and we agree what to do. She will bring her own make up and stylist people so I do not have to think about that. We agree on a estimated price and they leave.

- Can I have a look at your portfolio?
- Sure, no problem.

While she looks through my pictures Kevin calls.

- Hey there where are you
- We are at The old Fagg, are you coming?
- Ok I am on my way, should be there in ten minutes.

- That was Kevin, he will be here in ten minutes.
- Ok, hey you got some really good stuff here. Have you been doing this for a long time?
- Not really, in fact this girl we just met will be my first professional model I am shooting.
- I am impressed, you definitely have an eye for this.
- Thank you, I am quite pleased with most of them myself.
- Have you ever considered going professional?
- Yes I have but competition here is big. I do have adds in some of the modelling magazines but so far the only jobs I have had has been from friends.
- Ah I see, pity.

Kevin arrives and we start talking about other stuff, they have a lot of catching up to do so I tell Kevin the luggage is at Mulligan‘s and I leave them on their own.

I met up with them a couple of times while she was here. We went to the zoo and an amusement park. The day before she was to leave she asked to see me on her own. We met at Mulligan‘s having a beer together.

- I am leaving tomorrow but will be back again in about eight months. I am going to sell of my stuff and plan to move here or in the region and maybe start up a new business.
- Sounds great, I hope you will do well and if you move here maybe we can meet up sometimes.
- Oh we will and I have a feeling that we might have more than that together.
- What do you mean?
- We will see, I will let you know later on.

After that she did not say much more, just a few comments on what I was talking about. Very strange as she earlier been talking like only Americans can. Eventually she had to leave and we said goodbye but before she left she gave me a kiss on the mouth. Never could I guess how much 'more together' we would end up having.

Seven months later me and Kevin is sitting at the bar in Mulligan‘s being bored. The weather sucks and Kevin has been temporarily laid off. We are talking about everything and nothing. Ken comes up to us and asks;

- Hey guys why don‘t you organize a pool tournament? I mean you don‘t do anything anyway except sitting here and moaning about having nothing to do.
- That‘s an idea, what do you think Kevin?
- Yeah why not, lets do an survey on how many would be interested and we can take it from there.
- You go down to the Fagg and I will start listen around here.
- Ok see you tomorrow and we see what we found.

Kevin leaves and I start talking to the guys in the pub. The interest is quite big, I got about thirty names only from who is in the pub this afternoon.

The next day I meet with Kevin and he says he got eighteen names from the Fagg. He has also produced two lists, one for each pub taking up names from interested. We put down the names we already have and puts the lists up.

A few days later we check the lists, incredible total of eighty six names, wow. We start to organize things to do this tournament. We decide to run it on a Sunday as most people will be off then. We add the tournament date and time to the lists and spreads the word.

Saturday before the tournament we go and take down the lists. In The old Fagg someone has added 'Woman‘s Tournament' to the list with twelve names. What is this? Well if they want to have their own tournament why not. The additional paperwork is minimal.

Later on Saturday I meet Margrete, one of the girls on the list.

- Hi Margrete, what is this with the woman‘s tournament?
- Oh hi Daniel, Charlotte and I thought it to be a good idea as most of the girls are far from good enough to play with you guys. Is there a problem?
- No don‘t worry, if you want to play on your own go ahead.
- Have Charlotte not talked to you about this?
- No I have not seen her for two weeks.
- Oh that‘s not good.
- What is the problem?
- Oh nothing, just that we had planned for a special price for the winner and she should have talked to you about that.
- Well I will see her tomorrow at the pool hall I guess.
- Yes, I just hope that is not to late. By the way have you heard about the stag party today?
- No, why?
- Most of the names on your list will be there so I would not count on to many showing up.
- Aha, well we will see who shows and just take it from there.

We continue to chat for a while until I decide to get home. I want to be well rested for the tournament the day after.

Sunday at twelve I get a call from Kevin,

- I will be a bit late I see you at the pool hall at two thirty Ok?
- Ok, don‘t be any later though.
- Do not worry.

I arrive in the pool hall at two. No one here yet. Ok I sit down and start to prepare for the draw. A couple of guys show up and I start to register them. Kevin drops in and takes over the paperwork. I get my cue and have a chat with the owner about how much the tables will be. We agree on 200 and he seems to be pleased. When we reach three we got fourteen names on the list. Kevin and I decide to wait another fifteen minutes for any late arrival. Meanwhile the girls has arrived and are already about to start. All twelve on their list is there. Two more guys arrive and we close the registration. Kevin goes through the rules, make the draw and distribute the tables. Game on.

I play a guy from Tahiti. As we start to play I realize this will be hard. It only takes two minutes before I get the first question on rules. 0-1, 0-2 Game Over. Kevin has the same problem but manages to win in three frames.

Next game for me is against Eric, an English guy that I have played before. He normally beat me blindfolded with one hand. He wins the lag and breaks, no friends. My table, I go for stripes. 9 ball bottom left, 15 centre left,10 bottom right, safety on 11 centre pocket make the shot and cue ball nicely tucked up at the top cushion. Eric plays for 5 ball and pockets, 1 ball next to left centre, 4 ball top left and then the mistake. A full table shot dead on 7 ball, pockets 7 but has put a bit to much power into the shot and the cue ball follows 7 down. I am on again, 12 to top right nice cushion back out to 14 right centre, 13 left centre and nicely lined up on 8 left bottom, perfect hit, 1-0.

Frame two, I break and pockets 7 ball but also cue ball. Eric is a bit upset after the first frame but seems to have got his things together again. Goes for stripes, 9,11,13,12,15,14,10 and perfectly lined up on 8. Now he give me a smile, lines him self up overshoots and both 8 and cue ball pockets, one top right one top left. Eric‘s jaw touches the floor as he can not believe what he just done. Looses all brain and breaks his cue stick over his knee. Game over.

My next game have to wait, my opponent is not yet decided. Charlotte comes over to me.

- Do you have a couple of minutes for me?
- Yes sure.
- Well a bit more private, we can go over to the bar.
- Ok
- You have heard we planned for a special price in our tournament?
- Yes, Margrete told me last night.
- And what do you say?
- Eh, to what? I don‘t know what you planned.
- Well... you know that most of us are singles and those who are not do not really have any steady companions?
- Yes
- Well we thought that a great price would be to get a night out, all expenses paid.
- Sounds like a good idea but what has this got to do with me?
- We wanted the price to include an escort and our choice was you.
- I guess I can cope with a paid evening out.
- It would be an ALL night out.
- Eh?
- Including a night at a hotel, together.
- Eh?

- Daniel you are up. Kevin calls.
- Ok coming.
- I will talk to you later about your idea.
- All right, just not to long please.

I got to my table, I am playing Ken. I normally beat him easily Not this time, Charlottes words are still ringing in my head and I just can not concentrate. Pots 8 ball twice before it is legal, 0-2 I am out. Kevin comes up and asks;

- What the hell happened there?
- I don‘t know, just lost it
- You can say that again. Well that‘s good because then you can take care of the paperwork. I‘m up again.
- Uh, ok no problem just give me a second, Charlotte! I am on for you.
- Great I will let the girls now.

I sit down and goes through the score sheet. I hear the girls cheering at their tables. Two hours later and the tournament is over. Kevin is the winner and receives his price. Charlotte comes over and ask me if we can meet later on, she has got a grin on her face. We agree to meet up at El Toro at seven thirty.

All of us walks up to Mulligan‘s for some beers and to celebrate a successful tournament. The only person not happy with the outcome is Eric. I buy him a beer and tell him I will let him have a revenge game next time. Charlotte has left us after a small beer to get changed. At seven I tell Kevin I have to leave and heads for El Toro. Charlotte has not arrived so I sit down in the bar ordering a Salitos. Ten minutes later she walks in.

- Hi Daniel!
- Hi Love, you look stunning.
- Thank you.
- So what was the result?
- Take it easy, all in due time, Get me a beer will you, I need to go to the ladies.

I order two Salitos and move over to a table where we will have a bit of privacy. She comes back.

- Well I did not win, as much as I wanted to.
- Sorry to hear that
- It is ok, hear is 3200. That is the price money. You will take the winner for an all night out and then I have arranged a room at the Beau Rivage for you.
- Ok no problem, any suggestions on what to do?
- Not really but you should make it a memorable evening and night.
- So when will you let me know who the winner is?
- In a moment, when was the last time you had sex?
- That was the last time you and me were out.
- Ok, would you like some practice? I think you will need it and I know that the expectations are high.
- What do you mean?
- It is not one winner but two. We decided that anyone reaching the final would be a winner.
- Oh.
- And when is this supposed to happen?
- On Wednesday.
- You do not give me much time do you?
- No I know but one of the winners have to leave on Thursday evening.
- Ok, and the winners are????
- The final was won by Marion.
- Ok, and?
- Second was .... Nicki.
- WHAT? You are joking?

Nicki and I have just had an affair that ended in catastrophe. We have not been speaking to each other since then and that is three months ago. Now I have to treat her nicely on an all day and night out.

- Mario, get me a double BL will you.
- Calm down Daniel, it is not all that bad.
- Mario, make it a triple please.
- Come on Daniel, she won fair and square and you knew she was in the competition.
- Fine but it does not mean I have to like it. I will do it but I am not sure I can guarantee satisfaction.
- Ok, just do your best please.
- I will but you owe me for this.
- Ok I agree. Let me help you calm down a bit. Turn over to the side.

Now this is something I love. Charlotte has magical hands. Her massages are out of the ordinary. You will never forget a back massage from her, I can guarantee that.

- Mmm, you like that don‘t you?
- Yes and you know it.
- And you know what I like you to do now.

Every time she has given me a massage she have wanted to be touched, she claims it makes her hands more sensitive. I start to run my hands over her thighs making sure not to get to close to her private parts. As she bends forward to massage my lower back I reach for her breasts. I hold them in my hands and give her nipples a gentle squeeze. She moves up over my back and I loose contact with her breasts. I return my attention to her thighs this time caressing the inside and feel the heat between her legs. I run a finger over her panties and she takes a deep breath. I continue to massage over her panties and she has started to pant now.

- Daniel.
- Yes.
- My place, NOW.

I get the bill and pay. We go and get our clothes from the wardrobe. When she reaches for here coat I put my hand under her skirt and give her mound a few gentle taps. She shivers. We walk over to her house.

- What about Margrete? Is she not at home?
- No, she is staying at Marion‘s place tonight so we will be alone. She wont be back until late afternoon.
- Ok, open the door now will you?

We walk in to the house and as we walk up the stairs to the apartment I can not resist fondle her pussy.

- Daniel!
- Sorry but I could not resist.
- Hold your horses just a minute.
- Nope I wont.

And with that I push the fabric of her panties to the side and run my finger over her very wet slit up to her clitoris. She manages to get the door open and drags me in. I kick the door close behind me as she gives me a big kiss. Her hand has opened my shorts and got my friend out. She drops on her knees and start to suck on him. Her mouth is warm and smooth and she works her tongue like a maggot just put on a fishing hook, wildly. Three minutes of this and I am ready to come. She can feel the tension building up and gets even wilder, she knows what is coming, ME! My whole body is shaking as I start to shoot deep in to her throat. It goes on for what seems to be forever. My knees collapses under me and she give me big kiss. I can taste my cum even as she has swallowed all of it.

- Come my love, lets get serious with this practice session.
- What? Do you want to kill me before I have performed my duties?
- Why not? Then I would be that last one to have made love to you, I kind of like that thought.
- You jealous bitch, you are just after me now because you did not win the pool.
- Hey watch your language
- What? Did I say something untrue?
- No, come on lets get a shower.
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Old 01-26-2004, 03:43 PM
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cbsnlek cbsnlek is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Sweden, U-hamn
Posts: 21

We go to her bedroom and starts to undress. She finally get my shorts and shirt of properly and I start to pull her top of. When i got it over her face I leave it there and start sucking on her nipples.

- Daniel, that is not fair.
- Hmhmmm

She pulls her top of as my hands are working on her skirt. I get the zipper down and pull the skirt down including her panties. She grabs my friend and lead me to the bathroom. I got my hand between her legs teasing as we walk in. She turns the water on and we start to clean each other.

What we have not noticed is that we have an audience, Margrete. She has watched everything and got excited. Her hand has moved in between her legs and is playing with her privets. We are still washing paying special attention to specific parts of our bodies. Margrete is still sort of hiding as she suddenly starts to come loudly.

- What was that?
- I do not know
- Margrete is that you?
- Uhuu, Ahhieee.

Margrete can not hold her cry back as she is coming hard. We get out of the shower and in front of us on the floor is Margrete with her hand buried in her pussy shaking. Slowly she comes out of her orgasm.

- I am sorry but I could not help myself as I watched show.
- What happened? Why are you not at Marion‘s?
- Marion‘s parents came on a surprise visit for the night so there was nowhere for me to sleep. I did try to call and warn you but your phone seems to be off.
- Do not worry honey, it is ok I am just surprised to see you at home.
- Thank you. By the way that was one of the hottest blow job I ever seen.
- Well it was just one of those moments : Charlotte is red as a tomato in her face
- As you anyway are here why do you not join me in training Daniel for his big evening?
- Are you sure?
- Yes, and judging from Daniels reaction he will not mind either.

Margrete looks at me and her eyes look down at my friend.

- Ahh, I believe you are right.
- I do not mind at all, but remember the last time I had two girls to handle it was you two after the last Christmas party. I do not know how well I can keep up with you.
- Do not worry to much about that, we go easy on you to start with. Now lets get Margrete out of those clothes.

We lead Margrete in to Charlotte‘s bedroom and on to the bed. Charlotte pulls her top of as I am working on her skirt. I get it open and pulls it down together with her panties. I allow myself a taste of that very wet and ready pussy of hers before we get on to the bed.

Charlotte is getting the attention first.
Margrete is touching and kissing the stomach and breasts as I am kissing my way downwards to her mound.
I move past her pussy and down her legs to her toes.
I have a taste of each toe before starting to move up again, Charlotte is moaning and are making small noises as I move up the inside of her thighs and as I reach my target I realize there is another reason for her sounds.
As I approach my nose bump in to Margrete‘s hand, thumb over the clitoris and index finger deeply buried in her pussy.
I give Margrete‘s hand a kiss on the back and she move her hand to give me free access.
My mouth and tongue starts exploring Charlottes sweet and moist privates and Margrete decides she wants some more attention.
She move herself over Charlottes face and urges her to some action. Charlotte is not slow to respond and starts to taste her pussy. She moves her hands pushing and pulling Margrete to her face.
I burry my tongue as deep as I can in Charlottes pussy and push my little finger in to her back passage.
Her head darts up and she sucks violently on Margrete‘s pussy. They are both shaking so much the whole bed is shaking.
I move up and give Margrete‘s neck a kiss and I fondle a little with her breasts before returning my attention to Charlotte.
I lift her hips up placing my friend over her entrance. Slowly I move him over her clitoris down over her entrance down over her back entrance and up again. She cant keep still, her hips gyrating against my friend.
I put my friend back at her pussy entrance and start to slide in. I move slowly in until I am fully buried in her. Charlotte is throwing her body against me so hard Margrete can not stay where she was.
Margrete moves over to the side of Charlotte with her bum towards me and starts to nipple on Charlottes breasts.
As I slowly take care of Charlottes needs. I start to fondle with Margrete‘s behind. I dip two fingers in to her pussy, moving them in and out.
I bring one finger up to her anus and simultaneously start to push both fingers in.
Margrete‘s body stiffens as my fingers enter her. She is shaking and start to push back on my hand as I start moving in and out.
I start to move my friend faster in to Charlotte. I can feel her inside cramping on my friend as she start to come. Her muscles are drawing my attention to her fully as I can feel my self building up.
I have to remove my hand from Margrete and fully concentrate on Charlotte. I am pumping my friend in and out hard now.
I stand no chance, Charlottes movements and her inner muscles squeezing over my friend and I start to come deep in her. I hold my friend as deep as I can pumping my juices in to her womb.
I collapse over Charlotte and slowly roll of her.
Margrete is taking care of her self, showing three fingers in and out of her entrance. I move over to her side and starts to play with her breasts. I am still feeling the aftermath of my encounter with Charlotte.
My friend though seems to be unable to have to much and is rising to full attention. I move my hands down as I kiss Margrete and enters a finger in to her pussy.
She push back on my finger and moans in to my mouth. I move the finger in deep and then out, down to her back passage.
I push it in and starts to move it back and forth. She pulls away and push me down on my back. She straddles me and starts to impale herself on me.
Moves a couple of times up and down. She looks at me with a strange wild look and say;

- Here is something different.

She moves of my friend just to start to sit down on him again. There is a bit of resistance before he start to slide in to her back passage.
It is incredibly tight. She lower herself until I am fully buried in her anus. She start to move up and down.
Charlotte has recovered and is sucking on Margrete‘s breasts at the same time as she is playing with her clitoris.
Margrete is coming, pushing hard on my friend. I stand no chance in hell. I push back up burying my self as deep as I can in her bum and start to come. Her muscles are clamping down on my friend so hard it almost hurts.
She falls over me shaking from her orgasm. We are both desperately panting for air.
She give me a kiss.
- That was wonderful, thank you. I have never dared to do it before but have always liked to be touched back there.
- Well it was my first time to and I will repeat it anytime you want to.

All three of us are exhausted and very soon we are asleep. I wake up during the night as Margrete is giving me a blowjob.

I leave the girls next afternoon but not before some more 'training' has been done in the shower. I walk down to Mulligan‘s and meet Kevin.

- Hey man, you look rough. Did you have a hard night?
- You might say that yes. Ken please give me a beer.
- So tell me about it.
- Nope this I will keep to my self
- You bastard, was it that good?
- Yep.
- Ok so what‘s up today then?
- Nothing much, I think I go and watch some dart. There is a tournament tonight.
- I am of for some rock climbing if you want to join.
- No thanks, and you should not be drinking beer if you are going for the climbing you know.
- It is no problem this is my first and last one for now.

As Kevin finishes his beer we chat a little over the pool tournament and decides to do another one soon. Kevin leaves and I start talking to Ken.

Suzy walks in looking miserable.

- Ken give me a big beer please!
- Coming up.
- Hi Suzy, what‘s up?
- It is bad, I feel like jumping of a bridge or something.
- Ouch that‘s not good, anything I can do to help?
- Only if you can spare me a couple of hours listening to my whining.
- No problem, I have got plenty of time.
- Lets move over there then.

We sit down on a sofa away from the bar and she starts telling her story.

Yesterday after the pool she and Christina had gone to the old Fagg for some drinks and some nice company. They met these two guys and shared a couple of drinks, everything looked very promising. She had to go to the ladies and when she got back up Christina and the guys where gone. One of the bar maids had told her Christina said she did not want Suzy‘s company anymore and had taken of with one guy at each arm. Suzy had been stood up by her best friend. She ended up at home watching a porno and taking care of her self.

- That‘s my story, so what were you up to last night? I did not see you.
- I just went home early as I did not feel to well. I lie, how can I tell her about my evening after that story?
- Ok, so what‘s up tonight then?
- Nothing special, I might go and watch some dart later.
- How about a few drinks with me and then home to me for something to eat?
- Ok, what do you want to drink?
- I will have a Smirnoff Black please.
- Ken! Can I have two blacks please? One of them Smirnoff!
- On their way!

We have a couple more drinks before leaving. I know what is coming but I can not say no to her after that story. She really needs the company. We stop by at a local Turkish shop buying some wine before getting to her place.

- Feel at home, there are some glasses in the cabinet over there. Pour us a glass while I get changed into something more comfortable.

I get us some wine and sits down in the sofa. She returns dressed in a shirt only. She sits down and have a sip of the wine. We talk about what happened to her last night and how hurt she was by Christina. She had only wanted some fun and maybe a guy but ended up with nothing. We are by now half way through the second bottle and she has laid down in the sofa resting her head on my lap.

- Want to watch a movie? I would like to watch the end of that porno from yesterday.
- Ok go on then

She gets up and loads the movie, as she puts the cover down she bends over and the shirt moves up over her bum. She got no panties on. She gets back and lay back on my lap, starts the movie and put a hand under her head as she puts it back in to my lap.
The movie is very erotic and my friend is reacting to the action on the TV. Naturally Suzy feels my friends reaction and start to rub him outside my shorts. I move a hand inside her shirt and find a breast. I start caressing it an play with the nipple. I unbutton the shirt and move my hand over her stomach and beasts.

- Is it not a bit warm in here?
- You are right and it is getting hotter all the time.
- Why do you not get out of those clothes than?
- Ok why not.
- Let me do it.

She takes of my t-shirt and unbutton my shorts.

- Lift your bum.

She pulls my shorts and undies down in one movement. My friend springs free and jumps a little, ahh relief. She takes her shirt of and returns to my lap. Her hand resting on my friend.

- Slide down a bit, I want to see your beautiful friend.
- Like this
- Yes perfect.

I am almost fully laying back. She has moved her head to my stomach and her hand is playing with my friend. She got his full attention.
I have started to fondle her bum, moving my fingers over her slit and anus. I push a finger in to her pussy and start to move it in and out.
The movie is still rolling and it becomes very clear she knows it inside out. On screen is a guy sitting in a chair with a girl in front of him. As she start to take his thing in her mouth I feel Suzy‘s warm mouth over my friend.
She moves in sync with the girl on the TV. I have moved my finger to her back passage pushing it in as far as I can.
After a few minutes of this I tell Suzy I will come. She just sucks harder and I start to fill her mouth up. She swallows what is coming with greed.
She start to push back hard on my finger as she start to orgasm. It is as if me coming has set her of to.
Slow we come out of our orgasms. She is still sucking on my friend. The movie ends and she turns the TV of. She takes my friend in her hand and drag us both in to the bedroom. We go on making love until we both passes out, exhausted at five in the morning.

Day One

When I wake up she is still asleep, she is so beautiful.
I start to run my hands over her body and soon I am playing with her privates. I enter a finger into her back and starts to eat her out.
She wakes up and pull my head tight in to her pussy. I do not leave her until nine pm totally worn out.
I walk home, there is no way I am going to the pub tonight. I have a nice shower and get in to bed. I get a good ten hours of sleep and wake up fresh.
The phone goes of;

- Hi there stranger, it is Kevin, I thought we were suppose to meet yesterday?
- Oh shit, I am sorry. I met with Suzy and she was in need of some company.
- Ok but next time please at least call me.
- I will, sorry.
- I got news, Jill is coming to town in three weeks so do not make any plans.
- Hey that‘s great news, how is she?
- She is ok, she is planning to move here permanently and wants to see us when she gets here.
- I am looking forward to see her again.
- Are you coming out today? Charlotte was asking about you earlier.
- I will be in at around two, is she still there?
- Yes hang on here she is now.
- Hi love
- Hi, are you alright?
- Yes I am fine, where were you yesterday I missed you.
- I ran in to Suzy who was in need of some comforting.
- Was it bad?
- Yeah, she and Christina went out and Suzy was abandoned.
- Oh poor thing, has she left you in shape for some more training then?
- I have recovered if that‘s what you mean?
- Yes, good. When are you coming out?
- I will be in Mulligan‘s at two.
- Good, I will see you then. I have a surprise for you.
- What?
- You will see when we meet, I have to go now, see you later.
- Ok ciao Bella.

I wonder what she is up this time? well time will tell. I spend half an hour in the shower before getting ready for the pub. I walk down to Mulligan‘s at one thirty and order a beer. There is just a few regulars there, no sign of Kevin or Charlotte.

- Hi Daniel, it is Charlotte.
- Hi my love, how are you?
- I can still feel two nights ago. I loved it.
- Thanks the same, I have not had so much fun in a long time. So what is the surprise?
- Nicki pulled out. She said it would be to much for her seeing you again under these circumstances.
- I am not surprised.
- Well as things have turned out Margrete and I have decided she should be replaced.
- Oh, by whom?
- Us.
- Huh?
- As we can not decide who was third in the tournament we decided both of us were.
- Oh no. So now I have three of you to take care of?
- Yep!
- What about those tranquillisers I asked for? I am going to have one of you sleeping if I am to survive this.
- Do not worry we will be careful with you.
- Does Marion know about this?
- Yes and she thought it to be a great idea.
- Oh my poor friend.
- Ha, well I am of for a while. I might come back with yet another surprise. I will be back in an hour.
- What?
- You will see. Just be here when I get back and be careful with the drinks. You will need all your strength later on.

I take Charlotte very seriously when she speaks like that, she is not known to excaudate. Ken comes up to me with a drink.

- Here you go, I heard what you are up for and this drink will give you strength to take care of Marion properly.
- Thank you Ken but I believe a Black Label is what I need.
- Ok, your wish is my command. Hi Kevin!
- Hey Daniel, I just heard what you are up to. Be happy Nicki pulled out. I believe that might have been to much to handle for you.
- What is this? Does the whole town know what is going on?
- No, just me and Ken. We were here when Nicki announced a double with you was something she could not take. We then pressured Charlotte to tell us what was going on.

Marion walks in to the pub

- Hi guys, Give me a water please Ken.
- As you wish.
- Hi Marion
- You could be a bit more welcoming Daniel.
- He has had a bad day the poor thing.
- Not really but to many people know about what is going on with us.
- No!
- That includes these two geezers here.
- No
- Yes, but do not worry they only know a third of the truth.
- What? both Ken and Kevin goes.
- Come on Marion lets leave these two to do some guessing now.

We take a seat at a table talk about other things. Eventually we drift back to the upcoming event and I ask her if she is okay with the change.

- Yes I am fine with it, actually I am quite happy as I believe Nicki may have spoiled the whole thing.
- You are probably right. I am also happy she cancelled.
- I bet you are, instead of two you get to be cared for by three of us. So what is up for today then?
- I am waiting for Charlotte to show up. She said she might have yet another surprise.
- Hmm that is what she told me to. I wonder what she is up to.
- I guess we will have to wait and see.

We shift the conversation and starts to talk about life and its strange ways. Kevin joins us and we start to talk about the next pool tournament.

- What do you think about making the next one a double? Or maybe even a mixed double?
- Sounds interesting. Hey Ken what do you think about a mixed pool tournament?
- Great idea, Hey Marion do you want to be my partner?
- Well maybe, it depends on how fast you can get me a cider.
- On its way, guys?
- Two beers please.
- Coming up.

We get the drinks.

- Was that quick enough?
- Well almost, we will see if you can keep it up.
- You teaser
- Yep

A couple of drinks later Charlotte and Margrete shows up. We talk about the pool and other everyday things for a while until Charlotte asks Kevin to leave us. We got some private things to discuss. He leaves us a bit annoyed.

- I do not know about you two but Margrete and I was thinking of a small change to the plans. What if we can get a whole week instead of just one night?
- What do you mean?
- I got this friend who has a wonderful house at a lake not to far away and she will be away on a trip for two weeks. She asked me if I would like to use it while she was gone. She left yesterday and I have the keys here. The house is very isolated and has a private beach at the lake.
- Sounds good to me, what about you Daniel?
- Why not, I have no plans for the next two weeks anyway.
- Ok so we are settled then? Me and Margrete will do some shopping and you two can go and pack your baggage, not that you will need much but anyway. Lets meet here again in an hour.

We take of and I get home to pack my stuff. I also get my camera equipment together, I am not going to miss an opportunity like this. I get back to the pub in half an hour so none of the others are back. Marion gets back and thinks it is a great idea that I brought my cameras.

- I have wanted you to take some pictures of me since I saw the ones of Nicki.
- I would not miss this chance for anything.

We talk about what is going to happen and she is very excited. She looks around to see if there is anybody near, takes my hand and push it in to her crotch. She is steaming.

- This is how much I look forward to this week!

I start to massage outside her panties.

- Stop it, not here you horny thing.
- Hey, you started it.
- Ok, but no more, yet
- Ok then

Margrete and Charlotte comes back.

- You must be a mind reader I was hoping you would bring the camera. Lets get the stuff in to the van and lets get going.

We pack the luggage in the van.

- You three stay in the back and prepare for later, I do not want to be disturbed while driving, that might be dangerous.

We agree with her and get in to the back. She has removed one row of seats so there is plenty of space. Luckily for us the windows in the back are these darkened ones so even if someone wanted to they will not see what is going on.

- Ok guys, you got one hour. Do not do anything I would not and be careful with the drinks.

You want More? Let me know.

Last edited by cbsnlek : 01-26-2004 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 01-26-2004, 04:18 PM
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cbsnlek cbsnlek is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Sweden, U-hamn
Posts: 21

Charlotte starts to drive and we starts to prepare for later. Marion slips out of her shorts, no panties and pulls her top of.
I am kissing Margrete who is opening my shorts and pulls them of me together with my undies.
Marion pulls Margrete‘s skirt down and then her panties.
She give Margrete‘s pussy a kiss as I open Margrete‘s blouse and slips it of her.
I use my tongue over her breasts and nibbles on her nipples. We are down on our knees mainly because of the movement in the Van and things are hotting up.
Margrete is pushing two fingers in to Marion and I am pushing a finger up Margrete‘s love canal.
I am kissing Marion as she starts to come. Both me and Margrete moves our full attention to Marion.
I am eating her out as Margrete is biting and kissing Marion‘s breasts.
I move one hand to Margrete‘s behind and starts to move it over her pussy.
I push one finger in to her and moves it in and out while sliding an other finger over her clitoris.

- No more, Marion cries as if we care

She has no defence for our dual assault as she comes over and over again.
Eventually we leave her to her self.
My fingers been working on Margrete all the time but now I shift to eating her.
I lick her clitoris and buries my tongue deep in to her.
I move my tongue over her back entrance which makes her rattle.
She has taken my friend in her mouth and is now sucking him deep in to her mouth.
Her tongue dances over his head.
I push a finger in to her back passage as I suck hard on her clitoris.
I move it in and out and I feel how she is coming. I flick my tongue over her clit and slit having her shaking hard.
She rolls away from me and my finger slide out of her.
Marion has recovered and takes over the job with my friend.
She gives him a few licks before moving in over me pushing me on to my back.
She guides my friend to her entrance and sit down on him slowly.
She leans forward and as she start moving her hip she kisses me.
She start to move faster and sits up.
I caress her breasts, lifts my face to them and sucks on a nipple.
Margrete has moved up behind Marion and has pushed a finger up her back entrance letting Marion‘s movement push it in and out.
I feel that old feeling building up and as Marion starts to come I fill her up with my love juice.
I push deep in to her as I empty my self in her.
She collapses over me panting hard.

- Nice show! I just hope you have left something for me!
- Do not worry my dear we will have him ready for you when we arrives.

We sit up in the seat, me fondling their wet pussy‘s and they play with my friend.
Margrete is pushing her hips against my hand and I enter a finger in to her. Slides in and out a few times before entering in her back entry.
Marion is pushing her pussy against my invaders and start to orgasm.
I move my attention fully to Margrete and put a second finger in to her pussy.
She comes again and pulls my hand and my fingers hard in to her.
She holds my hand there as she start to come out of the orgasm.
We just sit on the seats and try to relax. As we arrives at the house Charlotte say

- Hey girls, I am going to have my share of Daniel now. I leave it to you to unload the car while me and Daniel take a shower or two. Then you can take a tour of the house. And you do not need to get dressed either. The place is very private.

As we approach the premises we do understand. There is a two and a half meter high stone wall with two equally high steel gates. Once we get inside we see an enormous park with a road leading up to not a house but a castle, well almost anyway.

Charlotte pulls up in front of the building and say;

- Right Daniel and I am going to the sauna and I do not want to be disturbed except for maybe watching. Come on Daniel you have some work to do.

Charlotte and I leave the other two to take care of the luggage and heads towards the back of the house. As we come around the corner I am stunned. The place is huge and has a fantastic garden with a million flowers.

- Come on there is time later for nature admiring, that‘s where we are going.

Sauna? It is a pool house inside there is two pools one big about fifteen by five meters and a smaller one about three by four meters.

- The small one we will use very soon but first a shower. Get me out of these clothes now.

I start to undress her, first the top ahh those beautiful beasts. They are perfect in size and shape with nipples that grows to small strawberries when one suck on them. Pull her skirt down and reveals a beautiful bum. I start to pull her panties down,

-Careful please.

-Her panties has two small dildos built in, one for each hole and they are penetrating her. The panties are absolutely soaked. I slowly move them out of her and pulls down her panties.

- Ahh, as nice it was sitting on them the removal is even nicer.
- How many times did you come while driving?
- None, I have done this before and they are not big enough to set me off but it is a great feeling especially while riding my bike. But now lets get that shower.

She takes my hand and leads me into a big room, it is four by four meters. She walks up to some taps on the wall and turns the water on and sets the temperature.

- Hold on to your self now.

She turns a leaver besides the tap and the whole room starts to spray water, above, from the sides and from the floor. It is absolutely fantastic.
She pulls an other leaver and the water is only coming from above. We start to clean each other , paying special attention to our private parts.
After about ten minutes of this she turns the water back on and we rinse the soap away. She turns the water of, grabs my rock hard friend and leads me to the smaller pool.
We start to get to the pool, she turns the whirl on turns around and put my friend between her legs. She impales her self on to him, gives me a kiss and whispers;

- Make love to me.

We sink down in to the water and starts to move very slow. Having already been treated on the way and had all that training I will be able to go a long time at this pace. We keep the pace for maybe fifteen minutes during which she have two orgasms. They have built up slowly as our love making but has been very intense. Both times I had to concentrate hard to keep my friend from starting to fill her up.

-Please take me from behind.

I pull out of her and she lays down on the floor standing with her legs into he water. Her bottom is almost levitating. I put my hand between her legs and run my fingers over her mound and slit teasing her clitoris. I guide my friend to her pussy, rubs his head over her slit a couple of times and then glide in to her more than willing depth, all the way as far as he goes.

- Aaahhh

I give her a couple of strokes pull him out and rub him over her clit up over her slit and over her back hole. I bring him back to where we were and drive him back in hard.

-Uuhhuum, aaahh.

She is coming again. Her inner muscles is clamping hard on my friend like if she was electrified. I can feel I am not going to make it much longer, I start to run him in and out hard and fast and as I plunge him deeply in to her I start to offload. It seems to go on forever. Finally I fall over her back, I roll over to her side and give her a big hug.

- Thank you that was fantastic! You can do that to me anytime you want.
- You are most welcome and I will most likely hold you to your word.

We lay there for a while before heading to that shower again. After a quick washing up we head back outside and starts to look for the other two. Small yelps and yells quickly leads us to a bedroom. They have decided to enjoy each other while we had our fun. We leave them to it and go to the kitchen.

We make a couple of sandwiches to go with coffee. Marion and Margrete joins a half hour later. We are all wasted, it has been a long hot day. We decide to call it a day and goes to bed, all of us in one bed. I wake up during the night as Marion i giving me a blowjob. When I have done my coming she curls up in my arms and we go back to sleep.
"You should always look on the bright side of life, always look on the bright side of life"
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Old 01-26-2004, 04:49 PM
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cbsnlek cbsnlek is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Sweden, U-hamn
Posts: 21

Day Two

Morning comes and as usual I wake up early. The girls are still deep in sleep. Charlotte is laying on her side with a leg pulled up exposing her beautiful pussy. I can not resist to give her a couple of strokes with my fingers. She moans in her sleep.

I decide to go for a swim in the big pool. The water is nice and does not have to much chlorine. I find a good rhythm and swims for about thirty minutes. I get up from the pool and heads for the shower. When I walk out of the shower I find the girls in the pool.

- Daniel why do you not join us?
- I have just spent half an hour in there.
- Hey this is our week, get yourself and that cute little thing in here.

What do you say to that? I dive in again and let myself glide in to the middle of them. I give each of them a good morning hug. We fool around for a while until Margrete and Charlotte decide to enjoy them self leaving me with Marion. We move to the whirlpool and as she walks in to it I pet her behind. She almost fall over but I have put my arm around her waist. I turn the whirl on and we sit there watching Charlotte and Margrete having fun. Soon I can hear Marion breathing harder, she is playing with her self.

- You want some help with that?
- Mmmm

I lift her up in to my lap and rubs my friend over her pussy a couple of times. I push her a little forward so my friend can find her entrance and pulls her back on to him when he does.
She takes a deep breath as I reach the bottom of her. She start rotating her hips as I push in and out.
We find a nice rhythm and work our self up to orgasm. I start filling her up with a deep push in to her, that triggers her and we enjoy the simultaneous orgasm.
Charlotte and Margrete has finished their mutual ecstasy and is now watching us. Charlotte has gotten one of my cameras and have been taking some pictures of me and Marion.

- Good show you two, it was very beautiful to watch and very sexy I might add.
- I look forward to see the pictures
- Lets go for a shower and then we can take a tour around the house.

As we walk around the house exploring it we all tease each other, feeling our privates up. The house is fantastic and to my joy has a complete photo lab in the basement. I will have no problem getting the pictures developed here.

Charlotte suggest we get down to the lake and maybe have a swim there. We go down to the lake and jumps in. Having been in water almost all morning I very soon decide to leave the girls and lay down in the grass for some sunbathing. The girls soon join me and I decide to get a camera. I take a few pictures of the place before I start to shoot the girls. To finish off I get them to sit up in the grass close with their knees pulled up and feet apart resting their arms and heads on top of the knees. I have a beautiful view up their crotches and snap four pictures and run out of film. I tell them I am going to develop the film and heads for the lab.

As I start back to the house Marion catch up with me. She want to see what I am doing. I tell her it is ok but she will not be able to see to much as it has to be absolutely black while I load the films. We get to the lab and I prepare to load the films. I have Marion stand at the end of the work bench and turn out the light. As I have loaded the films I pet her pussy a little before turning the light back on.

- Is that how you develop films she asks
- No but I thought it to be a good idea, I smile back as I give her right breast a squeeze.

I mix the chemicals and start developing the film. When I have finished of the fixer and started the rinsing I tell her we have to wait about ten minutes. I start to explore the lab more and find a door in the back that I have not seen earlier. I open the door and turn the light on. It is a fully equipped photo studio.

- Wow, this is a surprise. We can have some serious fun down here.
- What do you mean?
- I will be able to take some really professional pictures of you girls here.
- Oh, you mean like model pictures.
- Yes
- That would be great.
- Just wait till I tell Charlotte she has wanted this since January.

I get back to the film and have a look at it. There are a couple of very interesting pictures on it.

- We have to leave it for now. The film has to dry up before I can make any prints from it.
- When can we see the result?
- I should be able to do them in a couple of hours.

We walk back outside to the girls who is still sun bathing.

- Hey Charlotte, there is a studio behind the lab.
- What, really?
- Yes so we can do those pictures we talked about in January.
- Fantastic, I can not wait. How did the film come out?
- There are a couple of very interesting pictures on it. We will see in a couple of hours.

I lay down on the grass and enjoy the sun, and after a while I doze off. I am being waken by some one sitting down on my friend, it is Charlotte.

- Hello sleepy, I was thinking of those pictures and was turned on. As Margrete and Marion has fallen asleep I thought I should take advantage of your cute friend.

I have no problem with that and as she start to ride me I push back deep into her. I reach up to her beasts and pulls on her nipples. They grow to small strawberries.
She bends forward so that I can have a taste of them. I suck one nipple in as I am massaging the other.
We switch position so that I am behind her. I slowly enter her pushing my friend as deep as he can go. I can feel the bottom of her pussy.
We start moving and as we both get more and more aroused we pick up speed.
I take her breasts in my hands and give them a massage.
Finally we both explode and I fill her up as our juices mix together.
She falls forward and I follow her not leaving her warm inside. We lay like this for a few minutes before I pull out of her.
She roll over and put an arm over my chest and a leg over my thighs. This way we eventually fall asleep.

As we wake up Margrete and Marion is working on each other. Marion has two fingers deep in Margrete‘s pussy and Margrete is eating Marion out. I grab the camera and takes some pictures of their actions. Charlotte and me leave the two to their pleasures and go to the lab. I do some proof prints and yes there are some really interesting pictures on it.

I do some enlargements of me and Marion in the whirlpool and a few of the girls as they lay in the grass. I make a copy of the one with the girls sitting in the grass with their crotches well displayed.

- Can you not make a bigger picture of this one?
- I guess we can if there is some bigger paper around.

I search the drawers and find some poster size paper. I make an enlargement at poster paper and we find a suitable frame to put it in. As soon as the picture has dried I mount it in the frame and we bring it up to the bedroom. I take a painting down from the wall and hangs the photo up.

- I hope the other two will like this, I say.
- I do not think you have to worry about that.

We get back out to the other and they look through the pictures. Both are very happy with the pictures and Marion especially like the one of her and me in the pool. We get back to sun bathing for a while and then Marion and Charlotte decides to go for a swim.

Me and Margrete decide to go for a walk. We walk trough this fantastic park with all its flowers. It is absolutely beautiful.

- I have never seen anything like this, she says
- Neither have I, it is just fantastic.

As we come up to some trees we see a small open house behind them. We walk up to it and find a lust house. Inside there is a huge mattress.

- Hmm, do you want to try this out, Margrete asks.
- Why not, come on.

We get up on the mattress and lay down. We start to kiss and she runs her hand over my friend. I have a hand on her breast teasing her nipple.
She move her hand up over my stomach and up to my nipples. She pulls gently on them and take one in her mouth.
We start to play follow me repeating each others moves and actions. I put my hand over her pussy and rub a finger over her slit and clitoris, she gives my friend a few pulls.
She give my friend a kiss and I lick her behind up over her slit to her clitoris.
I move up to her face and give her a kiss as I enter two fingers in to her. She grabs my friend and stoke up and down.
I move on top of her and she guides me in to her pussy. As I move in she push back hard. We are both gasping for air.
I pick up speed and she start having an orgasm. Her inner muscles massages my friend and I have to fight to keep him under control.
As she comes out of her orgasm I start to move again. Long slow strides deep in to her. She rolls us over and start riding me. Faster and faster she moves up and down.
She bend back and rest her arms on my legs stretching her chest and breasts.
As she start her second orgasm and her pussy clench on to my friend I can not hold back. I burry my self as deep as I can and pump my juices in to her womb.
She falls forward over me panting for air still shaking from the orgasm.
We lay like this for ten minutes until my friend slip out of her. She rolls of me and give me a kiss.

- Thank you, that was wonderful. I say.
- Yes it was.
We get up and get back to the house. We find the Marion in the garden eating sandwiches.

- You two lovebirds want something to eat, Marion asks
- That would be lovely, Margrete replies.
- We have found a lust house up there by the trees. It is equipped with a big mattress which we of course had to try out. I say
- So where is Charlotte?
- She is on the phone with the woman who lives here. It seems that she is coming back early.
- Oh, does that mean we have to cut this thing short then?
- I do not know, we will have to wait and see when Charlotte comes back.

We sit down and have a few sandwiches waiting for Charlotte to come back. We wait for half an hour and decides to go for a swim. Forty five minutes and still no Charlotte. An hour and she finally shows up.

- Her is the deal, my friend had to cut her trip short and will arrive late tonight. As I know her very well I have told her about the pool tournament and what we have been up to. She has a wicked smile on her lips.
- What is going on, I ask
- You will see, She said we can stay providing we let her in on the fun.
- What? As if I do not have enough with you three?
- That is her conditions. By the way, you do know her.
- I know the person owning this place?
- Yes I think you will have a small surprise when you see who she is and I am not allowed to tell her name. We got a couple of ours before she arrives, lets enjoy them!

All three throw them self over me pushing me down. Marion straddles my face and as I start to eat her out I feel two hands on my friend.
The hands are soon replaced by a warm and wet pussy and it start to move up and down.
I stick my tongue as deep as I can into Marion and flicks it over her clitoris. I give her rear entrance a couple of flicks before returning to her pussy. I can feel the pussy on my friend coming. It moves away and is immediately replaced by an other.
Margrete is pushing a finger in to Marion‘s bum as I am eating her pussy.
One of my hands is fondling Margrete‘s crotch. I put two fingers in to her pussy and start to move them in and out.
Charlotte who is riding my friend is coming hard. As she moves away from me she tell Marion I am available.
Marion start to move down, Margrete‘s finger still deep in her bum and slides on to my friend slowly. She start to ride him and has soon picked up speed.
Margrete has started to come as I have moved a finger from her pussy to her bum. I am pushing them in and out hard.
My hand gets pulled away from Margrete and is replaced by Charlotte who start to eat Margrete out.
Charlotte brings my hand to her crotch and I start to play with her both entrances and her clitoris.
I can feel my self building up and as Marion start to come I do to. My fingers buried deep in Charlotte and my friend deep inside Marion.
I am totally wasted. The girls is laying by my sides and are just breathing. We have been on to it for an hour and a half. I am being brought to a bed room and fall in to the bed. The girls see the picture we put up and just loves it.

- That is mine, Margrete says
- No it is mine, Marion cries.
- Do not worry I can always make more copies. Now can I please have some rest?
- Ok, but we can not leave you alone. Marion why do you not stay here and take care of any need he has?
- Ok.

Margrete and Charlotte leave us and Marion lays down at my side. One hand on my chest and one leg over my thighs. Like this I slowly drift in to a nice sleep. I wake up as a hand is slowly pumping my friend. It is absolutely pitch black in the room.

- Marion?
- Mmm
- We should get down as the woman who lives here should be back by now.

The hand on my friend starts to move faster and I am getting a kiss. I feel her legs move over me and she guides my friend in to a very wet and willing pussy. Before she enter him in to her she rubs him a couple of times over her pussy.
She puts just the head in sliding on it a couple of times and then start to enter more and more of him until he is fully buried. I am moving back on her and as she comes for the first time I need all my concentration to hold back. She falls forward and give me a kiss.
I am still rock hard in her and she start to move her hips again. She sits up and slips of him. She start to sit down again, this time trying to get my friend in to her rear. It is very tight.
My head pops in, -Aaiiee she cries, and she start to move up and down forcing more and more of my friend in.
My hands are occupied massaging her breasts. The hold on my friend by her bum and the muscles massaging him is getting to be to much.
I tell her I am coming any time which makes her move faster and harder.
She gasps for air and start to come. My friend stand no chance and start to fill her bum up. As she comes out of her orgasm she falls on to my chest and slip away from my friend.
She lay there just breathing hard and puts a hand on my friend. She give me a kiss and say.

- Thank you my love.

I do not recognize the voice. Oh it is the owner I think. She does not move away and as my friend has started to move again she moves on to him and enter him in to her pussy. She start to move her hips again.

- Who are you? I ask
- Later, just let me enjoy this as much as I believe you enjoy it.
- Mmm that is true.
- Deeper, deeper. Move in deeper.
- If you want him deeper I have to be behind you
- Yes please, she say and move away from my friend getting on to all four.

I move up behind her and enter my friend pushing him as deep as he will go. I can feel the end of her love canal pressing against my friends head.

-Uhnngh she moans

I move in and out hard and fast. She is shaking in her whole body. She falls forward unable to support her self on the arms any more. I can feel the tension building in her body as her muscles get more and more violent with my friend.
She start to orgasm and I can not hold back. I push my friend deep in to her womb and start to come. I am laying on her back and start to draw my friend back.

- No you leave it where it is.

As I drop my full weight on her back she says

- You are to heavy.

I roll of her back and she moves on top of me.

- I want to fall a sleep with you inside me, is that ok?
- Go on

She move down on me and guides my friend in to her warmth. She lay on to my chest and give me a kiss. My friend is still hard and before we fall in to sleep I move him in and out a few times making her moan.
"You should always look on the bright side of life, always look on the bright side of life"
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