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Old 08-17-2002, 11:25 AM
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Ok, in an effort to tie the two topics of ghosts and sex together... hmmm... if you lay a ghost, do you need a condom? Or would a plastic sheet on the carpet or walls suffice?

Do I believe? Sure... based on arguments of a somewhat opposite nature of thun....

a - ghosts and religion in theory actually do go hand in hand, since ghosts are souls that are lost between heaven and hell, with some form of business they need finished before finding their right way.

b - the requirement of physical anatomy to have senses is only based on the presumption that they are the *only* way to perceive things. Ghosts are an existance in the form of an electrical force. Sharks sense electrical forces emitted from metal objects, which makes them think it's food... who knows how they sense it. It isn't due to smell, sight, taste, etc.

c - I definitely agree with thun on the Christian thing... without going into details LOL

d - along the same lines as "b", we can only assume memory to vanish if we believe that the physical body is the only possible way to have memory. And define exactly what memories are... scientists still don't have a solid fact on exactly what stores the memory. We only know that it's an electrical "image"....

It should be an open mind when comparing the science of paranomolies and actual physics as we know them. After all... physics are just that - what we know them to be as of right now. In the very early 1900's, it was also said that everything had been invented, so they petitioned to close down the patent office. They said it was impossible for anything better to be invented.....

"Imagine what we could do... if we could only imagine" - author unknown


::ff to teleport over Jennaflower's way::::
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Old 08-17-2002, 01:45 PM
Mr. 3G Mr. 3G is offline
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thun, it was a trick thread based on that link but seeingas how you missed it and the thread has deteriorated into a serious theological thread I can only say....MAN! ARE YOU IN FOR A SHOCK WHEN YOU CROAK...

I'm curious how / why you feel so strongly that our pithy little existence here is the ONLY existence. What possible condition could shut your mind so tight against simple reality.
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Old 08-18-2002, 02:17 AM
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heh, i really don't think this is our only existence, rather that what will happen next has nothing to do with any of our doctrines, since none of them is based on real fact but rather on hope.
i live because i love living, and i'm not going to throw that away, just because i know that it will eventually be over. Like a good movie. Do you get up and leave in the middle or wait 'till the end?

on another previous comment, in order to see you need eyes. Anything else woul not provide you with the same perception of reality , but with another perception. We only see ''photons''. not the huge amount of random and chaotic energy that surrounds us. A ghost seeing energy would be at least confused by the amount of vision-altering energy sources. [i am refering to the power lines, tv-s , computer, and all the 'gizmos' we use]. It's like billions of high power lights in your eyes when you try to see something...

PS: besides, i am immortal . Why? because i DO believe in reincarnation and because the time elapsed between my death and my rebirth will fly like a split second [not being able to feel time], i can only assume, that i will always be alive in some form or another. I just hope i'm no spider... i HATE spiders.

PS: since neither of us has proofs, rather suppositions, it is best to assume the worse, and then anything that happens will be far better than our expectations.

Now really speaking, would you rather be a ghost, able just to look at your ... say wife/husband get married again, and all that, or going mad in pain, or just simply wake up in a new body?

Besides, although there are some memories i would LOVE to keep, it would just be tooooooooooooo painful for me to remember the ones i love.

JEEEEZ this is getting too serious. Somebody 69 with me before i say anything else on the phylosophycal issue...

Originally posted by Mr. 3G
thun, it was a trick thread based on that link but seeingas how you missed it and the thread has deteriorated into a serious theological thread I can only say....MAN! ARE YOU IN FOR A SHOCK WHEN YOU CROAK...

I'm curious how / why you feel so strongly that our pithy little existence here is the ONLY existence. What possible condition could shut your mind so tight against simple reality.
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Old 08-18-2002, 02:35 AM
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Okay, you got me....I'll admit it...I am sitting in my house in the middle of the boonies, all alone at 3 in the morning and was looking my ass off for a pretty little woman sitting at a table.....and BOOM! I scream and wake up the baby and I think I'm having a stroke right now....thank you very much.:whiteghos
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Old 08-18-2002, 02:47 AM
Mr. 3G Mr. 3G is offline
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I'll leave you alone to argue with yourself which is all you're doing. You've contradicted yourself on every point except #8 which I agree 110% with you on.

i really don't believe in ghosts. The deffinition of ghost is an absurity in itself, a physical imposibility.

2] ghosts and religion cannot be both true at the same time.
(how do you figure that? )

3] in order to see/hear/smell/talk, a ghost would need eyes/ears/nose/mouth+lungs+vocal cords. Having neither, it is the invisible equivalent of a vegetable.
(so a CCD can't "see" because it has no eyes? ...Nobody as BLIND as some one with closed eyes and mind)

4] i do not believe in religion either. .... entire christian doctrine is based on false assumptions.
(what about all the other ones? They're ALL wrong and you're right.)

5] ghosts are supposed to be the souls of the dead, BUT, when someone dies, his/her memory is VANISHED
(i really don't think this is our only existence) (besides, i am immortal)

6] a 'form of energy' shoul be extremly powerfull, and would be struck down at the first lightning in a 20 mile area.
(geez I never thought of that. Have you worked out how many joules it would take to attract a bolt of lightening...or a ghost for that matter?)

7] 'santa claus' EXISTS

8] i can safely say i am nuts. and i love it.
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Old 08-18-2002, 03:54 AM
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Originally posted by Mr. 3G
I agree 110% with you

nice to cut out just what you want , don't you think?


3] can a blind man see? what makes you think he will be able to when he is a ghost? why would ghosts NEED to see? Hear? you need a 'receiver' able to isolate frequencyes between 50 and 50000 Hz. Without a proper ear, you would hear either nothing or everything, and with the amount of radio noise, that would be a real bitch.

4] every one of them has another theory on how the world was formed. This means if ONE is correct, all the others are NOT.
AND, all of them were created by humans, in order to explain things that they could not at that time, and to give them a sence (!) of security [self-awareness is a bitch, means to be aware of your own death]. I have looked in 4 religions (christianism, buddhism, 'allah-ism' and mythology, and have found some amazingly stupid fundaments in all of them.
just for the 'god' thing :
-god created the world in 6 days. i would say 5 billion years
-you shall not kill. well, since god created _everything_ this also means you shall not kill that cow / pig you ate the meat of. Who are you to decide that hundreds of animals -creation of god mid you- will be sacriiced to support one single HUMAN life ?
((really not necesary to continue... i gues you see my poin if you are that open-minded))

5] just said my life will go on, not the essence of me [ego & memories & stuff]. Based on the simple fact that the life-force cannot just vanish, it will be in 'stasis' untill it will be able to connect to another form of matter.

6] the exact amount of joules that would remotely lift a plate with pizza from the table and ditch it in your head.

7] do read the whole paragraph....

8] if billions of people think they are so important in this HUUGE universe that someone with the powers of a god would care that they had a fight in the 9th grade or that they draw the cross from left to right or the other way arroud, and i choose not to, i have to be nuts. don't i? i would hate living with a billion nuts on a planet.

PS: the proof of time prevents me to believe these things. and if i'm wrong, who the heck will care?
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Old 08-18-2002, 08:38 AM
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Originally posted by thun

Based on the simple fact that the life-force cannot just vanish, it will be in 'stasis' untill it will be able to connect to another form of matter.

Sounds like a good definition of a ghost to me... hehe But I digress...

And could someone get back to me on which would work better, the condom or the plastic sheet? LOL

~~The details are the jungle in which the Devil hides... the only salvation lies in structure~~
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Old 08-18-2002, 09:21 AM
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Munk... my guess would be a condom The glow in the dark variety. LOL
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Old 08-18-2002, 09:46 AM
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LMAO Jenna - I can't figure out what makes me laugh more... the mental image of a semi-litup penis seemingly floating through a pitch black room....

or that being the next item in the scavenger hunt on the couples thread LOL

~~The details are the jungle in which the Devil hides... the only salvation lies in structure~~
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Old 08-18-2002, 05:40 PM
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LMAO Mr.3G..........................Cant wait to send it out to some friends of mine.

It's not in my interests to believe in Ghosts. Hell I got hard enough time with the Living.
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Old 08-19-2002, 01:14 PM
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To cut back to the serious stuff for a moment here guys. The two of you are getting so hung up on all the nitty gritty details.

I'm not going to go through each point in turn, but you both seem to be thinking in straight lines rather than wide circles.

For example, why the hell would a ghost need to see and hear and smell, anyway? All these things are the tools we use to perceive reality, but what if once you've crossed over you do not need to perceive anymore because you just KNOW. If you are some kind of ethereal being, your ability to tell whether your toast is burning is really not gonna be an issue of every day life.

I think Thun's probably kicking back against a very rigid view of religion and the metaphysical, which is possibly built on a fear mentality. I've been wrong before, and i know he won't admit it anyway but I sense a little resentment here . . .

On a lighter note, why on earth would you use any kind of contraception with a ghost anyway. That stuff's not sperm, it's ectoplasm!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-19-2002, 03:57 PM
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First off, that scared the crap out of me.
What do ghosts think they're trying to prove? There was a special on TV about a house in France built on a World War I battleground that reported paranormal activity.
Ghost of a soldier: "How dare you build your home where my brothers lived and died in bloody, mud soaked trenches! How could you!? I'm so mad!! I'll make you sorry!!"
*moves a teacup two inches*
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Old 08-19-2002, 04:10 PM
Mr. 3G Mr. 3G is offline
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DildoDiva, my apologies. Like I said, some sick f*** sent it to me (and I lost my wife last year) and I couldn't help myself. As the song sez, I dun a baaad baaad thing. I hope it was only a minor stroke. Pass it on. It's cathartic.

AK's, I'm being sacrsactic whereas my distinguished opponent has figured things out down to the exact megaherz and kilo-joules of a "ghost" hence proving that there aren't any ... or there are ... I'm as unsure of what he's trying to state as he is.:whiteghos
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Old 08-19-2002, 05:00 PM
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A.K.'s SexPot - Ummm.... that was brought about in humor... you know, to try and lighten things up... my apologies

Now off to places that arent so damn cynical!!! (sp)

Nice meeting everyone here... it's been fun

~~The details are the jungle in which the Devil hides... the only salvation lies in structure~~
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Old 08-19-2002, 05:35 PM
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ectoplasm.. ROFLMAO... now that is funny
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