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Old 02-13-2004, 01:43 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Shaking from the strain of holding herself away from the sink, Jan folded her arms under her breasts and collapsed against it. Her pussy was throbbing from the battering it had taken, but that didn't stop it from clenching her son's cock one more time as a tremor from the aftershock of her last orgasm rippled through her.

She was shocked by the ferocity of their fucking and how much she'd enjoyed it. Jesus! What was she turning into here? Janice had never cum this way with Jack. Their lovemaking had always been heated, but never the kind that "made the earth" move. This... This had gone far beyond anything she had ever imagined possible.

"Mark... "

Still buried balls deep in her pussy, Jan could hear her son's breathing begin to slow as his body calmed. She wanted to tell him how wonderful it was. She wanted to apologize. She wanted to fuck him again and again. She wanted to tell him that it was all her fault. That she didn't mean for things to get this complicated, this out of control. She wanted to tell him how much she...

Janice moaned softly as Mark let his cock slowly slip out of her, acutely aware of the void he left when she heard the wet slurp following their separation. She hurt everywhere -- inside and out. The tender skin around the entrance to her vagina burned as though it was on fire. It felt wide open, as if its walls would never return to where they belonged. Deeper, there was a dull throbbing where he had battered her cervix with the head of his cock.

Mark's hands slipped from her waist as he took step back without saying a word. Not knowing what to expect, Jan pushed herself upright and turned around to face her son, his seed dripping down her inner thighs. She had to see his face, look into his eyes. She had to know if they had gone too far. She had to know if...
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Old 02-15-2004, 07:13 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Mark is not sure how long they stay there. His mother leaning against the sink with him leaning against her, his still half-hard cock deepily entrenched inside her.

But then the bliss he is feeling evaporates as the realisation of what he has done hits him. Suddenly feeling numb, he pulls himself away and out of his mother, causing her to moan as his still half-hard erection slides out with a wet slurp.

Stumbling backwards, he waits as he watches his mother slowly turns round to face him. Waiting for her to bawl him out for what he has done, or to tell him to go to his room. But as their eyes meet, she says nothing, the look he gets from her instead suddenly fills him with the urge, the need to take her into his arms and hug her. Never has he seen her looking so lovely, so vulnerable.

"Mom...?" He sobs, completely overwhelmed with strange new feelings...
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Old 02-16-2004, 12:05 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Unable to interpret the look on Mark's face, Janice took a hesitant step forward. Suddenly they were in each other's arms. Her head barely reaching the middle of her son's chest, she kissed him there while he clung to her. "It's okay... It's... "

Trembling, he buried his face in her hair but she couldn't tell if he was crying. God, how she hoped she hadn't made him cry. Pulling away so that she could be certain, what Janice saw wrenched her heart. Tears were streaming down her boy's face. What had she done? Sweet heavens above, what had she done? And would she ever be able to make it right again?

"Oh, my dearest Mark," she began slowly. "I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me. Please. I didn't mean... " Janice wrapped her arms back around her firstborn, the one who had been commanded by the government to become the father of their child.

What they had done to him was so, so wrong. What she had allowed to be done. How she thought she had felt no longer mattered and Janice didn't care what anyone else said either. She would pay the consequences, no matter what they were. Her son's happiness was all that mattered. It had to stop. It had to stop!

Tilting her head up to tell him what she had decided, she was astounded when he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his own. "Oh... mom."

What should she do? What could she do? Unable to stop herself, Janice Fleming returned her son's kiss.
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Old 02-16-2004, 06:20 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Oh, my dearest Mark. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me. Please. I didn't mean... "

As soon as he feels her naked body press into his, the boy loses control. Seeing her lifting her head up to him, he finds himself suddenly kissing her. His mind, on overload at the new sensations. He knows it is wrong but it feels so good as he feels the textures of her soft body, the taste of her mouth.

And then he feels her responding, her full lips rotating on his, a pair of arms sliding around his neck as he feels her press even harder against him, causing his groin to lurch lustily.

"Mmmmmm." He tries to speak but cannot and all he does is open his mouth to admit a searching tongue.

Gently, lovingly, passionately, the naked mother and son continue to kiss as they stand in the centre of the bathroom...
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Old 02-16-2004, 08:48 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Their kisses, soft and tender, seemed to last an eternity, but time was running short for the twosome and there were things that needed doing. Janice had other responsibilities to tend to -- the twins and her husband, Jack -- not to mention their household.

It took great effort to come back to her reality, but Jan finally and reluctantly, stepped back and away from her son's arms. Looking up at him, she was blown away by the look in his eyes. Was it what she thought or a reflection of what was in her own? Janice didn't know, but she knew they would have to talk. Sit down and really talk. Things had changed between the two of them, whether she liked it or not. Things that could feasibly change the rest of their lives.

"Mark, I know you want... " Jan looked down at his swollen appendage. "So do I, sweetie. So very much. But I have things to do to make our time together go more smoothly. Groceries are a high priority right now. Tell you what. Shower up quick while I go do the same and I'll meet you downstairs in fifteen minutes. You can go with me -- it'll give us some regular time together and maybe take our minds off "other things", too."

She kissed him softly before gathering up her clothing and heading for her own bedroom and bath. Jan had never expected things to go this way -- not in a million years. She was still uncertain how to deal with the repercussions that were certain to come, but deal with it she must. They must. They all must. How in the world was she going to explain any of this to Jack?
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Old 02-19-2004, 06:47 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Mark watches his mother go, her wide hips swaying seductively as she leaves the room.

His mind is a conflict of emotions. On the way he had just had sex with her, the way she kissed him afterwards and most of all, the way she looked at him. As if she was staring into his very soul.

He then remembers that she wants him downstairs. Feeling sticky, the boy has another quick shower. By the time he heads towards his own bedroom with only a towel covering his groin, his substantial hard-on has dwindled.

Five minutes later, he arrives downstairs dressed in jeans and a t-shirt to find her sitting in the kitchen, reading the paper while drinking some tea...
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Old 02-27-2004, 02:17 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Jan had never been one to keep her feelings or thoughts from her husband, Jack, but she also wasn't sure if he would care to hear or know what was going on in her mind and with her body lately. Oddly, she was feeling a bit as though it wasn't any of his business. The fact remained, however, that she needed to talk. To Mark, certainly. Eventually. But also to someone who might possibly understand.

In light of what had been evolving between herself and her son, Janice wondered how others were faring -- if any of the other women involved in this bid to repopulate the world had found themselves reacting the way she had. None of her immediate friends had been placed in this predicament. Well, only one -- Devi Patel. And her younger brother, Sunil.

Jan had decided to phone her friend and arrange to meet for a long heart-to-heart. If there was anyone she could trust with a conversation like she needed to have, it was Devi. She was always open and honest, maybe a little too open and honest sometimes, but that was Devi, and one of the things that so endeared her to the younger woman. Not to mention that Devi's attitude made it easier for others to open up as well.

Just as Devi was Janice's best friend, her brother was Mark's. As far as she knew, the boys had not seen each other since any of this started. They had never been apart more than a day or so throughout their lives. Maybe it would be good for them to talk to each other as well.

Jan looked up as Mark walked into the kitchen. "I still have to go shopping, but I've thought about a few things while I was waiting for you to come down. When was the last time you saw Sunil? I know I asked you that the other day, but don't you miss seeing your friend?"

"He's been busy, mom. I haven't been to school at all since... "

"That's another thing. Tomorrow you go back to school. No ifs, ands or buts. But today... I'm not going to drag you shopping with me. You never did like it in the first place. Instead, I suggest you pick up the phone and go visit your friend. Me, I'm going to see Devi tomorrow afternoon. We both need to try to get back into our regular routines. Agreed?"
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Old 02-29-2004, 04:57 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"We both need to try to get back into our regular routines. Agreed?"

"Okay, mom." Mark nods. He isn't going to argue, not even over school even if he isn't a great fan of it.

"Good." She says getting up from the table to go to the sink where she rinses out the cup.

"Okay, I'd better get going if I want to catch that special offer at Walmart."

He suddenly finds his heart starting to hammer inside his chest as he sees his mother approach him. At the last minute, she stops.

"Erm...I'll catch you later." She smiles at him. "Remember to phone Sunil." She shouts over her shoulder as she heads out.

Alone, Mark stands for an indeterminate amount of time before his eyes fall on the phone.

"I'd better phone him." He sighs to himself as he goes over and takes the phone of its cradle.

Punching in the number, he waits patiently as he listens to the clicks it dials. After a few short rings, the phone is picked up.

"Hello!" It is Aunt Devi.

"Hello, Aunt Devi." He says.

"Mark! How are you, sweetheart. And how's your mother?"

"Erm...She's okay thanks. Is Sunil in?" He says abruptly, not really wanting to talk about his mom.

"Sure, honey. He's right here." There is a sound of fumbling and then he hears Sunil's voice. "Hello, man. How's things?"

"Okay." Mark answers. "I wonder if you fancy going out tonight. Hit that new place at the Mall you have been on about?"

"Ahhh! Shitttt!" He hears Sunil gasps out. What's going on over there? "S-sure. But not tonight. Kinda - Jeezus, Devi...busy tonight, you know what I mean?"

Mark feels his heart starting to pump faster as he realises that Devi is doing something to Sunil, while he is on the phone.

"A-am free tomorrow. Oohhh Jeez..." There is more fumbling and he hears Aunt Devi's voice again. "I'm sorry, Mark but Sunil's kind of busy at the moment. Ohhhh. H-he says that he will be able to see you tomorrow. He's going back to school a-nnyhooooo....Oh God, Sunil. C'mere..."

And the phone goes dead.

It takes the boy long minutes to hang up the phone, his mind going over the realisation what Sunil and Devi were doing while on the phone to him...
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Old 03-25-2004, 09:27 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Shopping finished, Janice returned home to put the groceries away and start dinner while the twins did their homework. Despite the injunction by the government that she and others had been mandated to obey, Jan had decided to forgo her "session" with Mark this evening. She and Jack had barely had a moment alone since this whole thing had come down on them and she had a lot of things to work out -- and if that wasn't the understatement of the millenium, she didn't know what was.

Jack reminded her over coffee later that evening that he would be over the road for a couple of days, something she had put completely out of her mind. It wouldn't be fair of her to ask him to try to take a short haul, but she considered it more than once as the evening progressed. Jan just didn't trust her instincts right now. Maybe a talk with Devi would put her fears at rest. Yes, that's what she would do. Tomorrow. Definitely.

That decided, she put the twins to bed and hoped to find the words she needed to tell Jack how she felt. Talk to him about the strange feelings she was having. How she thought she had finally lost her mind and her about her fear that she was doing more harm to Mark than good. Walking into the living room, Janice called her husband's name, only to have him snore in reply. Maybe it was for the best. He didn't need to be worrying about this when he should be concentrating on his driving.

"So much for plans," Janice whispered as she kissed her husband's balding pate and gently slipped the newspaper he was still holding out of his hands. She'd been trying desperately to put the sexual aspect of her sessions with Mark out of her mind, had truly hoped that Jack would give her that respite she needed just now.

Mark had hovered about uncertainly for a while, but she had finally sent him up to his own bed with a gentle kiss and a "Go rest... School in the morning." Truth be told, Jan planned to skip the morning session as well -- at least until she had a talk with her friend.
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Old 03-29-2004, 01:27 AM
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Devi Patel

"Are you sure you want to go to work, Raji? You look exhausted," Devi purred into her husband's ear as she pressed her body against him seductively.

"Yes, Devi. I am quite sure. And no... Don't start grabbing at me," he chuckled as he pried her greedy fingers from his weary lund. "Air kisses. See you after work. Maybe you can find time to do some laundry with Sunil in school today and you left on your own."

"Pah. I'm doing this for us. For our country. For... "

"For your cunt-ree," Raji said and made a quick grab at his insatiable wife before hurrying out the door. "See you around seven."

Devi closed the door and leaned against it figuring out how many hours it would be til Sunil came home. She giggled. Yes, she was bad, but it was so, so good. Well at least she'd have Jan's company to help pass the time. Besides, she was dying to hear the details, the memory of the size of Mark's cock suddenly making her soaking wet.

"Why isn't there ever anyone around when I need... " The sound of the telephone stopped her in mid-whine. How ever was she going to make it through the day?
Glistening moonlight caresses the dewed silk petals of a luscious blood red rose, yearning to be experienced, her sweet lusty fragrance uninhibited and irresistible. ~Donovan~
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Old 03-29-2004, 05:49 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Breakfast dishes done and everyone off to either school or work, Janice dressed and let herself out of the house and walked the two blocks to her friend's. She really wasn't sure where she would begin to explain to Devi, but she was this was something she needed to do -- even if it was just to say out loud the things she had been trying to avoid.

"Knock, knock!" Jan called out as she opened the door. "I'm here, Devi. I hope the coffee's on."

"It is. Be right down!" Devi called from upstairs. "Pour us a cup, will you?"

Janice walked into the kitchen and took two mugs from the cupboard, pouring them brimful and setting them on the table. She looked around while she waited, this room as well as the living room had an unkempt look about it. This was so not Devi, Jan thought, wondering if she was having as much of a problem as she herself, but that thought was quickly dispelled by the younger woman's ebullient entrance.

"There you are!" Devi sashayed into the room, her dark hair shining, though still damp from her recent shower, and her café au lait colored skin appearing to glow as if the sparkle in her eyes reflected off it. "It's so good to see you! It seems like ages! Now tell me what this is all about? You sounded fairly upset yesterday."

Jan returned the generous hug and the two women sat down on opposite sides of the table. Taking a sip of her coffee, Jan looked at Devi and smiled. She just seemed to be overflowing.

"So tell me... How are things going with you? You know... " Janice asked tentatively.

Devi sat up and leaned her elbows on the table as she began to talk. "At first I thought Raji was going to be jealous, you know? You know how he is." She grinned and winked conspiratorially while Jan merely nodded, her hopes of getting anything remotely helpful from her friend fading quickly.

"Janice. The sex has been fantastic! I never imagined having two men at once. Just thinking about it has got me all randy again." Devi's wiggle emphasized her enthusiasm. "Has Jack joined you and Mark yet?"

"Umm... " She didn't know what to say or how to respond. Jan had truly hoped to find someone to commiserate with, but it seemed that was not going to be the case.

Devi blinked and had the sensibility to blush, realizing her gaffe. "Oh, Jan. I am sorry. It's not that way for you, is it? Tell me. Let me help."

Unsure where to begin, Jan explained how it had started badly but how her reaction to the whole ordeal had changed. She told Devi how she worried about Mark's mental well-being as well as her own. How she thought she had totally lost it and how their relations had changed to something... more.

"Janice," the young Indian woman began. "I know you aren't like me, but I know you like sex." She giggled. "Is it that hard to just enjoy it? Sunil is... yummy doesn't describe it."

"Devi... "

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. How does Jack feel about this? How does Mark??"

Jan looked up at Devi. "Jack doesn't know what's been going on really. Mark? I haven't the faintest idea. He probably thinks I am some sort of degenerate."

"You're not a newlywed, Janice. Can't you tell whether he likes it or not? Sunil is like a wild man. He can't get enough now he has had his first taste." Devi put her hand on Jan's arm and sighed. Despite how she herself felt, she knew that this was beyond disturbing to her friend, and that bothered her. "Look, Jan. You are going to have to talk to Jack and somehow talk to Mark. If you are this disturbed, then that is the only thing to do. What if you took Mark and went up to the cabin for a couple of days? Maybe being alone without anyone else around will help the two of you work things out."

"Maybe. Maybe... " She wasn't sure, but Devi had definitely planted a seed of thought in her mind. If she wasn't pregnant when she went for her check-up that's what she would do. Yes. It couldn't damage things any more than they already were.
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Old 04-04-2004, 05:01 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Mark? Mark! Are you listening to a word I am say?"

Looking up, Mark sees Mrs Smyter standing directly in front of him. He had been lost in thought again.

"Sorry, ma'am." He says politely, his face blushing. Mrs Smyter gives him a sympathetic smile.

"I know my lessons can be a little boring, dear but please try and pay attention."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."

Try as he might, he finds he cannot get his mother out of his head. He still cannot believe what they have been doing or the strange feelings he gets when he thinks of her. And looking at the girls do not help. A smile or a certain look immediately reminds him of his mother. Even the look of Mrs Smyter's face.

Making a concentrated effort, Mark manages to get through the rest of the morning without further mishap. Finally it's lunchtime and he goes in search for his friend, Sunil.

"Have you seen Sunil anywhere?" He asks a boy.

"Nah. "

"I have." Answers another. "I saw him with Sharon McDouglas a few minutes ago. 'Round by the science block."

"Thanks." And Mark heads off. He had only seen his friend once that day and he wanted to talk about what they have been doing. He wonders how Sunil is coping with it.

On reaching the science block though, Mark finds that Sunil isn't there. Venturing further, he decides to go round behind it.

*Giggle* "Sunil. What's got into you?"

Mark stops and listens to the voices coming round the corner.

"It's okay, Sharon. I just wanted up to spend some time together."

Sunil's voice!

"Ohhh. It's how you want to spend time with me. Oh God!"

Unable to resist, Mark pokes his head around the corner and sees Sunil and Sharon in a passionate kiss. Surprised, he pulls back.

He can't believe it! Sunil and Sharon McDouglas? She has always told him to rack off before.

"Ohhhh, Sunil You are so hard. But we shouldn't be doing this here. What if someone sees?"

"Shhh! Just go with the flow."

The realisation at what they could be doing makes his own cock throb and with his defences weakened, imagines of his naked mother flood his mind.

Suddenly wishing to be alone, he heads out of school...
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Old 04-07-2004, 07:35 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

The next few days passed in a flurry. Jack was out of town and Janice was basically on her own for the first time since this whole thing had started. She and Mark had resumed their sessions, but not twice daily and they were subdued -- merely serving their original purpose. Unpassionate procreation.

This was how it was meant to be, she reminded herself. Just an act. Nothing personal. Even so, there was an intangible sense of loss that she just couldn't get a grip on. That and an elusive desire for something more.

Janice busied herself during the day and spent extra time with the little ones in the hope that at last things were finally levelling off to a place a little more normal than they had been for the last little while. She had phoned Devi a couple of times only to get the answer machine. Somehow that made her feel even sadder and increased the mysterious longing that kept nagging at her.

She'd hoped beyond hope that she would have a positive test result when she went for her check up, but that was not to be either. It certainly didn't help her growing downward spiral into depression. Jan knew she was going to have to take her friend's advice and finally sit down with Mark and talk heart-to-heart. Jack would be home tomorrow and she'd discuss it with him then, at the same time loathing the thought of having to tell him that she wasn't pregnant yet.
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Old 04-09-2004, 04:56 AM
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Devi & Raji Patel

Devi squealed with delight as her husband buried his head between her legs. Sunil was finishing up a report for school, so Raji was taking advantage of some alone time with his wife. Not that he minded. He loved watching his wife and brother-in-law getting it on. Sometimes she sucked him off at the same time, sometimes he fucked her up the ass while her brother shot his load into her choot. Who would have ever thought?

"Lick me, Raji. Put your fingers in me!"

Raji looked across his wife's belly, past her mountainous breasts, and into her lustfilled eyes. "Maybe something else," he growled as he raised his body and guided his engorged cock toward her slick entrance. Now that Devi was pregnant there were no prohibitions against their having proper sex, though truth be told, he quite liked their previous arrangements.

"Ooh, Raji! Yess!!" She screamed out as he pulled her legs over his shoulders and rammed into her. Devi had always had a high sex drive, but lately... In a way she felt sorry for Janice, but she guessed maybe she was just lucky to have two men to please her in every way imaginable.

Slipping her hand down her belly, Devi began to rub her clit as both she and her husband watched his glistening cock piston in and out of her cunt. She hoped Sunil would hurry, she needed something in her mouth.
Glistening moonlight caresses the dewed silk petals of a luscious blood red rose, yearning to be experienced, her sweet lusty fragrance uninhibited and irresistible. ~Donovan~
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Old 05-03-2004, 06:07 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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It is almost midnight before Jack enters the front door of his home.

Home! He thinks to himself as he hooks up his coat. It doesn't seem much like that, lately.

In fact, he could have been home hours earlier but he had taken the 'scenic' route, stopping at a bar on the way. But even that does not delay him indefinitely and now, standing in the hallway, he looks up towards the bedroom and briefly wonders if the two of them are together right at this very moment. He quickly dismisses it as he knows that tomorrow is a school day and Janice wouldn't want him to stay up late. Still, the fact that he has been in their bed with her causes his stomach to churn.

He had tried to fight it, to tell himself that they are doing it because they have been told to, that it is for the good of their country. But he has noticed how Mark has changed. Before all this, the two of them have been close - buddies. Now, it is as if the boy resents him. And his wife is no different. She has been so distant. It is as if he is no longer part of the family.

Immediately, he tries to dismiss the notion. Telling himself not to be so daft and that Janice still loves him, that everything will be okay after this is all over.

However, the doubt remains.

Moving as quietly as he can, he heads for the stairs. Only to stop as he notices a light in the living room.

Janice must have forgotten to turn it off.

Entering the room, he finds his wife sitting in his favourite armchair as she looks at the burning open fire.

"I see you finally decided to come home." She says to him without looking up.

It is then he notices the way she is dressed and that on the coffee table is a bottle of wine in a small bucket. Next to it, two wine glasses - one empty...
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