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Old 04-22-2004, 05:08 PM
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Jessy19 Jessy19 is offline
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Abandoned (mom/son)

Ok this is my first ever mom/son story as most you know I usually write bro/sis stuff so I hope this one doesn't sound too fake *s* The first 2 chapters will be very slow but then it will get better at least I hope it does.

Chapter 01

Jake Morgan had everything an 18-year-old young man would like to have. He had two great parents, a nice car, and excellent grades. There was always one thing lacking from his life that he wanted to be sure and find; his biological mother.

Jake knew from the age of 10 that he'd been abandoned. His parents, Sara and Tom Morgan, knew who his mother was and had told him everything they could about her. Her name was Lucinda Grant and she was only 17 when she had him. Her parents were rich high-class people who didn't want to be embarrassed by their daughter having a child out of wedlock. Lucinda panicked and after having him, she left him in front of a church. Jake's parents were very involved with the church, and that's how they came to adopt him since they could not have children of their own. Lucinda had turned herself in and said she could not take care of Jake.

The Morgan's were the ones to give Jake his name. The young woman was never heard from ever again. Jake loved his adopted parents with all of his heart, but yet a part of him always wanted to meet his real mother. He wanted to see what she had become and wanted to ask her if she ever thought about him. He wanted to tell her that he'd be going to college and how he was valedictorian of his senior class.

Jake had graduated in late May and had the summer to himself. He wanted to get a job, but before that, he wanted to go on a small road trip to Nevada where his biological mother lived. Jake had done some research through the Internet and discovered the only Lucinda Grant lived in Las Vegas. He was on a mission to find his mother no matter what.

"Are you sure you want to take a road trip alone?" Mrs. Morgan asked her son.

"Yeah Mom, I'll be fine. It's going to be for a couple of days. Don't worry I'll call you everyday and let you know I'm Ok," Jake told his mother.

"Where is it exactly where you're going?" Mr. Morgan asked his son.

Jake hesitated. "Uh not so sure yet. That's why it'll be a small road trip. Don't worry I'm not leaving Texas." Jake felt awful for lying.

"Ok just be sure to pack plenty of clothes in case you get stuck somewhere and you have enough money right?" Mrs. Morgan asked concerned.

"Yeah, I got plenty of money from my graduation and don't worry I'm all packed up. I promise to be back within a week at the most."

* * *

Jake headed out alone. He left early morning just before sunrise. The Texas sky was painted a bright orange color with sunrise just beginning. As he drove, Jake got to thinking. What if it was all a big mistake and maybe Lucinda Grant was someone else. Maybe his mother had gotten married or moved out of the country. Jake knew he was taking a chance but he had to. Ever since he'd learned that he was adopted, he wanted to find his biological mother more than anything. He felt a part of his life was empty until her found her.

The drive to Nevada was long and Jake made sure to stop and sleep overnight in a small hotel in Arizona. He felt so lonesome, but he knew he was on a mission. It was too late to turn back. If in fact the Lucinda Grant that lived in Nevada was not his mother, then he would be Ok knowing he at least tried. That's the kind of person Jake was. He always wanted to finish his missions.

In the morning, the loud ringing of the hotel room awakened him. He opened his soft green eyes and groaned. The chirpy voice of the hotel attendant didn't help him get in a good mood.

"Mr. Morgan? It's 6 am," the woman said cheerfully on the other end of the phone.

Jake sighed. "Thank you." He hung up and stretched his long body. He was quite tall and that was a surprise since his parents had told him Lucinda was very short and petite. He often had wondered about his biological father as well. His parents didn't know much about him except that he was considered a "bad" boy. It didn't matter much, since Jake was mainly concerned about his mother.

Jake got up to shower and get dressed. He combed his brown hair back. It was getting a bit long but didn't look so bad. After a quick continental breakfast, he headed off to the road again. In a few more hours he'd be in Nevada. He wasn't even sure how to begin his search for Lucinda once he got to Las Vegas. He had an address that he found on the Internet and hoped she still lived there.

* * *

A couple of hours later, Jake arrived to Nevada. His heart raced as he saw the sign that said Las Vegas. She would be there. At least he hoped she would. The city was still very lively during the daytime. He smiled looking around and watching people crossing the streets, mostly tourists.

He arrived at the hotel he planned to stay at in downtown Las Vegas. It'd been a long drive and trip so he just wanted to rest. He took a long warm shower and then headed to the bed to take a nap. He dreamed about his biological mother. In his dream he couldn't see her face, just a silhouette of a short and petite woman opening her arms out to him. He was running to her as if he was still a child, but he never got to her. He woke up startled and rubbed his eyes knowing it was a dream. Hopefully his reality wouldn't be the same.

It was past seven that night so he decided to walk down the streets of Las Vegas and sight see a bit.

* * *

Jake walked down the crowded streets alone and he watched many families together laughing and having fun. He felt his eyes saddened. He missed his mom and dad. He still had a guilty conscious because he had lied to them about his road trip. He stopped by one casino watching a tall older man playing the slots. The man looked happy and his eyes were glowing with excitement. A loud bell was heard and Jake saw the man win. The man jumped up and cheered. Jake clapped for him and gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks young man," the man said to Jake as a pretty young girl came to help collect the money for the man.

"I wish I could win, but I have the worst luck," Jake told the man.

The man nodded. "Nah! I'm sure you'll win. Everyone wins something here in Las Vegas."

Jake watched the man collect the money and walk off humming a happy tune. Feeling his stomach growling, he decided to go get something to eat. All the restaurants seemed overcrowded. Jake decided to just eat at a small café near the hotel. He thought about the next day. He had decided to get up very early, get dressed and go find the address that he found on the Internet.

He wondered how much his biological mother had changed. She had probably become someone successful and happy. He was sure she was married and had children. Maybe he'd get to meet his half brothers and sisters if there were any. He only hoped she wouldn't push him away. He hoped she would welcome him no matter what.

* * *

Nighttime came so fast and Jake headed back to his hotel. In his room he laid on the bed wearing his boxers and watching TV. It was the same old boring TV shows that he was used to watching. He looked to the side of his nightstand and saw a guide for ordering movies. He laughed to himself as he saw names of adult films.

What the hell, I'm alone and no one here knows who I am, Jake thought as he followed the instructions on how to order an adult film.

He chose a movie that supposedly took place in a high school. It was cheesy acting and plots but the women in the movie were scrumptious. He slid his hand down his boxers grabbing a hold of his cock. He was already hard. He pulled it out of his boxers and began to stroke it. There was an anal scene in the movie, which really got him hot.

Hearing the sounds of fucking and the girls moaning was making Jake jack off faster. He hated the fact that he was still a virgin. He'd gotten many opportunities to fuck a pretty girl in school, but something always stopped him. At first he thought he just wasn't into girls but that wasn't the case. Deep down he wanted to only have sex with someone he loved.

Jake was stroking his cock and getting closer to his own climax. With one hand he played with his cock the other with his balls. He could feel his balls constricting as they swelled up full of his cum. He felt his body tighten, and then a long rope of gooey cum spurt out of his cock. Jake groaned as more shots of sperm shot out of his cock. They hit his hard stomach and the first one almost hit his chest. He lay in bed now, breathless. He looked down and saw his warm cum on his skin. It had felt really good to cum. He needed that.

* * *

The sun woke Jake up early the next morning. It was 10 minutes til 6am and the sun was just rising. He stretched his body on his bed and looked down to see his morning wood rising under the sheets. The laughed and pulled the sheets down gripping his hard cock and finishing himself off once again.

After a quick shower, Jake got dressed putting on a pair of black slacks and a black and white button up short sleeve shirt. He headed down for a quick continental breakfast. He ate a bran muffin, some cereal and drank a cup of coffee. He felt his stomach turning into knots knowing he'd be in search of his mother that day.

He took a quick glance at the white sheet of paper where he'd written down Lucinda's address. The bold black print stared back at him as if it was trying to warn him not to go look for her. She might have abandoned me, but she is still my mother. I need to find her so I can move on with my life, Jake said in his mind.

He drank the last drops of his coffee, and headed outside to get a cab. He didn't know the town too well to drive on his own. The cars were hissing as they passed him outside that early morning in downtown Las Vegas. Jake hailed a cab and got in giving the cab driver instructions to his mother's home.

Lucinda lived far from downtown, or at least that's what it seemed. Jake felt as if the cab would never get to her home. After about 20 minutes of driving, the cab pulled up to a small brick home with a beautiful garden. Jake swallowed. He felt his hands shaky and his palms sweaty. He looked at the pretty home. It was small, so Lucinda probably had one or maybe two children at the most. He saw a small red Honda Accord parked outside and the porch light was still on.

"Here you go sir. This is the address you requested," the cab driver said looking at Jake over his shoulder.

Jake felt almost frozen. What if she was remarried and had never told her new husband about him? He didn't want to get her in trouble. "Sir, could you please park here for a while? I'm waiting for someone to come out of that house."

The cab driver shrugged. "Fine with me but it'll cost you."

Jake nodded. "That's fine. I've got plenty of money."

It was 15 minutes til 9 that morning when Jake saw a woman come out of the house. Jake stared, feeling mesmerized. She was short and petite, just like in his dream. Her hair wasn't too long, about shoulder length and dark brown just like Jake's. He couldn't see if she had colored eyes from far away. She wore a short dark blue skirt and a white button up blouse. She was obviously going to work. She looked as if she was in a hurry. Jake tried his hardest to get more of a glimpse of her but she quickly got in her car and began to drive off. From what he'd seen she was incredibly beautiful.

"Is that the woman you were waiting for?" The cab driver asked turning on his engine.

"Y-yes," Jake could barely answer.

"She's a little old for you don't you think?" The cab driver said sarcastically.

"Could you please follow her?" Jake asked.

The cab driver turned on his engine and began to follow Lucinda's car. Jake prayed that she was in fact the correct person. He hoped that was his mother. After about 10 minutes of driving, Jake saw the red car turn into a bank. Lucinda got out of her car and took a look at her watch. She must have been really late.

"I'll get off here thank you," Jake said as the cab driver came to a halt. Jake paid the driver and took a deep breath as he stared at the big brown and white building with huge windows. Was this her work place? Or was she here to just make a deposit or withdraw?

Jake waited until she went into the building and then followed her inside. Once inside, he looked around and realized she wasn't in line. He kept looking and felt so disappointed since he'd lost her. Where in the world had she gone off to? Jake looked at the prestige people standing in line waiting to be attended. He felt lost and sad. Maybe this entire trip had been a mistake? Maybe Lucinda didn't exist anymore? Jake pretended he was looking at some brochures for college student loans. He kept an eye out incase Lucinda appeared again. He would go up to her and ask her if she was in fact Lucinda Grant and why she had abandoned him. He just wanted some answers.

"Excuse me? Did you need some help?" Jake almost jumped up as he heard a soft female voice.

"W-what?" He turned to ask but then he felt his heart almost stop. There she was. Lucinda. His mother. It had to be his mother. Her beautiful blue eyes glowed and her smile made him melt.

She laughed softly making his heart flutter. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Did you need some help with something?"

Jake couldn't speak. He just held a college student loan brochure in his hand and smiled weakly. His knees were almost shaking. Lucinda looked down and raised a brow. "You are interested in a college student loan?"

Jake nodded but he had no idea what she was saying. He kept looking at her face. Her beautiful face. She had fair skin that was flawless. Her lips were pouty and covered with maroon lipstick. Her eyelashes were long like Jake's. They shared the same blue eyes but she was short. He must have gotten his height from his father. She was an absolutely gorgeous woman. Probably the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen.

"Well, since you are going to have me playing charades, would you like to come back another time to speak with me about this loan you need?"

Jake sighed finally being able to take a breath. "I-I'm sorry. I was just….I'm sorry."

She smiled again making him weaker. "I'm Lucinda Grant. I specialize in student loans. Would you like to come to my office to talk to me?"

"Yes," Jake said quietly.

"Very well then, this way please," Lucinda turned around and Jake couldn't help to look at her legs. They had a nice tan to them and looked as if she worked out. Her white heels clacked on the marble ground as they walked to her office.

They got to her office and Jake's eyes searched for pictures, paintings, anything that could prove she was in fact his mother. He saw nothing. Not even pictures.

"Have a seat…I'm sorry may I ask your name?"

Jake stopped for a moment before he took a seat. "M-my name is…Jacob. Jacob Morgan."

"Ok then Jacob. Please have a seat."

Jake took a seat in a plush leather chair. He watched Lucinda dig through her papers. He wanted to ask her right then and there if she was his mother. He wanted to scream at her for abandoning him but then again he felt like hugging her tightly for having missed her all those years growing up without her. It was just so confusing.

"Ugh this computer takes so long to get me where I need to be," Lucinda said sweetly as she clicked on the mouse searching for the right screen.

"Yeah I know how that goes. I've got a slow computer myself," Jake said nervously trying to make conversation.

"So are you going to be attending UNLV?" Lucinda asked with her eyes fixed on Jake.

"Uh…yes. Yes I am," Jake lied.

"Hmmm great school. I wanted to go there myself. Unfortunately I moved out here after I left Texas. It was too late by then. I had already graduated."

Texas! She's from Texas!

"That must have been a big change. I'm from Texas too. I'm from Dallas and you?"

Lucinda smiled. "I'm from El Paso. I miss Texas to be honest."

What made you decide to leave Texas?" Jake asked curiously.

Lucinda looked down for a minute and then back at Jake. "Well, too many memories. I don't want to discuss that. Oh here we go the screen I needed."

Jake felt his heat racing just being in the same room with her. Her fingernails were long and she wore a French Manicure on them. He looked at her hands more. No sign of a wedding ring! Was she single? Or maybe divorced? Jake was dying of curiosity. He wanted to tell her at that moment that he was her son, but he had to spend a bit more time with her. She was a complete delight to look at.

"Ok now you said your name is Jacob Morgan. Now I need to ask several questions."

Jake's heart raced. "Oh? OK then."

Lucinda looked back at her screen. "Age?"

"I'm….23," Jake lied.

"23? Wow you don't look older than 20," Lucinda said giving Jake her charming smile.

Jake blushed. "Thank you."


Jake shifted in his seat. "Well I don't have a permanent address right now. I'm staying in a hotel for the meantime. You see my parents are about to buy a home here but it's not settled yet. They should be here in a few days actually. I won't be living on campus. Much too costly."

Lucinda sighed. "Well without an address, I don't know if we can do much. You have a contact phone number?"

"Yes a cell number but it has a Texas phone number still so let me give you my room number at the hotel I'm staying at."

Lucinda looked uneasy. "Ok then if you can please provide that for me?"

Jake gave her the phone number and his room number. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was so enchanting.

"Now how much of a loan were you requesting?"

Jake went blank. He didn't want a loan. He was here for her. To tell her that his life wasn't complete without her. "Um…I don't know. I guess about $5,000?"

Lucinda nodded. "Ok that's a reasonable amount. Do you have a part-time job yet or will you be working on campus?"

"I'm going to be working on campus. In the business office," Jake lied again.

"Ok that's good. Well this is not a complete application since we need an address. I tell you what? Why don't you come back again when you have your parents address? That way I can have a permanent address for you on file?"

Jake didn't want to leave. He wanted to ask more questions. "Well…uh sure. I guess."

"I mean I don't want to run you off. You seem like such a nice young man. It's just that we do need an address. I'm sorry."

Her voice was so comforting and she knew how to apologize without sounding fake. "No need to apologize Mrs. Grant." Jake said slowly.

Jake watched Lucinda's rosy cheeks turn crimson. "Well it's Ms. Grant and you can call me Lucinda. Being called Ms. Grant makes me feel old."

Jake smiled shyly. "Oh so you're not married?"

She nodded. "Nope. I don't think I'll ever get married either."

Jake felt so excited. "Well I can't see why not. You are very beautiful Ms….I mean Lucinda."

Lucinda had a grin from ear to ear. "Thank you. You made my day Jacob, you know that?"

Jake stood up slowly. He didn't want to leave. He wanted to see her again. "Please call me Jake. Will you be here tomorrow?"

"I sure will. I am here from 9 to 6. I have lunch at one in the afternoon every day."

Jake was hesitant at first but then he went ahead and did it. "Oh? Lunch? Well listen, I know I just met you but you have got to be the nicest woman I've met in Vegas. Would you like to have lunch with me tomorrow afternoon?"

Lucinda looked surprised but edgy at the same time. "I don't think that's a good idea Jake. I'm sorry.

Jake felt his heart sink but knew he'd be back to see her soon. She stood up and walked around her desk to meet with Jake. Jake extended his hand out to her. "Well it was very nice to meet you Lucinda. I'll be sure to come by when I have that address for you."

Lucinda's face showed regret. "Thank you for coming by. I will try to help you as much as I can for that loan."

* * *

Jake got back to his hotel room later on that afternoon. He lay in his bed and stared up at the ceiling smiling and feeling like he was floating. Each time he closed his eyes; all he could do was see Lucinda. Her beautiful face, smile, hear her laugh. He found himself slowly reaching down to touch himself. He was already hard. After stroking his cock for a few seconds Jake opened his eyes and realized what he was doing was wrong. She's your own mother you pervert! Stop it! Oh God but she's so beautiful!

Jake got out of his bed feeling frustrated and paced the room. He looked out and saw the cities lights were turning on. Nighttime would approach soon and he'd have to find a way to stop thinking about Lucinda. At least to stop thinking about her sexually. It was going to be tough.


Jake turned to look at his phone ringing. No one knew the number to his room. He figured it might be the front desk calling.


"Yes hello? Jake?" He heard that beautiful soft female voice.


"It's Lucinda. Lucinda Grant from the bank."

Jake felt his pulse racing. "Oh yes hi there. You kept my number?"

There was a brief pause. "Yes I did. Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to reject your lunch date offer. I just….it's just that it's been so long since I've dated. I just freaked a little."

Jake slowly sat on his bed twirling the phone cord around his finger. He couldn't help but smile. "Well it's my fault too. I guess I was too forward. I'm sorry."

She laughed very softly. A laugh that touched Jake's heart. "Well I would love to go out to lunch with you tomorrow. If the offer still stands?"

Jake sighed. "Yes of course. I'll be at your office tomorrow afternoon at one then."

Jake waited for a reply.

"Hello? Lucinda?"

"Y-yes I'm here. I'll be waiting for you then."

They both hung up the phone and Jake let out a yelp of happiness. He fell back on the bed and felt so excited. His heart was pounding. He felt like a schoolboy asking out his crush. At that moment he remembered his parents back at home in Texas. He hadn't called them since he'd gotten to Las Vegas. They were probably worried sick. He picked up the phone and gave them a call.

* * *

Lucinda held the cordless phone in her hands for a minute and closed her eyes. Jake, the young man who had visited her earlier that day had been on her mind all day. His baby blue eyes reminded her of something familiar. Something that made her feel so comfortable. Never in her life had she called a male for a date. They always called her. But there was something about Jake she couldn't put together.

The way he spoke, the way he was so gentle. Lucinda licked her lips and laid her head back on the couch. She could still smell his cologne even though it'd been hours since she last came in contact with him. He was young all right. 13 years younger but age at that moment didn't matter to her. She didn't recall ever being so turned on by a male like she was by Jake.

to be continued....
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 04-22-2004, 05:10 PM
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Chapter 02

Jake woke up the next morning very early. He had hardly slept the night before. He was too excited about going out with Lucinda. Now he'd be able to ask more questions and maybe get more information about her. He was sure she was his mother but he wanted to be more positive.

He headed down to the gym downstairs in the hotel for a morning workout. He showered and ate breakfast. As he ate, he remembered how his mom cooked so good for him. He missed home cooked meals. He missed his parents. He read the morning paper as he drank his juice. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a woman, about her late 20's or so who walked in with her son. The boy must have been at least two or three years old. They walked in holding hands and the boy was pointing and talking gibberish. The mother passed Jake by and smiled at him. Jake felt almost teary eyed. He wondered if Lucinda would have walked with him that way when he was a child. He continued to watch the mother and son until they disappeared.

* * *

Jake waited impatiently as he was already dressed and ready to go. He'd take his truck this time since he had memorized where Lucinda worked. It was 12:30 that afternoon and Jake jumped in his truck and headed off to meet Lucinda. He wore his khaki slacks and a white button up long sleeve shirt. His hair was slicked back. The traffic was a bit heavy since it was the middle of the day. He hoped he wouldn't be late to pick up Lucinda.

* * *

Lucinda waited for Jake. It was ten minutes past one and there was no sign of the young man. Lucinda was beginning to feel disappointed and rejected. She sighed and grabbed her purse. She would go ahead and head on off to lunch on her own. Just as she was about to close her door to her office, she saw him. He stood there with an apologetic look on his handsome face.

"I'm so sorry I was late. Traffic was murder and plus I'm so new to the city so I drove a bit slow making sure I wouldn't get lost."

Lucinda smiled. "I'm glad. For a moment there I thought I was being stood up."

"I'd never do that to you," Jake said softly.

Lucinda blushed. God he looks so handsome, she thought as she stared at him. "Shall we go then?" She asked.

"Yes let's."

Jake drove and Lucinda gave him directions where to go. They decided to get a quick bite to eat at a little diner that was only about three blocks from Lucinda's work. They were served pretty quick. Lucinda had ordered a grilled chicken salad and Jake had a burger. It was a small place but very friendly.

"I like this place. You come here often?" Jake asked.

"Yes I do. I like them because the food is delicious and they are very fast."

Jake took a sip of his iced tea. "So you said you were not married am I right?"

Lucinda groaned. "Yes. I hate being asked that question."


"Well because my mother asks me that all the time and so do my friends. Well the very few friends I have."

Her mother…my grandmother! Jake thought.

"Does your mother want you to get married?"

Lucinda laughed. "More than just that. She wants me to marry and have at least two children by the time I'm 40."

Jake took a deep breath. "I know you might hate this question too but I have to ask. How old are you?"

Lucinda didn't hesitate to respond. "I'm 36. I just turned 36 last month actually."

"Oh I see. Well then happy belated birthday." Her age matches! Jake said to himself.

She smiled. "Thank you. You know I'm not afraid to say my age. I don't understand why most women would be afraid. I mean we all get old anyway. Might as well be proud of your age."

Jake loved the way she thought. He loved confident women. "You are so right. To be honest you don't look 36. More like 26."

Lucinda turned beet red. "Ok if you're telling me the truth then I like you more now, and if you're lying…well then keep lying to me."

Jake laughed. "No I'm dead serious. You look really good for your age. I guess I was just shocked that you haven't married."

"Well I do date a lot. Well not too much but I get asked out every now and then. I just can't seem to keep a steady relationship for more than 6 months."

"I think you are very easy to get along with Lucinda. I like you already," Jake blurted out.

Lucinda stared at the young man. He was making her feel so warm and comfortable. He was easy to talk to and didn't seem boring like most of the men she dated. He was different.

"Lucinda can I ask you something?"


"Does me being 23 make you feel uneasy about going out with me?"

A small grin formed on her lips. "If it did I wouldn't have called you would I?"

Jake felt his heart racing. Lucinda had her hair up that day with a few strands hanging down. She wore a dark red blouse and a white skirt. Jake could see her small cleavage. "Yeah I guess you're right about that. I'm glad you called me back. This is fun."

"Yes it is."

Jake stared into her eyes. She had to be his mother. She had to! He couldn't have felt this strong connection with anyone else. He was happy he'd finally found her but in a way disappointed because he felt as if he was going to slowly fall for her.

* * *

"Well thank you so much for lunch Jake. I really had a good time," Lucinda said as they both entered the building.

Jake held the door open for her and walked her to her office. "I had a wonderful time too Lucinda. When can I see you again?"

Lucinda was shocked yet so delighted he'd asked her out again. "Uh…well let's see.."

"Tomorrow night?" Jake asked desperately.

Lucinda giggled. "You work fast don't you?"

Jake blushed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound so anxious."

"No it's OK. I like that," Lucinda said in a soft voice.

Jake began to feel more excited than ever. "So is tomorrow night OK?"

Lucinda nodded. "Yes. It's perfect. Let me give you my address or unless you just want to meet somewhere?"

"No go ahead and give me your address please," Jake said grabbing a brochure from the counter and handing her a pen. He watched her smile and write her information down. She wrote her home phone number first and then her address. She had beautiful handwriting.

"Here you go," Lucinda handed Jake the brochure.

"Thank you. I'll call you before I pick you up. Probably around eight or maybe a little earlier."

She stared at him as if she waiting for a handshake, a hug or maybe even a kiss. Jake hesitated but then extended his hand out to her. Lucinda took his hand. It felt so big and strong. "Well thanks for lunch Jake. I had a really good time."

"You're welcome. I'll call you tomorrow night then."

* * *

It'd been such a long hectic day after lunchtime that Lucinda was glad she was finally home that evening ready to take a long warm bath. She lit up a few vanilla scented candles and grabbed a glass of red wine. She slipped into the water filled with bubbles and laid her head back. She closed her eyes for a moment and found herself smiling. All day she couldn't stop smiling even though it had been so chaotic. She took a small sip of her wine and put the glass down. The water felt so good on her naked body.

For a moment she thought about Jake. She couldn't get his face out of her mind. The way he talked, the way he laughed and mostly the way he would look at her. She'd never met any other man who would look at her the way Jake did. The touch of his hand was still lingering on her hand.

She slowly began to run that same hand down to her breasts. Her nipples were not had so she began to play with them slowly feeling them harden between her fingers. It'd been months since she last had sex. Almost a year in fact.

Her last boyfriend had been such a lousy lover. He'd cum so fast she never got to experience a good orgasm with him. Most of her lovers had turned out to be that way unfortunately. They just came to get what they wanted and left her so unsatisfied. She wanted someone who would take their time and kiss her all over, suck on her nipples and bury their fingers inside of her pussy. She yearned for that male touch once again.

She opened her eyes and took another sip of her wine. She licked her lips savoring the taste and began to imagine kissing Jake. His lips looked full and very kissable. He was so young but God he was so sexy! He probably had so much energy to make her feel like a woman again not like the other older guys she usually dated. She wondered what his cock looked like. She wondered what he would taste like! He definitely had a hold on her.

Lucinda slid her hand lower touching her soft skin until she reached between her legs. Her pussy felt so smooth, since she always shaved it. She spread her legs wide and began to finger herself. Her eyes closed again and slowly she began to pump her two fingers in and out of her aching pussy. More visions of Jake came to her mind as she did this. The thought of kissing him, touching him, fucking him was making her hotter.

"Oohh Godddd!" Lucinda moaned.

Her fingers moved in and out and her other hand began to play with her breasts. She pinched on her nipples feeling the strong sensation of an orgasm ready to erupt through her entire body. Her toes began to curl and the more she thought about Jake the more she wanted to cum!

Her pussy was drenched with her juices and her mouth parted letting out soft moans as her body squirmed in the water. She could feel her pussy throbbing, ready to cum. She wanted to cum, she needed to cum. Lucinda bucked her hips and she felt it. She felt her orgasm ripping through her body.

"Mmmmghhhhhh! Oooh yesss!" She wailed loudly.

Her body trembled as she pleasured herself. Her nipples grew large and so hard. She picked up her hips and moaned and cried out Jake's name. It was a wonderful rush that she had needed all day. Ever since her afternoon encounter with Jake she'd felt so turned on and ready to masturbate.

Lucinda let her two fingers slowly ease out of her opening. She took deep breaths and felt her heart pounding. She licked her lips again and giggled. She felt so naughty for having thought of this young man like that. She wondered if he had thought about her the same way. She knew if he'd ever ask her to sleep with him, she wouldn't even think twice about it.

* * *

A loud ambulance siren awakened Jake. He looked at the time and realized it was only three in the morning. He groaned and got up to look outside his widow. The Las Vegas lights were bright and so many people were still outside. There had been a small car accident outside one of the casinos. He went back to bed and realized he couldn't sleep. He thought about Lucinda and how he'd be able to spend more time with her later on that night.

"God she looks more beautiful every time I look at her," Jake said out loud. He couldn't wait to ask her more questions maybe get more answers from her. He'd have to wait for the right moment to tell her that he was her son. He just needed a little more evidence. He wanted to get to know her more and let her get to know him so she could know what she missed by giving him up. He loved her no matter what though. She had been young and probably had no choice than to give him up.

He closed his eyes and began to dream away. He dreamt he was a child. He was lost in the park looking for his mommy. He called her name out with tears running down his face.

"Mommy! Mommy!" His voice was heard by other people who just stared at him.

He felt so frightened and he sobbed. Suddenly he heard footsteps and looked up to see her. It was Lucinda in his dream. She looked so beautiful running to him wearing her long flowery sundress. Her hair was flowing in the wind as she ran to him.

"I'm here honey. I'm here! Mommy's here for you!"

She grabbed him and picked him up and kissed his face. Jake sobbed in her arms and she held him.

"I was so scared mommy," Jake said trying to stop crying.

"Don't be scared. I'm here. I am here for you and I'll always be here," Lucinda whispered in his ear.

Jake woke up again from his beautiful dream. He woke up with tears running down his face. His heart rejoiced. It was morning time already. The sun was just coming out. The dream had to have been a message. Lucinda had to be his mother.

* * *

"You are looking very sexy Lucinda!" Joy, one of Lucinda's co-workers said to her.

They had gotten out of work and Lucinda had asked her friend to go over to her house to help her pick something out for her date with Jake. Lucinda was wearing a short white spaghetti strap dress that showed off her beautiful tan skin. Her hair was down and she had curled it. Her makeup was flawless and her shoes were also white to go with her beautiful dress.

"You don't think this is too much?" Lucinda asked Joy feeling unsure.

Joy laughed. "No way. I mean you look incredibly sexy but not slutty. It's perfect. I wish I still had a body like yours Lucinda!"

Lucinda blushed. "Thank you Joy."

She stared at herself in the full-length mirror and spun around a few times. She hoped Jake would like her in this dress. She spayed some perfume on and reapplied her lipstick one last time.

"So tell me more about this guy," Joy asked looking through one of Lucinda's magazines.

Lucinda turned to look at her friend. Her face was beaming. "Oh I don't know where to begin. I mean I saw him standing by the student loan brochures and I knew I had to talk to him. It was strange. Like a connection."

Joy raised a brow. "Hmm really? Ok now how gorgeous is he?"

Lucinda sighed. "Joy he has got to be the most gorgeous young man I've ever met. He doesn't seem immature like the other men I've dated. He's so sweet, gentle and I love the way he looks at me. Not with lust or like if he's horny, he looks at me with respect and admiration."

"Wow he sounds like a winner. But you can tell all this just by having gone out with him once?"

Lucinda smiled. "Yes. It's weird huh?"

"Not weird. It's awesome. I hope I can find someone like that!"

* * *

Lucinda was putting on her earrings when she heard her phone ringing. She ran and picked up her phone.


"Hi," she heard his sweet voice.

"Hi there."

"Are you ready?"

"Yes I am."

"Good because I'm coming up to your door right now."

Lucinda gasped. "Already? You calling from you're cell phone?"

He laughed. "Yes."

"Ok well I'm ready just waiting for you to ring my doorbell."


Lucinda laughed. "Ah there you are. Talk to you in a few seconds."

She hung up the phone and took a deep breath before opening the door. Jake was standing at her door wearing a pair of dark green slacks and a white button up shirt. His dark hair was slicked back and she could get a whiff of his cologne.

"Wow don't you look handsome!" Lucinda said flirtingly.

Jake couldn't speak. His eyes stared at the angel before him. She was a beautiful vision in white. Lucinda look breathtaking!

"Jake?" She asked trying to get him to focus.

Jake still didn't reply. His eyes were glued to Lucinda. She looked incredibly sexy in that white dress. Her smooth tanned legs caught his attention first but then his eyes went to her breasts. She had more cleavage now, which was making him think unchaste things.

"Jake?" She asked again.

"Y-yeah sorry. Oh wow you look so….so….words can't explain how beautiful you look Lucinda.

Lucinda turned red. "Thank you. I'm glad you like."

"Like? Are you kidding I almost felt drool coming out of my mouth!"

The both laughed and Jake offered his hand to her. "Shall we go?"

Lucinda took his hand and off they went for a wonderful night out.

* * *

Lucinda had chosen the restaurant. It was an elegant Italian restaurant located in one of the lavish hotels in Las Vegas. They were seated next to the window so they were able to look out and see all the casinos and people gambling. The restaurant featured a jazz band that entertained the guests.

"This is really a nice place here," Jake began sipping on water.

Lucinda nodded. "Yes I love it here. I used to work here as a waitress once when I had just moved out here from Texas. The tips were really good."

"Really? Wow that's interesting. Do your parents live out here too?" Jake asked curiously.

Lucinda looked down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so nosy," Jake apologized.

"No it's ok. Well my father passed away from a heart attack two years ago."

Jake felt his heart sink. "I'm so sorry to hear that." He reached out to put his hand over hers.

Lucinda nodded. "Thank you but it's OK. I do miss him. My mother still lives in El Paso alone."

"Have you ever thought of asking her to move out here with you?"

Lucinda looked uneasy. "No. I think she and I would be better off living separately. I mean if it comes to the point where she can't take care of herself then yes I will ask her to live with me but we are not very close."

"I'm sorry about that, "Jake said softly squeezing Lucinda's hand.

"Yeah I know. I wish my mother and I were closer too. I miss her. But she hasn't been close to me since…well since I was younger."

Jake took a deep breath. "Why what happened?"

Lucinda cleared her throat. "Oh nothing….I'll tell you about it one day. Not today."

Jake understood. "That's fine. I know we just met and I understand you can't tell me everything."

She squeezed his hand this time. "But the weird thing is that I feel like I can tell you everything."

Jake felt his heart racing. He was about to speak when their waitress came to the table. They both ordered their meals and Lucinda requested a bottle of wine. Jake prayed that he wouldn't be asked for an ID. Luckily he wasn't and got to enjoy the delicious wine Lucinda had requested.

During dinner they hardly spoke. They listened to the soothing jazz music and exchanged little words. Lucinda was mesmerized by this young man. It was hard to believe he was 23 he looked more like he was in his late teens but acted like a very mature man.

"What are you thinking?" Jake asked wiping his mouth.

Lucinda almost jumped up. "N-nothing!"

Jake laughed. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you there. I just saw you were in a deep daydream just wondered what you were thinking."

"Just about work and things like that," Lucinda lied.

Jake watched her nervously sip on her wine. He wanted to ask her to dance but felt almost reluctant. He wanted to hold her in his arms; to get lost in her embrace. Lucinda felt Jake's eyes piercing at her. He was making her feel so nervous like a teenager having her first date with her crush.

"Lucinda? Would you care to dance with me?" Jake asked in a sweet voice.

Lucinda nodded. "Yes."

He stood up and went around the table and held her hand. They walked hand in hand to the dance floor. They were the only ones out there dancing. The other people stared at them and smiled. They all had to admit that they made a lovely couple.

Jake held Lucinda in his arms. She was so petite. Her perfume ignited his sense and the feel of her curves got him really turned on. Lucinda had her arms around Jake's neck as they swayed together to the beat of a slow jazz tune.

"I haven't gone dancing in such a long time," Lucinda whispered into Jake's ear.

Jake looked into her eyes. "Well now I guess I should take you dancing every night then huh?"

"Yes you should," Lucinda said boldly.

She felt as if she was slowly losing her breath. Jake's body felt so good pressing up against hers. He was so strong and masculine. His hands slowly went up and down her back.

"I can't seem to stop staring at you Lucinda," Jake said softly.

Lucinda felt her heart racing. "Really?"

He nodded.

"Well I love looking at you. It's very strange, but you are all I've thought about since I first saw you."

Jake knew he couldn't do this anymore. He wanted to tell her that he was her son! He had to tell her before he fell in love with her. But it was too late. Lucinda stopped dancing and looked deeply into his eyes. She tiptoed and softly pressed her lips against his. Jake didn't know what to do! He didn't know whether he should stop her or go on with the kiss. Her lips were so warm and tender. Her breath was hot and she pressed her body closer to his making it so difficult not to get an erection.

Her lips pressed tightly against his but he didn't move. He kept his lips pursed but once she began to slightly part her lips he knew he couldn't stop the kiss. He let his lips part and they shared a gentle and sweet kiss on the dance floor. He felt his lips getting wet from her saliva but he closed his mouth before she tried to slide her tongue in his. Jake pulled away slowly and Lucinda stared at him. Her eyes showed passion and lust.

"That was a nice kiss," Jake said slowly.

"It sure was."

"Let's go back to the table. It's getting late and I should take you home in a while."

Lucinda look disappointed. "Yes. I guess you're right."

They headed to the table and finished their wine in silence. Jake felt so confused. He loved this woman, as his mother but now it was a different kind of love. He was scared to fall in love with his own mother.

Jake drove Lucinda home and they were both again very silent. Lucinda knew she had screwed up. She shouldn't have kissed him. That had scared him away! She wanted to kick herself for having done that. Now he would probably never ask her out again. He parked in front of her house and got off to open the car door for her. Lucinda stepped out and tossed her hair back. Jake looked uneasy.

"I'm sorry about the kiss," Lucinda apologized.

Jake sighed. "No. I'm sorry. I guess I was just surprised that a beautiful woman like you would even want to kiss me."

"Why wouldn't I? I mean you are very charming and I've never met another man like you."

Jake thought about what she said. If she had never met another man like him, then what about his father? Was he better than his own father?

"I think you are incredible Lucinda."

She stepped closer to him and they stood just breaths away from kissing again. Jake wanted to kiss her more than anything but he couldn't. He had only came to Vegas for one mission only. To find his mother and tell her how he's been. But now everything had gotten so complicated. He was falling in love with Lucinda, his own mother, or at least he was sure she was his mother. But she was so irresistible!

Lucinda closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She wanted Jake to kiss her. Not just a quick peck but a long sensuous kiss with lots of tongue.

Jake looked and knew she wanted a kiss. He didn't want to let her down so he leaned down and gave her a small peck on her cheek and a quick peck on her lips. Lucinda opened her eyes and felt her heart flutter. Just the touch of his lips was sending fire between her thighs.

"Thank you. That was a very nice kiss too. Thank you for a lovely time tonight Jake."

Jake smiled and walked her to her door. He wanted to stay with her that night and hold her in his arms but he couldn't. Lucinda wanted to ask him to stay the night with her and make love to her but she knew he wanted to take things slow.

"Well, goodnight Lucinda. I had a very nice time with you," Jake murmured.

Lucinda reached up to touch his cheek and stroked his handsome face. "Call me again sometime tomorrow. Please."

Jake closed his eyes at the touch of her hand. "I will."

"Goodnight Jake."

He stood there until she closed her door. His cock was slowly hardening and he waited a few seconds before walking back to his car. "What the hell are you doing Jake? What is the matter with you? She is probably your mother. It's wrong Jake. So wrong!" Jake said silently. He drove off that night thinking about no one else but Lucinda. She had a hold on him. Jake knew it would be impossible not to tell her the truth. He had to before things went too far.

to be continued....
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 04-25-2004, 02:24 PM
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Chapter 03

"I think I really screwed things up," Lucinda said to Joy as they ate lunch the next afternoon.

"Why do you say that?"

Lucinda sighed. "Because, I made the first move and kissed him."

Joy smirked. "Well is he gay or what?"

Lucinda laughed. "No why would you say such a crass thing?"

"Because Lucinda, you are a gorgeous woman. I don't understand why a guy would freak if you kissed him."

"I guess maybe he just wants a friend. I mean I am a lot older than he is and maybe the kiss just scared him away. I have a feeling he won't call me."

Joy look at her friend with sympathetic eyes. "Don't say that. I'm sure he will call you."

Lucinda hoped it was true. She'd thought about Jake last night and could still feel his kiss on her lips.

* * *

Jake paced his hotel room back and forth. Lucinda had really turned him on last night and that was the whole problem. She had a very high chance of actually being his mother. He'd heard so many stories of boys falling in love with their mothers but never thought he would be going through that. The thing was she didn't feel like a mother to him. She felt like a woman that he wanted. He wanted to see Lucinda that night but he was afraid. He was afraid that he'd want her more or that she'd seduce him and he wouldn't have enough strength to stop.

His hotel phone rang and he stared at it blankly. He had told the front desk to hold all his calls since he knew only Lucinda would be calling him. He wasn't ready to talk to her yet. He needed to carefully think everything through.

"Hello?" Jake answered the phone.

"Yes Mr. Morgan? A certain Lucinda Grant has called you twice. She says it's very important. I just thought you might need to know."

"Yes thank you. I will call her back right now."

Jake hung up the phone and took a deep breath. He stared at the phone. He knew it would take a while before he would actually be able to call Lucinda.

Lucinda hung up her phone and felt so saddened. She was afraid she had ruined everything with Jake because of the kiss. "Damnit Lucinda you had a good and honest young guy and now you messed everything up!"

She let her body fall to her bed and she looked up at the ceiling. It was past seven that night and she knew Jake would not call her. She decided to shower and get to bed early. What else would she have to look forward to?

The next day Lucinda went home after work to shower and get dressed. She needed to see Jake. He'd been ignoring her phone calls and she only hoped that he'd be at his hotel room and she would go talk to him face to face to get an honest answer. She felt nervous but she had to find out. He was a type of guy that wouldn't be easy to just forget about. She slipped on some blue jeans and a dark blue low cut summer sweater and headed out to look for him.

Jake lay on his bed watching the evening news as the sun began to set in Vegas. He tried to concentrate on important issues but it seemed none were more important than Lucinda. He'd been dying to call her and talk to her. He wanted to hear her voice and hear her sweet laugh.


Jake turned to stare at the door. He raised himself up and walked slowly to the door. His heart raced and he looked through the peephole. Lucinda stood outside. Jake gulped but knew he couldn't keep running away from her. He opened the door and she looked at him with soulful eyes.

"I didn't mean to scare you off Jake."

Jake nodded. "No you didn't. I'm the one who should be sorry. I acted liked a child."

"Well I had to come see you because you hadn't returned my phone calls."

"Yeah I know. I'm sorry Lucinda. Please come in." Jake moved aside to let her in.

Lucinda walked in slowly with her hands shaky. This young man had such a hold on her. She turned to him as he locked the door. He walked towards her. His hair was messy and he wore a white t-shirt and a pair of black running shorts. Lucinda looked down at his legs, which looked muscular. She figured he played sports.

"I'm glad you came Lucinda. It's really good to see you. I'm so sorry," Jake apologized thinking he wasn't apologizing enough.

He opened his arms out and wrapped them around Lucinda. Lucinda held him tight and they both shared the wonderful embrace.

"Don't do that to me again Jake. Please let me know if I do something wrong," Lucinda mumbled as she lay her head on his chest.

"I will."

"Listen, it's a beautiful night outside. How about we go gambling? I mean if you haven't gone already?"

Jake laughed and kissed her forehead but deep down feared gambling since he wasn't of age and had an ID to prove it. "Sure. I don't have much luck but I'll try it."

Lucinda smiled and reached up to kiss his cheek. "Ok then. It's a date."

Jake nodded. "Yes, but let me go change into something more comfortable."

Lucinda waited her Jake as he changed in the restroom. She sat on the bed where he had slept. She began to wonder if he slept nude, a thought that turned her on more than anything. She wanted deep down to go into the restroom and catch him half naked. She wanted to take him and make love to him and...

"Ok I'm ready," Jake said suddenly almost startling Lucinda.

Lucinda's eyes shined with happiness. Jake looked so handsome in his brown slacks and white polo shirt. His hair was combed neatly and he looked at her the way she wanted to be looked at.

They headed on out to the bright streets of Vegas. They walked from casino to casino messing mostly with the slot machines. Lucinda couldn't remember when she had more fun than that night. Jake was such a delight.

"I think I'm only going to try one more slot machine since I've already lost twenty bucks tonight," Lucinda said laughing.

Jake softly touched her arm. "Well I've lost thirty dollars so don't feel so bad."

Jake smiled shyly and kept his hand on Lucinda's arm. Lucinda loved his touch. She stared at the slot machine for a moment watching the pictures to spin around and her eyes widened as she saw three matching pictures. The lights and sirens went off and a casino worker, a pretty lady in her late 20's quickly came to see how much she'd won.

"Well, well. Let's see how much you've won!" The young lady told Lucinda as the coins began to spill out of the machine.

Lucinda looked at Jake with hopes of winning a good amount. The casino worker gathered the coins and smiled. "Looks like you did pretty good. You won $1,500."

Lucinda jumped up and threw her arms around Jake. Jake picked her off the ground and they both cheered as they laughed together. "I'm so proud of you!" Jake said.

Jake kissed her cheek and touched her face. His eyes were locked with Lucinda's. "You were my good luck charm Jake," Lucinda said softly.

Jake blushed. They held each other almost forgetting that the young lady was waiting for them to go get Lucinda's money. "Ahem!" She called out trying to get their attention.

Lucinda and Jake unlocked from their embraced and both blushed. They went to get Lucinda's check and left the casino holding hands. Lucinda walked with Jake as she gloated over her winnings.

"Now you can't complain about losing twenty dollars huh?" Jake asked as they walked together.

Lucinda laughed. "That's right.

Jake let go of her hand and put his arm around her instead. They walked in the crowds of people. Lucinda spotted a nice little restaurant near one of the casinos. "Hey you hungry?"

Jake nodded. "How did you guess?"

"Because I know you too well," Lucinda said playfully.

Jake laughed. "I'm starved. All that gambling made me hungry."

"Let me treat you to dinner. After all you did give me luck."

Jake felt his heart flutter. They crossed the street to get to the restaurant. It was a nice and small restaurant with dim lighting and small round tables. Jake got himself a steak and Lucinda ordered the same. They ate and talked as a small little candle in the middle of their table flickered.

"I'm having such a good time with you," Jake blurted out.

"Yeah me too. It's been a long time since I had this much fun."

Jake raised a brow. "Really? How long?'

Lucinda looked thoughtful. "Hmmm... I would have to say at least 2 years at the most."

"Two years huh? What was he like?" Jake dared to ask.

"Well he was almost like you but not quite as cute or charming."

Jake felt his heart racing. She giggled softly and put her hand over his. Jake looked down and opened up his hand to hold hers. "So what about you Jake? Any special girlfriends back home?"

Jake looked down. "Nope. Not one. Honestly, I've never been in love."

Lucinda felt shocked. How could a gorgeous young man like Jake never have fallen in love? "Really? I figured you'd be turning down girls left and right."

Jake scoffed. "Not really. I'm not that special."

"To me you are," Lucinda said softly squeezing his hand.

Jake wanted desperately to ask about Lucinda's boyfriends, actually more like his father. He wanted to know what happened between them. He just wasn't sure how to go about it.

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked Lucinda.

Lucinda almost choked as she sipped her wine. She wiped her mouth and stayed silent for a moment.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Jake added.

"No it's Ok. It's just not a question I get asked by most men. I think most men don't care if I've been in love or not."

"Well I'm not most men," Jake said, this time squeezing her hand.

"A long time ago. I did fall deeply in love with this one guy. He was a bad boy. He wasn't very rich. I mean he only had a mother and his father had left his mother when he was only three years old. He'd always get in trouble in school and I would admire him from afar. You know it's your usual story about good girl likes bad boy."

Jake nodded and listened attentively never letting go of her hand. He could feel her hand gripping his as if she needed his touch.

"Well anyway one day after cheerleading practice, he stood by the football field with the rest of his troublemaking friends. I had to walk by them in order to get out and I felt so scared. As I walked by them, one of his friends whistled at me and said something vulgar. He got furious with his friend and told him off. He walked away from his friends and I followed him. I caught up to him and thanked him for sticking up for me. Then after a few minutes of talking, he asked me out. Everyone was so shocked seeing us together. We were complete opposites. But we were in love. Deeply in love. I had to sneak around behind my parents back just to see him. He was such a wonderful person..."

Lucinda stopped talking and noticed Jake was listening carefully. "So what happened to him?" Jake asked curiously.

Lucinda sighed. "Well we ended up breaking up. He left, got offered a job with his uncle up in Wisconsin and I couldn't go with him since my parents were so strict."

"Did you want to go with him?"

Lucinda thought about it for a moment. "At the time I did. But he promised me that he would write to me and call me everyday. I got his phone calls the first week and then less calls the weeks to follow until he stopped calling and writing."

Jake felt so upset. "So do you still think of him?"

She nodded. "Not so much him but... yes I guess I do."

Jake wanted to ask if his father ever knew she was pregnant. Everything was making more sense as he got to know Lucinda. Now he was even more sure she was his mother.

After dinner they walked back to Jake's hotel. Jake walked Lucinda to her car and they stood outside saying their goodbyes. "I really had a wonderful time with you," Lucinda said holding onto Jake's hand.

"Me too. Thank you for inviting me out."

"And thank you for dinner," Lucinda added.

They stood in silence for a moment and Jake knew he wanted to kiss her and also knew she wanted to be kissed. Her eyes looked up at him yearning for love. He boldly made the move and pulled her close to him. He cupped her pretty face and leaned down to kiss her lips. Lucinda was surprised by the kiss at first but then totally lost. His kiss was so intense. He kisses were so gentle and wet. Lucinda slid her tongue inside Jake's mouth and they began to french kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and their bodies pressed hair against one another's.

Jake had his hands on Lucinda's tiny waist. He loved kissing her and most of all he loved the way she kissed him back. Her kisses were deep and hot. Jake loved the way she moaned into his kiss as if she wanted more from him.

It was one long wet and sensuous kiss. Lucinda didn't want to stop kissing him. She wanted to kiss him all night and maybe even get him into bed. He was so innocent and yet so sexy.

"I better go or else..." Jake's words trailed off as he broke the kiss.

"Or else what? Tell me," Lucinda implored.

Jake blushed. He wanted to tell her that if they didn't stop kissing he might just want to take her and make love to her right then and there.

"Or else... we might go too far."

"So what?" Lucinda whined.

Jake rested his forehead on hers. "I want to take it slow Lucinda. I need you to know me better."

"I feel like I've known you all of my life Jake. As strange as that sounds it's so true."

Jake gave her lips a quick peck. "I feel the same way Lucinda. I feel that we belong together in some way. Maybe as friends or lovers... or..."

She searched his face for more answers. "Or what?"

"Nothing. You better go. It's getting late but I'll call you tomorrow."

"No don't call me. Come over. Please."

Jake felt his pulse racing. "You really want me to?"

She nodded and reached up to kiss his lips again. They got lost in another long kiss.

"Ok I will come over tomorrow. I promise."

* * *

Jake eyed Lucinda's house from outside. He was parked in front of her house the next night and saw that she had a few lights on. He wondered if she was thinking of him. He got off his truck and headed to her door. His hands were shaky but he managed to ring her doorbell.

Lucinda opened her door wearing a beautiful dark blue silk robe and her hair was brushed and left hanging loose. She was beaming. "Hey. Glad you could come over."

She stepped aside and let him in. He heard her lock her door and he turned to face her once again.

Jake kissed her on her cheek and then a quick kiss on her lips. "Nice to see you. Very nice robe you have on."

"Thank you, I just got out of the shower, wasn't expecting you to come so early," she replied shyly. "Did you want some coffee? I can put on a fresh pot."

"Yeah coffee sounds good."

"Great! Then have a seat there and you can turn on the TV if you like. I'll go make the coffee."

Jake took a seat on her couch and took his wallet out of his back pocket and placed it on the coffee table along with his keys. He looked around her lovely home and noticed she had many paintings up on her wall. The lighting was dim since she only had two lamps on. He kept looking hoping to find some pictures. Underneath her coffee table, Lucinda had a few magazines and what looked like a photo album. Jake got excited hoping to find pictures of his grandparents or maybe even his father.

He grabbed the thick green album and began to look through it. He saw many pictures of Lucinda and her co-workers. It seemed like those were all the pictures she had. Jake was feeling disappointed but as he looked further, he saw Lucinda with what looked to be her parents. His grandparents. Her mother was a tall, thin woman with short dark brown hair and blue eyes. Her father was also very tall with short salt and pepper hair and brown eyes. She stood with them in the picture from what looked to be her college graduation picture.

"Oh no you found my pictures!" Lucinda cried out playfully.

Jake almost jumped out of his seat. "Oh God you scared me!"

Lucinda laughed. "I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I hope you didn't see any ugly pictures of me."

"No way. You look beautiful in each one Lucinda."

She sat next to him and Jake pointed out the picture he'd seen. "Are these your parents?"

Lucinda nodded. "Yes that is them. My mother looks nothing like me does she?"

"Well only the eyes mostly. You look more like your father."

"Yeah I had been told that a lot."

They both stared at the photograph and Jake decided it was time to ask a few questions.

"So tell me something. You really never married at all?"

"No I sure didn't."

"But you did have a love of your life huh?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes I did but I lost him a long time ago."

"Yeah you told me about that guy. Lucky guy."

"Let me go check on the coffee. You can keep looking at the pictures if you like."

Jake did continue to look but found nothing. At least he had seen Lucinda's parents. A few minutes later, Lucinda came by setting down two cups filled with coffee.

"I brought the sugar cubes and milk and cream since I didn't know which one you preferred. "

"Milk is fine," Jake said still staring at the picture.

Lucinda poured the coffee and they sat sipping and talking about their day. Jake wanted to ask more questions but he knew he had to take things slow. Just then, Lucinda's phone rang.

"Excuse me for a minute. Let me get that." She said getting up to answer her phone.

Jake drank his coffee peacefully but then almost choked when he heard Lucinda practically sobbing into the phone.

"Look I already told you that I'm fine mother. I don't need you to be telling me what's right and what's wrong. I am an adult now!

There was a brief silence and then Lucinda spoke again. "No I will not! Please just let me live my life for once!"

Jake just listened. He knew Lucinda was very upset but he had to find out why. Had her mother always hated her because she had gotten pregnant at an early age?

"Ok well I'm busy right now so we are going to have to talk about his tomorrow. Goodnight mother!"

She slammed the phone down and continued to sob. Jake stood up and went to her side. He put his arms around her trying to comfort her. "Are you OK? I mean what's wrong?"

She cried and couldn't speak at first. Jake just stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. He waited for her to calm down. Her tears were wetting his t-shirt.

"I-I'm sorry Jake. I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"It's ok. I just hope you're ok."

She sobbed more and held him tighter. His embrace was so comforting. "I am. No wait I'm not!" She took a few deep breaths before she looked up at him. His eyes danced as they looked into hers.

"What's wrong Lucinda? Talk to me."

"I just got upset with my mother. She's always trying to run my life. Even after so many years. She thinks I'll make mistakes all of my life. That'll I'll never do something right."

Jake stroked her hair and face. "What do you mean mistakes? We all make mistakes throughout life."

She looked so serious. She walked away from him and paced the room. "Jake I had a baby once."

Jake gulped. "Y-you did?"

She looked at him nervously. "Yes. A long time ago back when I was living in El Paso. I was only 17 at the time. I had a baby. It was a boy."

Jake felt his hands begin to tremble. "What happened to him?" Jake asked almost scared to hear the truth.

"I had to give him up. I was young, and my parents were not going to support me at all. They told me that if I decide to keep the baby that they would disown me and never speak with me again! At the time I didn't care so I ran away from home. I was only four months pregnant then. I stayed with friends and a cousin of mine for a while until I finally gave birth to my baby boy."

Jake slowly took a seat on the couch and patted the seat next to him. "Here sit down. Tell me more."

Lucinda made her way to Jake. He put his arm around her as she went on. "You should have seen him Jake. He was so beautiful. I held him in my arms and I cried. I didn't want to give him up but I knew I wouldn't be able to provide a good life for him. So I decided to give him away. I tried to locate his father, which was the guy I told you about yesterday over dinner, but I had no luck. I was desperate so I did what I thought was right and left my baby in front of a church! I abandoned my baby boy! Oh Jake it was the hardest thing I ever had to do! I didn't want to. I wanted to keep my baby and take care of him and watch him grow into the handsome young man that I knew he would be. I left him there without any papers or even a note. I hadn't given him a name either. I just knew him as my baby boy. The love of my life! The news got out about an abandoned baby and I turned myself in knowing I would eventually be found. I told the authorities I wasn't able to care for my child and that I had to give him up!" Lucinda began to sob and Jake held her in his arms. He too felt tears swelling from his eyes.

"Jake I can still remember my baby so well like if it was just yesterday that I held him in my arms. He smiled up at me and he knew I was his momma. He was the most precious thing I had ever seen! I think of him every single day of my life! I love him with all of my heart."

Jake couldn't hold back his tears. He began to cry along with his mother. It was her. She was his mother. God she was beautiful! He understood her reasons and loved her even more. They both cried in each other's arms and Lucinda felt her heart melting. She never thought a male would be affected by her story. A story like that would have scared most males off.

"I didn't mean to make you cry Jake," Lucinda said wiping her tears.

They both laughed softly. It felt good to have someone supporting her and letting her know she was who she was. She was tired of all the macho men that could care less about her problems. Jake was so different. He was kind, understanding and open minded. The kind of man you could share secrets with and trust. "It was just a very touching story Lucinda. You don't know how much it meant to me."

She wanted to kiss him again. But this time she wanted a deep long wet kiss. She wasn't sure if he wanted the same thing. Jake held her in his arms and he loved the feel of a woman in his embrace. Her eyes looked up at him full of passion.

"I want to kiss you," Lucinda said softly.

Jake wanted to just push her away gently and tell her that it was wrong. That he was her son, but instead he leaned down and planted a softy kiss on her lips. Lucinda felt her body on fire as the young man kissed her. Their lips parted simultaneously and their tongues slid into each other's mouths. It was the hot and passionate kiss Lucinda had been fantasizing about ever since she met Jake. It was so sexy and she felt as if she never wanted to stop kissing him.

Jake felt his toes curl up as his beautiful mother kissed him. Her lips were soft and so warm. Her tongue massaged his very gently. He felt his hands gripping her tiny waist wanting to be with her so badly. Lucinda broke the kiss as she tried to catch her breath.

"Wow! Jake, that was so hot! I'm so hot for you!"

Jake felt his cock growing inside of his jeans. "Lucinda you are such an amazing woman!"

She stood up and stepped back and Jake's eyes widened as she fumbled with her robe and let it fall open and onto the ground. She stood naked before Jake. Jake had never seen a more enchanting sight his entire life. Her breasts were a small b-cup size it seemed with large dark pink nipples that were already erect. His eyes traveled down to her flat tummy and small waist, then down to her pussy. She had no hair and looked completely baby smooth. Her legs were tanned and so smooth. One would have thought she was in her late 20's not her thirties.

"Lucinda... oh my God!" Jake could barely speak.

She opened her arms to him. "Come to me Jake. Please."

Jake got up and went to his mother; full of love and passion. He wrapped his arms around her and she pressed her naked body against him. Her skin was so supple and she smelled so delicious. She loosed herself from his embrace and looked into his eyes. Their blues eyes were glued to each other as if they were trying to remember this moment for the rest of their lives.

Lucinda reached up and kissed Jake. Jake couldn't resist her kisses. He parted his mouth and their tongues slid against each other's. Jake wanted to stop he really did, but it was too late. Lucinda was absolutely irresistible and he wondered what man would be able to stop. Their kiss was hot and very wet. Lucinda moaned softly as she kissed him. Jake began to walk her over by the wall. He pressed her up against the wall as they kissed harder.

Lucinda picked up one leg and wrapped it around Jake's waist. Jake ran his hands down her body and stopped at her breasts. Her nipples hardened between his fingers and he gently pinched them making her moan more. He loved touching her breasts. He wanted to suck on them and make her feel even better. He moved his head down and put one of her nipples in between his lips. His tongue then flicked the nipple very fast and he could feel Lucinda's body almost shaking.

"Oooh yes! Kiss my breasts! Suck on my nipples!" Lucinda begged.

Jake took turns sucking on both her nipples and squeezing her beautiful breasts. Lucinda felt as if she would climax right then and there. His mouth felt so wonderful teasing her breasts. Jake ran his hands down her back and onto her buttocks. He grabbed them feeling how firm they were. He pulled her closer to him and could almost feel the heat between her legs go through his jeans.

"You have such a beautiful body Lucinda!" Jake rasped.

She kissed him harder and felt Jake's hand travel down between her legs. She moved back a little to give him access to touch her. His hand felt shaky as it finally reached it destination. He could feel her so wet and hot. He rubbed her pussy and watched her tilt her head back and moan louder. He loved looking at her getting pleasure from his touch. He could feel her pussy lips so slick and he gently spread them with his fingers allowing her swollen clit to peek out. He got a hold of her clit and massaged it between his fingers. Lucinda wailed sounds of pleasure. Her nipples were so erect. Jake leaned down to kiss her neck and trailed kissed down to her breasts again. He sucked on one nipple and let his finger find Lucinda's opening.

He searched without looking until finally he felt her pussy hole. He slowly dipped one finger in and could see Lucinda biting on her lower lip as if she was trying to contain herself from cumming. Her breathing was heavy and Jake could feel her juices coating his finger each time he slide it in and out.

"Yess! Keep doing that Jake! Oh God baby don't stop!" Lucinda cried out.

Jake could feel his erection throbbing and wanting to be inside of her. He could do it. Tonight could be the night he lost his virginity but he knew there was a limit. He couldn't have sex with Lucinda, not yet at least. Not until the truth came out.

"Stick another finger in me please!" Lucinda implored.

Jake slid yet another finger inside of his woman. She felt so hot and ready to cum. She moved her hips as if she was trying to fuck his fingers on her own. Jake moved to her other breast and sucked on her nipple. At that moment, he felt her tremble and he took her nipple out of his mouth. He had to watch her face, her expressions. Her eyes were shut tightly and her mouth opened as if she was trying to scream but she couldn't. Jake pumped his fingers faster inside and then felt her pussy clench his fingers.

"Mmmmghghhhh I'm c-cumming! Oooh Jake I'm cumming!" Lucinda thrust her hips and her entire body shook as she got her pleasure.

Jake watched her cum and felt as if he would almost cum in his pants. He wanted her to take care of his hard on but knew the time was not right.

Lucinda finally opened her eyes and looked at Jake. "That was so incredible! I came so hard!"

"You felt so good cumming on my fingers," Jake added.

She reached up to kiss him again. It was another long wet kiss that Jake didn't want to stop. He knew that she wanted to have sex but he couldn't, not yet.

"I want you to spend the night with me Jake," Lucinda said in a soft voice.

Jake slowly put her leg down that she had wrapped around her waist and cupped her face. "I can't. Not tonight."

She looked disappointed but seemed to understand. "I know we just met. I'm sorry please don't think I do this all the time."

"I would never think that. I know the attraction between us is very strong. I do want you. I want to make love to you but I can't. I need to sort some things out."

She grabbed her robe and put it on. "That's fine Jake. I'm willing to wait for you."

Jake felt so nervous. He was finally able to be intimate with a woman. A woman he was slowly falling in love with more each day. "I have to go Lucinda, but I will call you tomorrow night. Is that OK?"

She nodded and they kissed once again.

Jake walked outside to his truck and waved to Lucinda. He turned on his engine and began to drive off back to his hotel that night. He still had an erection. He could still smell Lucinda and feel her beautiful body. He reached up and smelled the two fingers that had been inside of Lucinda and he got even more excited. Her smell, such a wonderful feminine smell was left on his fingers. He had never been more excited in his entire life. He had to figure something out soon. Lucinda was his mother and now he was in love with her. Why had life gotten so complicated?

* * *

Lucinda lay on her couch and stared up at the ceiling. She let her robe fall open again and touched her breasts imagining it was Jake touching her. She had cum so hard that night. It'd been such an intense and wonderful orgasm. His touch was so wonderful. She smiled and ran her hand down her tummy but then something caught her attention.

She turned to look and it was Jake's wallet. She knew it would be wrong to look into it but she had to. She raised her body up and sat on the couch holding the wallet in her hands. She slowly opened it up and saw two credit cards and some cash. She wanted to see if he had any pictures of his family. She looked and saw his driver's license. Her eyes widened.

"Date of birth March 31, 1986?" Lucinda asked herself in confusion.

She gasped. "He lied to me! He's not 23! He's only 18! Oh my god!"

She got up and paced the room. Why would Jake lie to her? He seemed so perfect! She wanted to call him and tell him but she decided she would wait. She would wait until he called her the next day and she would ask him in person why he lied to her. There had to be a reason behind all of this.

Then chills went up her spine as she looked at the year. It'd been the same date her baby had been born and the year she'd give up her baby boy. The worst year of her life! She sobbed and wondered why she had such bad luck with men and life in general. If only she had kept her baby boy then maybe at least she would have had him; her baby boy had been the true love of her life.

Jake had finished jerking off that night and finally was able to go to sleep. He felt something was missing but couldn't figure out what it was. He fell asleep that night and wished the day would go by fast so he could get to see Lucinda again?

to be continued....
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 04-30-2004, 09:05 PM
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Chapter 04

Jake had called Lucinda at work several times but only got her voice mail. He figured she was probably out in meetings for going out to the colleges. He couldn't wait to see her again that evening. That night he would reveal to her that he was her son; at least he hoped to have the balls to do so.

Lucinda went from one meeting to another that day and her mind was on Jake. He'd been incredible last night but the fact that he had lied about his age really scared her. She wanted to confront him just to get the truth. He owed her that much.

* * *

It was past seven that night and Jake hadn't heard a word from his mother. He wondered where she was or if she had regretted what they had done the night before. He decided to go see her and took a few deep breaths, as he wanted nothing more than to tell her the truth about him being her son. He had gotten tired of waiting for her to call so he decided to go to her. He slipped on his gray button up shirt and pair of black slacks and put on his boots. He grabbed his keys and then realized his wallet was missing. Where in the world was his wallet? He searched desperately and then his memory came back to him. He'd left it on Lucinda's coffee table. His heart raced knowing she might have looked at it and seen his information.

Oh God she knows! She knows I lied to her!

He was about to leave but as he opened the door Lucinda stood outside with a serious face. Jake smiled weakly and knew something was wrong.

"Lucinda, what are you doing here? I was about to go to your house since I hadn't heard from you all day. Did you not get my messages?"

She nodded. "Yes I did. Jake we need to talk."

Jake agreed. "We do. Come in please."

She stepped in and held her breath for a moment. She didn't want to scream at him or get upset. She needed to stay calm.

"Did you want something to drink?" Jake asked.

Lucinda crossed her arms and stared at him as if she was afraid of him. "Lucinda what's wrong?"

She uncrossed her arms and held out his wallet. "Here you left this at my house last night."

Jake nervously grabbed the wallet and set it on the nightstand. "Thank you."

He looked at her and her eyes had tears. "Why did you lie to me about your age Jake? You told me you were 23 and it shows your only 18 on your driver's license."

Jake didn't know how to respond. He stood silently as Lucinda waited for an answer. It had to be the truth. He didn't want to lie to her anymore. "Lucinda I'm going to tell you something but please don't hate me. I never thought we'd go this far. I mean I think I'm falling in love with you and I'm really scared of what you are going to think of me when I tell you what I'm about to tell you."

Lucinda felt so nervous. What secret could he possibly have? He was young but at least he was of legal age. She hoped this secret wouldn't be too extreme. Jake was too perfect to have an ugly secret hidden. "Go on Jake."

Jake felt his lower lip tremble, as he was about to reveal the truth. "Lucinda, I am your son."

Lucinda's eyes widened and she felt her breath go short. "W-what? Y-you're….what?"

Jake moved close to her and put his hand on her shoulders. Lucinda stared up at him and more tears ran down her face. "I am your son. Lucinda I've been searching for you for years. I found out some information about you and I had to come look for you. I had to find my mother."

Lucinda began to cry. Jake felt his eyes begin to water. Jake wanted to hold her and tell her how much he loved her, not only as a mother but a lover. Lucinda pulled away from him and narrowed her eyes at him. "You can't be my son! We were…intimate the other night! You can't be my son!"

Jake blinked and felt tears run down his face. "I am your son. I know you left me and I'm adopted. My parents are Sara and Tom Morgan."

Lucinda's face turned white as a ghost. Those two names sounded so familiar. It was them! She'd signed the adoption papers and remembered seeing their names. They were the ones to adopt her baby! Oh God! Jake was her son! He was the one she'd thought about every day of her life!

"No! Oh no! Jake! No you can't be him! No!" She cried.

Jake rushed towards her and tried to put his arms around her but she pushed him away. "Don't do that! Don't touch me! I can't have you touch me!"

Jake felt his heart breaking. "I'm sorry Lucinda. I'm so sorry!"

Lucinda stared at him as if she hated him. "No…oh no!" Lucinda kept mumbling softly.

"Lucinda I love you," Jake whispered.

Lucinda sobbed quietly. "I have to go Jake."

Jake grabbed her arm but she pulled away. He knew she was upset and confused about the whole situation. He felt the same way. He also knew he couldn't do anything to stop her from leaving.

* * *

Lucinda ran outside rushing to her car. A crowd outside stared at her as she walked passed them. This had to be a dream. She'd dreamed so many times of being able to see her son but never did she think she'd be in love with him.

As she drove back home tears ran down her face and she could barely manage to see the road as her vision blurred. The traffic was heavy outside and the cars just passed her up honking at her to move faster. Lucinda pulled over to the side of the road and sobbed more.

* * *

Jake felt so awful for having led her on that way. He felt like a jerk, real low down jerk. She was upset and would probably never want to talk to him again.

"What have you done Jake?" He asked himself, "You screwed everything up! You should have just come her and told Lucinda right away that you were her son, but instead you fall in love! Damnit!"

Jake paced the room and looked out the streets of Vegas. He wondered where Lucinda was and if she really hated him. His eyes watered and his heart broke. He'd not only lost his mother, but his one true love. He'd never felt this way about another female before. Lucinda had such an affect of him.

"I'm sorry mom," Jake said in a soft voice as he stared out the window. He wiped his tears and hoped Lucinda would come back to him otherwise he'd have to go to her and if that's what it took then he would do it.

* * *

"Lucinda?" Joy said as she opened her door.

Lucinda stood outside crying. "Joy can I stay here for tonight? Please?"

Joy stepped aside to let her friend in. "What's wrong honey? Are you OK?"

Lucinda continued to sob. "Yes..n-no! I'm not Ok! Joy, I've lost Jake! I can't be with him!"

"Here, have a seat and let me go make you a tea. Lucinda cried and couldn't get the fact that Jake was her son out of her mind. She'd kissed him, shown him her naked body, had him put his fingers inside of her and she'd cum so hard! He'd been incredible! But he was her son! She felt like a huge pervert and then again she felt so betrayed by him.

A few minutes later Joy came back with a cup of tea. "Here you go. Now tell me what happened?"

Lucinda didn't want to tell her everything. She couldn't. "He lied to me about something. He wasn't honest! I should have known not to trust him, I was going to fast!"

"You didn't know. You fell for him too quick, but you only listened to your heart."

Lucinda sipped her tea and looked straight ahead. "Joy, I fell for him."

"What did he lie to you about?"

Lucinda took a deep breath. "His age," she said quickly.

"He's not underage is he?"

"No. He's 18. He's only 18!"

Joy laughed. "Is that it? Lucinda you shouldn't worry about that."

"I know…but…"

"But nothing. You need to call him tonight and tell him that you forgive him and that you love him. I hate seeing you this way."

Lucinda nodded. "No I need some time to cool off. I can't do this tonight."

"Fine, then you can stay here for as long as you need to. Hell I could use some company around here anyway."

Lucinda smiled weakly. "Thank you."

* * *

Jake had called Lucinda at home, at work and had even stopped by her house and she was nowhere to be found. He knew he had messed things up severely. He wished he could take everything back and just do what he had come here to do. But in a way he was glad he couldn't take things back. He didn't regret kissing her, touching her, making her cum. Most of all he didn't regret falling in love with her. She was a beautiful woman inside and out. So sophisticated, sexy, smart and gentle. She was his dream woman.

It was already Thursday and Jake would be leaving Saturday morning. He'd promised his parents he'd be back by Sunday at the latest. He missed his parents dearly and felt awful for having lied to them.

He wouldn't give up on Lucinda. He'd keep calling and going by her house but he only had a few days to do that.

* * *

The phone ringing woke Lucinda up the next morning. She could barely open her eyes to see where the phone was. Reaching out to grab the phone she dropped a stack of magazines that were on the coffee table.


"Lucinda, it's me Joy."

"Joy?" Lucinda's eyes widened. "What time is it?"

"It's past 10 in the morning. Listen, don't worry, I told the boss you were very sick and that you took the day off. So just go back to sleep and rest OK?"

Lucinda felt relived. "Thank you so much."

"You are welcome now just rest and think about what you want to do. Think about what you really want to do."

Lucinda hung up the phone and an image of Jake came to her mind. She could see his soft blue eyes and beautiful smile. She could still feel his kisses lingering on her lips.

"Jake I love you!" She said to herself. She grabbed a small pillow and held it against her chest hugging it tightly. "I can't love you that way, it's just wrong! Oh god it's so wrong!"

Lucinda knew it was too late not to lover her son that way. He was her baby boy that she'd given up and never forgot about. She'd dreamed of meeting him one day but never like this. This was something special. As much as she tried to fight it, she knew she loved him as a man as well as a son.

"I miss you Jake. I need the strength to tell you how much I love you!" Lucinda closed her eyes and could still feel his hands all over her body, touching her, caressing her. She knew at that moment that she needed to do the right thing.

* * *

Jake hadn't heard a word from Lucinda all day. He was worried and scared to death of where she had gone off to. He'd begun to pack a few of his things for the meantime. He didn't want to leave without seeing Lucinda one more time and to tell her that he loved her no matter what.

Jake was busy packing a few things when there was a soft knock on his door. His heart was pounding with the hopes that it would be Lucinda. He rushed over to the door and he gasped.


She looked at him and said nothing. Instead, she just rushed to him and threw her arms around him. Jake held her back and their bodies pressed against each other so close.

"Jake! Oh Jake!" She cried.

"I love you. I love you with all of my heart," Jake said holding her.

She pulled away from him to look at him. "I love you too! I'm crazy about you!"

He cupped her face and leaned down to kiss her. Their mouths parted and their tongues caressed on another so gently. Jake reached over to close the door and then grabbed Lucinda's hand in his.

Lucinda touched his face and smiled with tears running down her face. "You're my son. You are my baby boy! I never forgot about you Jake. Everyday of my life, you were on my mind."

"I'm glad I found you mom," Jake said softly.

Mom. That word alone meant so much. Lucinda's heart fluttered just hearing it. "You said mom! Oh Jake let me hear that again please," she begged quietly.

Jake looked deeply into her eyes. "I love you mom."

She sighed happily and put her arms around him again. "I'll never abandon you again, I promise."

Jake kissed her forehead. "This was fate Lucinda. I think we were meant to be this way."

She nodded and reached up to kiss his lips. "Yes we were." Then her eyes searched the room and saw his suitcases. "Are you going…home?" She almost hesitated to say.

"Yes. I leave Saturday morning. I mean I guess I should go back home right?"

"I don't want you to leave! I want you here with me! I've lost you once and I don't want to lose you again!"

They began to share another long wet kiss filled with love. Jake put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Lucinda's body was on fire! She needed to have him inside of her or she would burst! They shared long hard kisses. Jake trailed kisses on her jaw line and down to her neck. Lucinda moaned feeling her son's kisses. He knew how to turn her on better than any other man.

"I need you Jake. I need you to be with me," Lucinda whispered.

Jake stroked her hair and lifted her body up from the ground. Lucinda yelped and laughed as she was taken by surprise. Jake carried her over to the bed and laid her down gently. She looked up at him with curious eyes. Jake grabbed one foot and slipped off her sandal then proceeded to do the same with the other. His hands slowly crept up her legs and began to pick up her dress slowly revealing more of her smooth legs. Lucinda felt her face beet red as her son began to seduce her.

"You have such a beautiful body. I can't stop looking at you."

Lucinda took a deep breath once Jake managed to get her dress up above her waist. He looked down and saw her white lacey panties and smiled. She blushed even more. "Mmmm your so sexy you know that?" He said grabbing both sides and slowly pulling her panties down.

Lucinda raised her hips off the bed to give him easier access to remove her panties. Jake gulped as he saw her delicious slick and smooth pussy again. He couldn't wait to feel what it would be like to be inside of her. Jake then grabbed Lucinda's hands again and raised her up. They shared another long wet kiss and Lucinda felt Jake unzipping the back of her dress. Her dress came undone and Lucinda pulled up her arms to let her lover take off her dress.

Jake had the woman of his dream all naked on a bed just for him. He'd dreamed of this day and to be able to share it with someone special and here she was. His mother, his lover, the woman that had stolen his heart.

"You take my breath away Lucinda," Jake said as his eyes roamed Lucinda's body.

Lucinda closed her eyes for a moment and then looked back at him. "I hope this isn't a dream and if it is, let me never wake up."

Jake touched her face and then stood up ready to strip down naked. Lucinda laid on her back and watched him strip. He removed his t-shirt first letting her see his hard chest and stomach. Then he stepped out of his shoes and socks and quickly began to undo his jeans. Lucinda was fascinated with his youthful body. He was so sexy and all hers. He belonged to her and she to him.

Jake hesitated for a moment at first before he pulled down his boxers. He'd never been naked in front of a woman before. Lucinda's eyes widened, as her son's cock was now visible. It was at least seven inches. She felt extreme wetness between her legs. Jake took a deep breath before he joined her on the bed.

"You're so wonderful Jake. So amazing!" Lucinda whispered.

Jake got on the bed and was on his knees looking at her pussy. He felt so nervous. He was sure Lucinda was used to experienced men who knew what to do in bed with a woman.

"Jake? Are you ok sweetheart?" Lucinda asked concerned.

Jake nodded. "No. I've never been…you know with a woman."

Lucinda smiled. "You're a virgin baby?"

"Y-yes," Jake stuttered.

Lucinda pulled him towards her and gave him a wet kiss. "Don't worry I'll teach you."

Jake felt his cock throbbing ready to be inside of a woman. "I want you to teach me. Teach me this Lucinda. Teach me how to please you."

Lucinda raised herself up and grabbed his cock. Jake moaned instantly at the touch of her hand. She spread her legs open and began to aim Jake's cock to her opening. She stabbed her opening and looked at him. "Slide it in baby. Get your cock in me."

Jake groaned being so turned on. He began to slide his cock inside of his woman. The feeling of her warm pussy wrapping around his aching cock was the most wonderful feeling he'd ever experienced. "Ooh yes! This f-feels good!" Jake murmured.

"Mmm it does! Slide it in really deep baby. Get it in deep!"

Jake kept sliding his cock inside of Lucinda until finally his balls were touching her pussy. He shut his eyes tightly for a moment hoping not to cum so fast. She felt so warm, wet and tight! He was almost afraid if he made one single move that he'd explode inside of her. He opened his eyes and saw she was looking up at him.

"Ok now begin to thrust your hips slowly and let yourself slide in and out of me. Go slowly baby."

Jake did what he was told. The feeling was almost indescribable. He could feel his cock gliding in and out. He was finally losing his virginity to the woman he loved. This felt so right no matter what anyone would ever say.

"Ahh yes! Like that baby. Oooh like that! Now go a little faster for me. Jake you feel so good!"

Jake began to move faster now. His breath grew heavy and he began to break a sweat. Lucinda wrapped her legs around him feeling him move his cock in and out of her so fast. He was doing damn good for being a virgin. She couldn't wait to feel him cum inside of her. Their eyes locked and they kissed while they both moaned together.

Jake was feeling his balls swell up slowly and he knew he was so close to cumming. He wondered if he should cum inside of her or if he should pull out. "Lucinda, I'm so close! I want to cum!" Jake rasped pushing his cock harder inside of her.

"Cum inside of me baby! Cum for me, my baby boy!"

Jake's cock twitched hard and a long and hard spurt of cum shot out of his cock. He felt his body shaking from the extreme pleasure. "Arrhhhhhhhhh mmmmghghhh!" Jake moaned as more as he planted his seed inside of Lucinda.

Lucinda could feel it. Her son's warm cum drowning her pussy. Jake's eyes were shut tightly as he came and his mouth was parted while he tried to catch his breath. Lucinda had never seen a sexier sight. She felt her body go numb and her nipples hardened. Jake had finished thrusting his hips but she put her feet by his buttocks and began to push him and out of her again.

"A little more baby! I'm cumming!" Lucinda cried out.

Jake slid in and out again and watched her orgasm. Her pussy grasped his cock as if it was trying to milk every drop of cum from him.

"Oooh Jake! Oh my god!" Lucinda wailed.

Jake waited until she was relaxed again before he slid out of her. He fell next to her and tried to catch his breath. Lucinda turned to her side and put her head on his chest. She sighed and smiled.

"That was so wonderful. So beautiful."

Jake stroked her hair and cupped her face to make her look up at him. "That meant a lot to me Lucinda. You mean a lot to me."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

A rush of reality came back to Lucinda. "What are we going to do Jake? I don't want you to go back home."

"I know. I don't want to go home either but I have to. My parents….well they are waiting for me to return."

"I wish you could get a transfer to UNLV and attend school here. You could live with me."

Jake raised a brow. "If I live with you do you think I'd actually get any studying done?"

She laughed. "Of course you would silly! I just want you to be with me. I'm so in love with you."

Jake held her and they both stayed silent and a few moments later he felt Lucinda go to sleep. He thought about what he would do about all of this. He did need to return home. He couldn't leave his parents just like that. He'd have to tell them the truth. He didn't want to think about it at that moment. He just wanted to enjoy his time with Lucinda. Soon enough, he too fell in a deep sleep with his woman in his arms.

to be continued....
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 05-04-2004, 08:05 PM
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Chapter 05

Lucinda woke up the next day and found herself smiling and feeling so good. She squirmed a bit on the bed and looked to her side but Jake wasn't there. She was about to panic, but then looked down to see her son between her legs. He was tasting her! God he felt so good!

"Mmmm baby, oh yess!" Lucinda purred.

Jake had his head between her legs taking turns licking and sucking on her swollen clit. He'd managed to get between her legs when she was fast asleep. He hoped to wake her up by eating her out. He was glad he had succeeded. Her smell was intoxicating and she was so delicious. Jake had watched several porn movies where he carefully had studied the way the men ate the women out. He was glad he could finally try that with Lucinda.

Jake wiggled his tongue faster now making Lucinda writhe and moans of pleasure escaped her mouth. She was licking her lips and playing with her breasts as Jake continued to taste her. Lucinda couldn't keep still. Her son's tongue felt so good licking her, teasing her. His mouth was warm and his hot breath caressed her skin. His lips wrapped tightly around her clit sucking hard on it, making her juices ooze out slowly into his mouth.

"Jake this f-feels so good! Taste me baby! I want to cum in your mouth!" Lucinda cried out getting closer to her climax.

Jake slowed down a bit. He didn't want her to cum so quickly. He wanted to enjoy tasting her honey. He licked up and down her long slit very slowly. He could feel her legs shaking from the excitement he was providing for her. Jake spread her lips wider and he stared at her tiny opening. He moved his tongue down more and slid his tongue inside of her.

Lucinda lifted her hips off the bed squealing from the intense satisfaction her son was giving her. She could feel his long warm tongue sliding in and out of her as if he was fucking her with it. Lucinda moved her hips and raised her arms over her head while she moaned loudly. Jake could feel her insides so hot as his tongue caressed the velvety walls of her pussy. He moved his tongue faster and with his fingers began to play with her clit.

"Ahhhhhh oooh yessss! Just like that baby! Jake I'm going to cum! I want to cum!"

Jake didn't object to that. He kept fucking her pussy with his tongue and his fingers flicked her clit. Her juices were seeping out quickly wetting Jake's mouth.

Lucinda couldn't take it anymore. She felt her orgasm rip through her body. "Mmmmghhhh! Jake! I'm c-cumming! Taste me! Drink me!"

Jake's mouth was drowning with Lucinda's sweet nectar. He continued to lap her juices until he felt her body stop shaking. Jake rushed up to his mother and planted a hard kiss on her lips. Lucinda kissed him back and they shared her juices in their kiss.

"Oh god that was hot! That was so hot! I didn't think I could stop cumming!" Lucinda said breathlessly.

Jake caressed her face and kissed her forehead. "You taste so good. I felt like I could never stop tasting you."

"That was the best thing to wake up to. Just seeing you buried between my legs, oh Jake that was so wonderful!" Lucinda held him and kissed him.

"What am I going to do with you?" Jake asked placing soft kisses all over Lucinda's pretty face.

"I know what I'd like to do with you," Lucinda said playfully.

Jake smiled. "Yeah? What's that?"

Lucinda shifted her body and Jake moved to the side lying on his back. Lucinda's beautiful breasts were exposed as the sheets slowly fell of her beautiful body. She got on top of him and straddled him. Jake's cock was already hard. He'd woke up that morning with a raging hard on and after having tasted Lucinda, he was harder than ever.

"I need you again Jake," Lucinda whispered.

She leaned down to kiss him and slowly kissed down his neck, chest and stomach. She grabbed his hard on and wrapped her fingers around his tightly making Jake moan immediately. Lucinda felt his veins throbbing and she knew he would cum so hard inside of her. She wanted to taste him but that would come later, at that moment she needed him inside of her.

Lucinda lifted her body up a bit and slowly slid her pussy on Jake's cock. Jake groaned feeling her pussy swallowing up his entire cock. Her little body was on top of his and she looked at him with love.

"Hmmgghhh!" Jake loved the feeling of her hot pussy.

"Oh yes! This is the way I need you right now. God you're cock feels incredible Jake!"

Jake reached up to touch her breasts. His fingers pinched her nipples hard and Lucinda arched her back letting him continue to fondle her breasts while his cock was buried inside of her. Lucinda closed her eyes and began to move her hips slowly enjoying the feeling of her son's hard member inside of her. Jake's toes curled as sensations of pleasure went all through his body. Lucinda's mouth was parted and her eyes were closed. She moved her body more slowly sliding her pussy up and down Jake's cock.

"Ooohhh baby! Ahhhhhh!" Lucinda whined softy. She then began to move faster, grinding her pussy harder on her son's cock.

Jake held on to her hips and felt them swaying as she fucked his cock. Her beautiful breasts bounced up and down with each of her movements. Jake loved looking at her riding his cock and enjoying herself. Most of all, he loved the feeling of her juices slowly gliding down his long cock.

"Hmghghhh, yes! Keep riding me Lucinda. You feel s-so g-good!" Jake could barely say the words.

Lucinda opened her eyes and looked at her son. She leaned down to kiss him hard. They both moaned as they kissed. Lucinda moved slower now and Jake began to thrust his hips upwards sliding his cock in and out so fast. Lucinda stopped moving and bit her lower lip. She could feel her son's hard thrusts as she just stayed still for a moment. Jake held on to her hips gripping them and moving in and out of her.

"Jake! Oh Jake! Yesssss! More like that baby! Do it hard and fast! I'm going to cum….oh I'm going-" Lucinda couldn't finish her last sentence. She felt her orgasm ripping through her body. "Mmmghghhhhh!! Oooh fuck!" She cried out and Jake felt a hard rush of cum explode out of his cock at the same time.

"I'm cumming with you. Feel me cum!" Jake rasped.

Lucinda grinded her pussy harder on her son's cock and they both climaxed, together. His warm cum was shooting violently in her. She held onto his hands as they waited for their orgasms to weaken. Finally, Lucinda just collapsed on top of her son. He held her tight with his cock slowly softening inside of her and cum dripped onto her thighs. They lay there silent and breathless holding one another for a few seconds.

"Jake, that was so….oh god!" Lucinda hissed.

Jake kissed the top of her head and sighed. "Yes it was so amazing! You're amazing Lucinda. I love you."

She looked up at him and shifted her body letting his cock slide out of her completely. She kissed his lips and touched his handsome face. "All these years without you have been hell. I should have kept you Jake. I should have been a mother to you."

"Maybe, but maybe things would have not gone this way. I mean, we might not have been doing what we just finished doing."

"You mean making love?" Lucinda smiled.

"Yeah," Jake blushed.

"We'll never know that for sure Jake. All I know is that I love you."

"I love you too. I'm glad I found you. Now my life is complete."

Lucinda lay back on his chest and closed her eyes. "I wish you didn't have to leave."

Jake knew there was no way of just staying in Vegas. He feared explaining everything to his parents but he had to do it. He had to be honest with them after all they were the ones who brought him up.

"I am going to have to tell my parents about this Lucinda. They know your name so I can't hide this from them. I'm really scared of what they'll think of me." Jake finally spoke.

Lucinda looked up at him pushing her hair out of her face. "I'll be here for you no matter what. You know you'll always have a place to stay with me. I know your parents have to understand. If they want you to be happy, they have to understand right?"

"Maybe. I don't know how they'll react. Probably not very positive. After all, they are very involved with church."

Lucinda knew this was a hard step for Jake to take but she was willing to wait for him no matter what. They lay in silence for what seemed to be forever both wondering what the future had in store for them.

"I better shower up. I'm all sticky," Lucinda said playfully.

Jake laughed. "Yeah me too. You can go ahead and shower first."

Lucinda wished he would shower with her but she knew he had things to think about. She got up and headed to the bathroom. She made sure the water was warm. Stepping into the shower, she felt her hair get wet and her body. She took a deep breath and tried to relax. If Jake chose not to stay with her, then she'd have to live with that. She loved him more than anything in the world but she only wanted what was best for her son.

Jake lay in the bed and closed his eyes remembering Lucinda's warmth and love. He'd finally been able to make love to the right woman but she wasn't the right woman in the eyes of many people. He thought about his parents for a moment. They had been wonderful parents and treated him with love as if he was their own child. He couldn't hurt them like this. Yet, how could he ever go on with his life without Lucinda? He'd fallen deeply in love with her but the fact that she was his biological mother was their one obstacle.

"I want to be with you Lucinda. For the rest of my life if possible," Jake said out loud. For a moment there he couldn't believe he'd said it. Did he love her enough to maybe want to marry her? Was marriage even possible? {I}Damnit why did things have to be this way{/I}? Jake thought.

Lucinda was busy showering up and after having rinsed her hair she heard Jake come in. He pulled the shower curtain to the side and looked at her naked. Lucinda's eyes met with Jake's.

"I need you," Jake said quietly.

"Come in here with me baby," Lucinda said stepping aside.

Jake was already naked and stepped into the shower with his mother. Tears ran down his face and she held him in her arms as the water began to wet him. "Are you OK?"

Jake sobbed. "No. I hate this. I hate the fact that we might not be able to be together. I want to be only with you Lucinda."

"I want to be with you too but I don't want you to hurt your parents. I want you to do what's in your heart."

"{I}You're{/I} in my heart," Jake said glaring down at her.

Her heart fluttered. "And you're in mine. You were always in my heart."

"This is so difficult for me. This is one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make."

"Yes I know baby. Like I said I'm willing to support you with whatever choice you make. I can't force you to stay with me although I wish I could."

Jake held her again as the water ran down their bodies. Lucinda kissed his neck softly while Jake ran his hands up and down her back. He felt his cock growing slowly again. She seemed to have such an affect on him. Lucinda felt his hardness pressed on her leg and moved back. Her eyes glanced down and she felt so excited again. His cock was throbbing and hard for her again. She didn't say anything else. She just got on her knees ready to please him.

Jake watched her slide down to her knees and grabbed his cock. He gasped and his eyes widened as she began to put his hard on in her mouth. Jake watched her beautiful mouth engulf his cock. He cupped her face and made her look up at him. Her eyes locked with his and she moved her lips up and down his long shaft. Jake felt his legs tremble. Her mouth felt so hot and she was gripping his cock very tightly with her lips. He could feel her tongue wiggling around the head of his cock as she moved her mouth up and down. Jake now understood the big fuss behind blowjobs. It was intense and Jake loved watching her take every inch of his member into her mouth.

Lucinda loved his salty taste of his precum that slowly ran down her throat. She cupped his balls with her hands slowly massaging them. She took his cock out of her mouth and let it hang while her hungry mouth went to lick his balls. Jake groaned louder as he felt her long wet tongue licking his cum filled balls. Her mouth grabbed one ball and sucked on it making loud smacking noised that could be heard over the sound of the falling water. She did the same thing to his other ball and licked them more. She looked up at him again and slid his cock into her mouth once again.

Jake knew it wouldn't be long before he came. He wondered if she would swallow. He hoped she would swallow. There was nothing sexier than having the woman you love swallow your hot cum. He grabbed her hair hard and moved her head back and forth to the rhythm of his satisfaction. Lucinda could feel the veins of his cock throbbing in her mouth and his cock twitched. She felt him tense up and knew it was time for him to explode. She moved faster and put more suction on his cock.

"Arrhhhggghhh hmmmmmggghh! I'm cumming!"

Jake threw his head back and growled loudly as his cum shot right out of his cock and into her mouth. He watched her drink it. Oh God, she swallowing! Jake thought as more cum spurted out of his dick. He held her head in place until he finished shooting out every drop of his seed. Lucinda fought hard to breath and swallow at the same time but managed. She took one last gulp of her son's sperm and let his cock slip out of her mouth. Jake stood there breathless. He helped her up and held her in his arms.

"Lucinda, oh my God! That was so….." he couldn't think of the right word to express his bliss.

"I love the way you taste baby. I could drink you up all the time," Lucinda whispered in his ear.

He took a look at her pretty face and placed his forehead against hers. "The more I'm with you, the more I know I want to be with you."

Lucinda held his hands. "I know me too. Jake, I'm so glad you came looking for me. I know you turned out to be such a wonderful young man."

"I've had a good life thanks to you Lucinda. I've had two wonderful parents and been able to attend good schools. Plus, I met you and even though what we are doing might be wrong, I've never felt so alive and happy my entire life."

Lucinda felt her bottom lip quiver. Don't cry damnit, she told herself.

"I better step out of this shower other wise I'll turn like prune," Lucinda said laughing.

Jake didn't want her to go. "Ok I'll just finish showering up."

Lucinda stepped out and grabbed a big towel wrapping it around her body. She closed the bathroom door and tears ran down her face. She felt almost selfish hoping Jake would leave his parents to be with her. It wasn't right but she wanted him there with her.

* * *

After his shower, Jake stepped out and saw Lucinda fully dressed and applying some lipstick. She looked more beautiful than ever. "Are you hungry? We could get some breakfast…no wait lunch." Jake said teasingly.

She laughed. "Yeah it's almost noon. I am a bit hungry."

"Alright then, did you want to go downstairs to eat something?"

She smiled. "No I want to take you to my home and cook something for you. You know something homemade."

Jake rushed to her and held her tightly. "I can't wait to taste some of your home cooking mom."

Lucinda felt her heart rejoice hearing that beautiful word again. "I'm not that great of a cook but I'll try to make you the best lunch in town," Lucinda said sweetly.

"I'm sure you cook really good," Jake smiled.

"Why don't you get your bags and check out. You can stay with me. You know for your last night here."

Jake agreed. He knew his last night in Vegas should be special. Nothing would be more special than spending it with his mom, his lover.

* * *

An hour and a half later, they were at Lucinda's house. Jake was opening the wine bottle as Lucinda cooked some of her homemade spaghetti. She'd put the garlic bread in the oven and she stirred the homemade sauce. Jake turned on her stereo playing light jazz music.

"Mmm smells good!" Jake said poking his head in the kitchen.

Lucinda smiled. "Well I hope it's going to taste as good as it smells."

"I'm sure it will. Here I got the wine bottle open," Jake said grabbing a wine glass and pouring Lucinda some wine.

"Thank you," Lucinda said grabbing the glass. Jake poured himself some wine too. He never thought he'd even like wine but Lucinda had gotten him into it. They sipped the red wine together as Jake looked through Lucinda's CD collection.

"I didn't know you liked Pink Floyd," he said looking at one of his own favorite albums "The Wall."

"Well now you do. I didn't know you liked Pink Floyd." Lucinda replied playfully.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yes sure."

"What was…what was my father like? I mean besides being a bad boy type."

Lucinda sighed. "Well he wasn't just a bad boy. He was very sweet. He used to bring me flowers to school, of course he'd make sure his friends never saw him but he did. He even took me to a few of the school dances, another thing that would have been "uncool" of him to do. He was very good to me or at least in the beginning he was. Jake, I don't want you to think you're father was a bad person. He was young like me and we both clueless about family life."

Jake looked down. "Yeah I guess. I'm just angry with him for leaving you pregnant. Even though he never found out you were pregnant, it still angers me that he didn't even bother to keep in contact with you."

She moved towards him and touched his face. "Well that's the past sweetheart. But please don't hate him or be angry with him. After all if none of this had happened you and I wouldn't be like this. In love."

"Yes I know. I understand everything happens for a reason and I'm glad it did," Jake sipped his wine and watched his mother cook.

Once the meal was finished, Lucinda served them both and they sat around her table eating and talking. Jake knew this would be his last night with Lucinda, at least for a while. He'd have to attend college in Texas. It was too late to get a transfer. Besides, all of this would hit his parents really hard. He didn't want to hurt them. It would take time if he wanted to be with Lucinda, which he did.

"What are you thinking?" Lucinda asked putting her hand over his.

"About us."

"Yeah? Tell me."

"Well I'm just thinking of how much I'm going to miss you. I have to attend school in Texas. At least for the first semester or maybe even the first year. I want to move here but I also have to think about my parents. I can't just come home and tell them I've found you and now I want to live with you, although that's what I'd like to do."

"Yes I know honey. But Jake I am willing to wait for you. I know this isn't easy for you."

Jake held her hand in his. He never wanted to let go.

* * *

After lunch Lucinda went to freshen up and Jake laid in her bed feeling his eyes close slowly. He was about to fall asleep when he heard Lucinda come out of the bathroom wearing a stunning white sheer nightgown and her hair was pinned up. She looked like an angel! Jake raised his body up and reached out as if he wanted to touch her from afar.

"Hi sweetie," Lucinda said softly as she began to walk towards him.

Jake couldn't speak. She took his breath away.

"Hmm looks like my baby is all tongue tied," Lucinda said teasingly.

Jake nodded and gulped. She got on the bed with him and gently pushed him down on his back. Jake fell back and stared up at his beautiful mother. "I love you so much," Jake finally spoke.

"I love you too Jake. You mean the world to me you know that?"

Jake touched her beautiful face and was falling in love with her more every time he looked at her.

"I want tonight to be special. I don't know how long it will be until I see you again. I want this to be unforgettable," Lucinda whispered running her lips over his.

Jake held her tight. "Believe me, this whole week has been unforgettable. I came here looking for you and I found you. Now I'm so in love with you that I don't know how long I'm going to be able to be without you."

"We'll worry about that later, right now I just want to be with you."

They kissed softly and slowly began to remove their clothing. Hot passionate lovemaking awaited them. It was their last night together, and nothing was going to stop them from being with each other, loving one another.

to be continued....
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 05-14-2004, 08:10 PM
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Chapter 06

The rain outside began to pour down violently and thunder could be heard. Jake's eyes stared at his beautiful mother as she slowly removed her white night gown. Her lovely breasts were exposed and Jake's hand reached up to touch them. Lucinda held his hand on her left breast. She closed her eyes for a moment hoping never to forget his touch.

"Mmmm your touch….Jake your touch gets me so excited," Lucinda said softly.

Jake's hands roamed his mother's breasts pinching her nipples and gently rubbing them. Lucinda's gown slid down her body and her flat belly came to full view. Jake's hand ran down from her breasts to her lovely tummy. Lucinda looked down at her son and leaned down to kiss him. Jake could feel his cock already hard inside of his pants. Lucinda tugged at his shirt and Jake raised his body up rocking Lucinda on his lap. He quickly took off his shirt and continued to kiss her. Their kisses were hot, wet and full of passion.

Jake's hand reached around and pulled Lucinda's nightgown more leaving her in her soft white silky panties. Her body was incredible. He couldn't see not one flaw in her. Her skin was so smooth and smelled of something so sweet that it was hard to describe what it was. Jake rolled Lucinda over and lay her down. He stood up to remove his pants and boxers.

Lucinda stared at her son's cock. It was so big and thick. She could see he trimmed his pubes. She wanted to taste him again, to drink his warm cum, and to have him inside of her. She wanted him so much that night. The thought of not being able to see him for weeks, months or maybe even years saddened her. She had to take full advantage of what they had that night.

Jake got on the bed and knelt in front of her. Lucinda's eyes searched his face wanting to remember everything about him. She lost so many years going on pointless dates, living alone, and being lonely. Now finally the man of her dreams had appeared in her life and she didn't want to let him go.

Jake's hands spread Lucinda's legs open and slowly crept up to the waistband of her panties. Lucinda didn't move. His heavy hands gripped the sides of her panties and began to slide them off her. Jake's heart raced as he saw her shaved pussy. She was wet obviously. He could see her clear juices glistening off her pussy lips.

"Mmm so beautiful," Jake rasped.

He positioned himself in front of her. He grabbed her legs and put them over his shoulder gently letting her body slide on the bed to meet with his. He looked down and spread her lips open having full access to look at her tiny opening. Her clit was swollen and he could see more clear juices begin to seep out of her opening. Jake grabbed his cock and slowly began to slide it inside of her.

Lucinda gasped feeling his length opening her up once again. Jake groaned at the feel of her warm pussy hugging his cock. He stared to slide in and out quickly. Lucinda kept her eyes on him watching him make expressions of excitement and enjoyment.

"Ooh you're learning fast! Mmmmm!" Lucinda said smiling up at her son.

"You feel so good. I love being inside of you!" Jake replied as he thrust his hips.

He moved closer holding her legs close to his chest. He could feel his cock sliding deeper and deeper inside of her. At that moment he began to feel somewhat jealous. Jealous of his father and of all the other men that had been able to be with Lucinda this way. He was the only one that ever wanted to be with her. It was such a strange feeling but he couldn't deny feeling that way.

Lucinda closed her eyes and moaned. She lay in bed letting her baby boy work her pussy. He felt damn good sliding in and out and thrusting hard. His male moans got her excited. She kept wondering if she had kept him would they have been doing this a long time ago? The thought excited her more! She moved her own body underneath him moaning along with him.

"You're so deep inside of me! Oh baby I feel you!" Lucinda wailed.

"You're incredible!" Jake said breathlessly.

Lucinda reached up to touch his hands. "I love you. I've always loved you."

Jake felt his balls engorged with cum. His heartbeat quickened and suddenly he felt his hot seed shooting out hard. "Ahhhhh I'm cumming! Oh I'm cumming!"

Lucinda squeezed her pussy on his cock making sure to milk out every drop of his cum. She could feel her pussy drowning with her lover's cum. She stood still until he finished and felt him collapse on top of her. She held him in her arms and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry I can't last too long. Not with you. You turn me on so much," Jake said quietly.

Lucinda giggled. "That's OK. We still got all night for you to last longer in me. I love having you inside of me. You don't know how wonderful that feels to me."

Jake looked up at her and kissed her softly. "I'm going to be miserable without you."

"And I without you."

Jake rolled over and fell next to her. He stared up at the ceiling and listened to the rain outside. He felt the bed move and Lucinda stood up completely naked. "I'm going to get some water. You want some too?"

"Yes please."

Jake watched her sashay her gorgeous ass as she walked out the room. Her butt was so round and firm. He loved running his hands on it and feeling how smooth and firm it is. A few minutes later Lucinda returned with a large glass of water. She took a long sip and then offered it to Jake. Jake grabbed the glass and chugged the water quickly.

"You must have been thirsty," Lucinda said teasingly.

"Ah you know I was. Come back to bed with me."

Lucinda crawled onto the bed and Jake could help but put his hands on her behind. Lucinda stopped for a moment and gave her son a wicked little smile. "I take it you like touching my butt?" She said sweetly.

"I'm sorry I didn't meant to-"

"No need to apologize baby. I like it when you touch me there. Do you want to feel it some more?"

Jake felt his cock growing again just hearing that. "Y-yes."

Lucinda turned around and her entire butt was facing Jake. Jake gulped and put both hands on her buttocks. He gently squeezed them and rubbed them. Lucinda moaned very softly feeling his heavy hands on fondling her behind. Jake slowly spread her butt cheeks open and almost lost his breath when he saw her tiny pink puckered hole. He quickly let go and cleared his throat.

"You have a really nice…bottom," Jake stammered.

Lucinda, still on her hands and knees looked back at him. "Why did you stop touching it? I felt you spread me open. Did you like what you saw?"

"Yes," Jake answered quickly.

"Jake I want to have anal sex. I want you to put it in me from behind."

Jake nearly had a heart attack. "A-are you serious?"

Lucinda laughed. "Yes I am. Why is that so shocking?'

"I dunno…I guess because it's something so….uh so…"

"Taboo?" She took the words right out of his mouth.


"Well it's something I want to share with you. Unless you don't want to."

"No I do!" Jake answered in excitement.

Lucinda smiled. "That come here and get behind me."

Jake raised himself up and put his hands on Lucinda's waist. He leaned down and kissed her back trailing soft kisses up to her neck. His hot breath was caressing Lucinda's skin. She turned back and they shared a long wet kiss.

"You don't know how turned on I am right now," Jake whispered slightly pulling her hair back.

"Me too. I want to feel you from behind."

Jake slid off the bed and stood up. He grabbed Lucinda's waist and pulled her to the edge of the bed. She squealed in surprise and laughed softly. Jake rubbed Lucinda's back and slowly slid his hand down to her buttocks. He squeezed them gently and she moaned. Jake moved his hand further down and slipped a finger inside of Lucinda's pussy, which was still wet from their lovemaking. Lucinda sighed loving the feeling of her son's finger sliding in and out. Jake took his finger out and saw it was completely covered by his mother's juices. He then took a deep breath and spread her ass cheeks open and began to slide his finger inside of her puckered hole. Lucinda squirmed but then stood still and closed her eyes. Moans escaped her mouth naturally at the feel of Jake's finger moving inside of her ass.

Jake was amazed. Her little hole felt extremely tight. Tighter than her pussy. It was so warm and he could feel her clenching his finger. He moved his finger around getting her ready for his cock.

"Ooh yes! Put another finger in me," Lucinda begged softly.

Jake felt his cock throbbing. He kept his index finger inside of her and slipped his middle finger inside of her pussy. Lucinda moaned louder feeling both of Jake's fingers in her two holes. She moved her body slowly as if she was trying to fuck his fingers. Jake made sure to get his middle finger wet enough with her juices for lubrication. The slowly let his finger slide out and then slid it into her ass. Lucinda arched her back and her soft moans got louder.

"Mmmm yes! Like that! Oh Jake this feel s-so good!"

Jake could feel her heat and couldn't wait any longer to put his cock inside. He quickly took his fingers out and spread her ass cheeks once again. He grabbed his cock and aimed it to Lucinda's puckered hole. He slid the head in first and immediately felt her tightness. Her tight little hole was slowly swallowing up his cock. Jake grunted never having felt something so hot and sexy. Lucinda shut her eyes tight trying to get used to her son's cock. It'd been ages since she last had anal sex.

"Oh my god! Oh god!" Jake called out once his entire cock was inside.

Lucinda could feel his cock throbbing inside of her ass. He grabbed her hips and began moving in and out of her slowly as if he was trying not to break her. Lucinda felt slight pain but knew that would soon turn into pleasure.

Jake felt his cock being squeezed, almost choked by her tight little ass. He loved the way she was moaning for him. Jake began to move faster in and out of her. His balls were lightly slapping on her ass with each thrust.

"Arrrhhhhh you feel so good! You're so tight, so beautiful!" Jake murmured.

Lucinda grabbed her sheets gripping them with her hands. She bit on her lower lip trying to refrain from scream loudly. He was so deep inside of her. Lucinda felt as if she was losing her breath. She wanted to moan and let him know how much he was pleasing her but she couldn't. The pleasure was too much for her.

Jake moved faster now and his balls slapped hard against Lucinda's ass. He put his hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy while her ass got penetrated. Lucinda let out a shrill, finally. Jake's fingers rubbed her clit gently.

"Yes baby! Like that! Keep doing that!" Lucinda implored.

Jake did as his mother told him. He rubbed on her drenched pussy and let his cock take over her ass. Lucinda felt her body trembling from the wonderful excitement her baby boy was providing for her. She loved the feeling of his fingers teasing her clit but most of all she loved the fact that he was behind her putting his cock inside of her ass and letting her experience everything about him.

"Oooh more! Rub me faster! Faster baby I want to c-cum!" Lucinda cried out.

Jake flicked his fingers faster on her swollen clit. He could feel her juices dripping like water. Her clit was throbbing with each flick and then he felt her go numb. She pushed her ass back hard making Jake growl in pleasure. Her little body was shaking and she was cumming! She was cumming on his hand and he could feel the vibrations of her orgasm on his cock.

"Hmmgghhghhh! Jake! Feel me cum! I'm cumming for you!" She called out in a shaky voice.

"Yes beautiful, cum for me. I feel you! Lucinda I'm going to cu-"

Before Jake could even finish he felt long ropes of cum shooting out of his cock. He could feel his balls letting out all his warm cum. Lucinda shuddered at first. She could feel Jake's hot sperm spurting out violently into her ass. She'd never let a man cum inside of her ass before so the feeling was something new. His warm liquid felt as if it were overflowing inside of her.

Jake felt as if he could never stop cumming. The held his cock inside of her until he felt it begin to soften. He lay his head down on her back for a few seconds to catch his breath. Lucinda smiled and sighed.

"Jake that was…wow!"

Jake kissed her back again and slid out of her. He grabbed her gently and turned her around to lay her on her back. "Words can't describe how hot that was Lucinda."

She giggled shyly. "I wanted you to experience everything with me."

"And I'm glad I did," Jake said lying next to her.

She turned to face him and touched his baby face. He was so young, and new to the world. She wanted to teach him everything she could. It was too late to be a mother, but never too late to be his lover.

"I know you leave tomorrow. We have to talk about what we want to do," Lucinda's voice was serious.

Jake sighed. "Yeah I know we do."

"I'm going to go shower and you can join me if you want. Then we must talk about this."

"I will join you. I don't want to spend one second without you."

"I love you baby," Lucinda said sweetly.

"I love you, with all of my heart,"

They headed off to shower together making love in the shower once again. After wonderful lovemaking and a good warm shower, they stepped out and dried each other off kissing each other and touching each other. Lucinda hoped Jake's decision would be to stay in Vegas but she knew it wasn't going to be easy for him. She only wanted what was best for her son.

Jake put on his boxers and Lucinda slipped into her white bathrobe. Jake brushed her hair for her and afterwards gave her a gentle shoulder massage. He sat behind her on the bed and ran his fingers through her silky hair giving her a gentle scalp massage.

"Mmm that feels good," Lucinda purred.

"I love touching you any which way I can," Jake said putting his arms around her.

She turned to him and looked him straight in the eye. "Jake we need to talk now. As much as I hate to do it, we have to face reality."

Jake put his hand over hers. "Yes I know. I know that I want to stay with you, be with you, live with you, but I do have to think about my parents back at home. They've been really good to me and I can't just drop news like this on them. And you too, what about your mom?"

"I know it's a very difficult decision for you honey, especially since there are other people involved in our lives. As for my mother, I could always just say you were a young man I met here in Vegas, but then again she does know your parents names and what they look like. She met them when I gave them the right to adopt you."

Jake gulped. "I'm sorry I got us into this mess. If I had been honest with you in the beginning about being your son, then maybe we wouldn't have gone this far. We'd still be living our normal lives."

Lucinda touched his face. "No I'm glad this happened. Jakes you've swept me off my feet like no other man ever has. You've made me feel so alive and I'll never regret loving you."

Jake held her in his arms and they both sobbed. "I don't want to leave you. I love you so much. No other woman will make my heart race the way you do."

Lucinda gently pulled away and wiped his tears. "I tell you what. I've got a plan. You might not like it, but I think it'll be best for both of us."

Jake raised a brow. "Yes?"

Lucinda cleared her throat and took a deep breath before speaking. "I want you to go back to Texas and it's up to you to tell your parents about us. But I do want you to finish school first. Living here with me is fine but I'm afraid it might interfere with your school. You're education is very important Jake. I'm not just saying that as a…mother but as your friend as well. I care about you and I want you to have a bright future."

Jake looked saddened. "So much for a bright future, I don't even know what I want to study anymore."

Lucinda smiled and kissed his cheek. "Study whatever you like. A lot of people don't know what they want to do for the rest of their lives but later on it'll come to you. Just get your basics first and then you'll have plenty of time to think about what you want to study."

Jake grabbed her hands and held them in his once again. "After school, then what?"

Lucinda looked into his eyes. "Then you can decide if you want to be with me or go on with your life."

"I don't need four years to let me figure that out Lucinda. I know I want to be with you."

"You're so young baby. You have your whole life ahead of you. Please I want you to think carefully about all of this. You have a lot at stake here."

Jake stood up and paced the room. He didn't want to believe that Lucinda was actually going to let him go…again."

"Baby? Please it's for your own good," Lucinda pleaded.

Jake stopped pacing and glared at his mother. "I've lost you once and I don't want to lose you again."

Lucinda felt tears stream down her face. "You will not lose me Jake."

Jake scoffed. "Yeah right. I mean look at you, you're gorgeous. I bet men ask you out all the time. I don't expect you to sit around for four years and wait for me."

Lucinda stood up and looked up at him. "How could you say that? You actually think I'll go off with some other man?"

"I don't know."

Lucinda narrowed her eyes at him. "Well, what about you? I mean you're going to be around plenty of young and beautiful girls in college. How do I know you won't forget about me?"

Jake put his hands on her shoulders and his eyes showed fury. "How dare you say that?"

Lucinda pulled back. "Well, it's true! Look at me! I'm not getting any younger. And look at you; you're so young, handsome and intelligent. I'm sure plenty of girls will be after you."

Jake nodded. "That's impossible. I only love you Lucinda. Don't you understand it's not about age, or looks or anything like that? It's about you. You've got a heart of gold, a charming personality and so much wisdom. I will never meet another woman like you."

Lucinda began to cry and Jake held her in his arms. She sobbed quietly and he could feel her hugging him tightly. Jake stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. He didn't let go until she finished crying.

"I'm sorry for having said that you will forget about me," Jake apologized.

Lucinda's gaze me with his. "Me too. I'm so sorry."

"You care about me, I feel it," Jake said sweetly.

Lucinda nodded. "Yes I do. I care about you so much!"

Jake leaned down to plant a soft kiss on her lips. He brushed the hair that was in her face back tucking it behind her ears. "Ok so please finish telling me what you were saying. What happens after I finish school and I do decide I want to be with you?"

Lucinda smiled. "Then after four years, let's make it on this very same month and date but four years from now, I want you to meet me somewhere."

"Like where?"

Lucinda thought about it for a moment. "You remember the restaurant we went to on our second date?"

Jake blushed. "Yes you mean where you first kissed me?"

"Yes. I want you to meet me there four years from now on this same date."

"What time?"

"Make it seven o'clock."

Jake pulled Lucinda towards him again. "I will be there."

He held her in his arms and Lucinda placed her head on his chest. "I will be there too."

* * *

Jake opened his eyes and saw darkness. He remembered last night. He and Lucinda had made love once again before going to sleep. It was silent and he turned around to feel Lucinda but felt nothing but an empty bed. He rubbed his eyes and saw Lucinda was standing by a window looking outside at the light rain that morning.

"Lucinda?" Jake called out.

She turned to look at him. Her face looked sad. "Morning baby."

"How long have you been up?"

"For a few hours now. I watched you sleep. You looked so peaceful."

Jake got out of bed and went to Lucinda. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry that I have to go today."

"Yes me too."

"Turn and look at me Lucinda," Jake said softly.

Lucinda turned slowly and Jake could see her eyes were puffy and red from crying. "I will be with you again someday. I promise. We were meant to be together."

He held her close to him and Lucinda was speechless. I hope you mean that Jake. I really hope you do. I love you, she said silently.

"Let me cook you a quick breakfast. I don't want you driving with an empty stomach." Lucinda said pulling herself away from her son.

Jake tried to protest but she left the room quickly. He knew she was hurting as much as he was. Saying goodbye wasn't going to be easy.

Jake got dressed and stepped out into the kitchen where Lucinda was finishing up cooking. She wore the same white bathrobe from the previous night. Her hair was pinned up and she was barefoot. Jake had never seen a more beautiful woman.

"It's done," she said with a weak smile as she saw him.

"Smells really good."

"Go ahead and sit down. I'll eat with you too. I've got to go to work in a few hours anyway."

Jake took a seat and Lucinda brought two cups of coffee for them both. After eating eggs, bacon, and pancakes, Jake watched Lucinda finish up her food. They hadn't talked much during breakfast and Jake feared that she might hate him.

Lucinda put the dishes in the dishwasher and Jake went to wash up. It was time to go. Jake hated leaving, he wanted to say forget school, forget everything and just be with Lucinda but that just wasn't reality.

Lucinda waited for him in the living room. Jake had packed his suitcases in his truck before he went over to Lucinda's house the day before. Lucinda stared up at him and they both stood there in silence.

"So this is it huh?" She said in a shaky voice.

"Yes…for now…not forever." Jake added.

Lucinda rushed to him and threw her arms around him. "I will miss you dearly. I love you and don't you ever forget that," she sobbed.

Jake fought back his own tears. "I love you too. You'll always be in my heart no matter what happens."

Jake leaned down to give her a long wet kiss. Lucinda kissed her son back with passion.

"I better go. I will be back in four years. You can count on that."

Lucinda wiped her tears. "I will wait."

Jake opened the door and Lucinda walked him to his truck. He stood outside with her for a few minutes kissing her goodbye and telling her how much he loved her. Afterwards, he got in his truck and slowly drove off. Back to his home life, without Lucinda. His heart was breaking but he knew she was his destiny. He knew he would be back for her soon.

Lucinda watched Jake drive away and her heart sank. More tears ran down her face as she watched the love of her life leave. Four years was a long time to wait but if it was really true love she knew he'd come back to her.

to be continued...
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 05-14-2004, 08:12 PM
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Chapter 07

When Jake arrived back home to Texas, everything seemed so empty. He opened the door to his parents' house and was immediately greeted by his mother. Sara Morgan stood up and ran to her son. Her hair was still in curlers and it seemed as if she had just gotten out of bed and her green eyes were puffy as if she had just finished crying.

"Jake! I'm so glad you're finally home!" She squealed throwing her arms around Jake.

Jake held her but his mind was elsewhere. "I missed you mom," he whispered.

Sara touched his face and kissed his cheek. "You hardly called here. We were worried about you!"

"I'm sorry…I was just…I got busy that's all."

"Too busy to call your momma huh?" She teased.

"I'm sorry mom."

"So tell me. How was your trip? Where in the world did you go?"

Jake took a deep breath and flopped down on the recliner putting his feet up on the lazy boy. "I….I went to Houston that's all. Just to visit some friends of mine that will be attending school up there."

Sara sat on the couch across from him. "Well I'm glad you had a good time honey."

Jake looked around for a moment. "Where's dad? At the church?" Tom Morgan was the town's reverend at a local church.

Her lower lip trembled and she burst into tears. "No. He's in the hospital."

Jake almost jumped out of his seat. "What? Why didn't you call me on my cell phone to tell me?"

Sara shrugged. "Well this just happened last night actually. I knew you'd be home today so I figured I didn't want to worry you while you drove."

"But mom, this is important! What happened to him?"

"Heart attack," she sobbed. Jake knew his father had heart problems. He had a mild heart attack a few years back when Jake was only 13 and he remembered what his father had gone through.

Jake gasped. "Oh my God! Well what did the doctors say?"

"It doesn't look so good, at least from what they can tell. He's got a clogged artery. They will need to do surgery, if it isn't successful…well you know….I've been praying for your father all night. I was about to go down to the hospital in an hour or so."

"Jesus! I'm going with you. Mom next time something like this happens I need to know. Just because I'm far away doesn't mean anything. I need to be here for things like this."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just didn't want to worry you."

"He's my father and I love him. I do worry about him and you. Now get dressed so we can go see him."

* * *

An hour and a half later, Sara and Jake arrived at the hospital. They only had a few minutes with Tom, since he'd be going into surgery that afternoon. Jake went in the room with his mother and saw his father lying in the bed. He was staring up at the ceiling as if he was praying.

"Dad?" Jake said softly walking closer to his father.

Tom turned and his brown eyes met with his son. "Jake! My son! I'm glad you're here!" His voice was barely audible.

Jake sat next to his father and held his hand. "I am here and so is mom. We'll be here for you."

"I love you Jake. I might go this time."

Jake felt tears almost swelling from his eyes. "No don't say that."

Tom squeezed Jake's hand. "If I go, just promise to take care of your mother. She's going to need someone to care for her."

Jake nodded. "I promise dad."

Tom looked over at Sara who stood by Jake's side sobbing. "Sara? I love you honey."

Sara burst out crying and knelt by his side. "I love you too. I will always love you Tom. But you're going to be fine sweetheart. I know you will. Jake and I will pray for you."

"Excuse me, Mrs. Morgan?"

Sara turned wiping her tears and saw the nurse standing at the doorway. "Y-yes?"

"You only have a few more minutes then I do have to ask you wait in the waiting room. Mr. Morgan is about to go to surgery."

"Yes ma'am." Sara replied and turned to her husband once again. "We will wait for you Tom. I know you'll be Ok."

"Thank you. I love you both dearly." Tom replied quietly.

"I love you dad," Jake said as he stood up and slowly let got of his father's hand. He only hoped he would be OK. He had to be.

* * *

After four long hours of waiting, Jake and Sara got the news. The bad news. The doctor came to tell them the surgery was not successful and that Mr. Morgan had passed away. Jake felt his whole world shatter and comforted his mom. They cried for what seemed to be forever. They cried until they could no longer cry.

2 years later

Jake was at his sophomore year in college. It had taken him a while to decided to what study and then he realized what he wanted to do. After his father's death and being away from Lucinda, he had been quite depressed. He began to write a journal of his feelings and his life and realized he wanted to be a writer. He signed up for many English classes and enjoyed writing.

He lived in the dorms but would often go visit his mother in the weekends. Sara still worked at the church as a secretary, which was good. She needed to keep busy after the death of her loving husband.

Jake never once told his mother about Lucinda, he knew that eventually the time would come up. She'd always ask him if he was dating anyone and he'd say a few girls but it wasn't true. He didn't have a desire to date any other girls after having been with Lucinda. His true love.

* * *

"Yes I'm finally glad to be going. I'll be leaving in two days from now," Sara told Jake over the phone one night. Sara was going to take a small trip with the church up to New York for a conference. It was her first time taking a trip in a long time.

"I'm happy for you mom. You do sound a lot better too," Jake replied.

"You still have the luggage from when you took your road trip don't you?"

Jake tried to remember. It'd been 2 years and he recalled taking almost everything out of the suitcases. Memories of Lucinda just came rushing back to him making his heart break. "Yes I do. They should be in my room in the closet."

"I'm going to need to borrow your luggage since mine is a bit old. I hope you don't mind?"

"Not at all mom. Take it and have fun. Call me when you get there and when you get back please."

"I will honey. I love you."

"I love you too mom. Night."

Jake hung up the phone and stared up to the ceiling. He closed his eyes and saw Lucinda's face. Her beautiful face.

"I still love you with all of my heart Lucinda," Jake said to himself. He could still feel her kisses, the softness of her body and smell her scent. He missed her and there had been so many times that he wanted to just pick up the phone and call her and tell her. So many times had he wanted to send her flowers especially for Mother's Day. Two years had been an eternity now he needed to wait two more years until they met again. This was all so torturous.

* * *

Sara went up to Jake's room and searched in his closet for the luggage. She grabbed two big suitcases and placed them on the bed. She opened them up to make sure nothing was in them. There were two of Jake's t-shirts in there that looked as if they had never been worn and some papers. Sara folded the t-shirts and put them in Jake's closet. She looked over some of the papers and began to toss out the old gas receipts. She thought all the papers were receipts but then one particular paper caught her eye.

It was a small white sheet of paper that was folded up. Sara opened up the paper and her heart almost sank when she saw what it had. It was the name she knew. Lucinda Grant. It had Lucinda's name, address and phone number. Sara was puzzled. Had Jake ever called his biological mother?

She went on to look further. She saw a receipt for a hotel. The hotel was in Las Vegas. "You lied to me Jake," Sara said silently.

She knew Jake must have gone to Las Vegas and searched for Lucinda. {I}Had he ever found her? {/I} Sara wondered. She held the paper in her shaky hand and read the phone number.

Sara picked up the phone and dialed the number. It wasn't until four rings later that she heard a female voice.


Sara wanted to speak and ask if that was in fact Lucinda Grant but something deep down told her it was. It had to be.

"Hello?" The female said again.

"S-sorry wrong number," Sara said in a panic and hung up the phone.

* * *

After Sara returned from her trip, she invited Jake over for the weekend. She would confront him about the whole thing. She didn't mind that he wanted to find his biological mother, but the fact that he couldn't be honest with her was what hurt.

Jake arrived later on that afternoon and Sara greeted her son with hugs and kisses. She cooked him up a nice dinner and they sat outside for a while sipping on coffee. Jake had told her about how his classes were going and how he would want to take summer school to try to finish faster.

"Do you know what newspaper you'd like to work for?" Sara asked curiously.

Jake shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe somewhere in Texas, Arizona or maybe even…Nevada."

Sara gulped. "I see. Why Nevada? It's too hot. I mean you complain how hot it is here but Nevada is really hot!"

"Yes I know but Vegas looks like a fun town."

Sara raised a brow. "Looks like a fun town or is a fun town?"

Jake looked puzzled. "I-I don't know mom. I've never been there."

She felt her heart breaking. Why did he have to keep lying to her? She stood up and walked into the house. Jake grabbed his cup of coffee and followed her. "Mom?" He looked around and Sara came back to the living room holding a piece of paper.

"I found this in your suitcase. You know when you supposedly took that road trip to Houston?"

Jake felt his heart sink. He could see his own writing on the paper that had Lucinda's name, address and phone number. "Mom…I-I …I'm sorry."

"Why did you have to lie to me Jake? I don't mind that you want to know your biological mother but why did you have to go sneaking behind our backs to do it. I could have arranged for her to come here and stay with us if you wanted me to."

"I know mom, but…it was just something I had to do on my own."

Sara crossed her arms. "So did you meet her?"

Jake knew there was no sense in lying. "Yes."


"Well we met and hung out a few times. We went out to eat, dancing, and just talked.

"What's she like?" Sara asked quietly taking a seat on the couch.

"Well, she has a good job at a bank, she owns her own home and she's quite happy."

Sara looked puzzled. "Did she remarry? Have any kids?"

Jake looked down. "No. She's single."

"Is she the reason you would like a job in Nevada to keep her company?"

Jake took a deep breath. He needed to tell his mother everything He took a seat next to her on the couch and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Mom, I fell in love with Lucinda."

Sara's eyes widened and she was speechless.

"I'm sorry but I did. It just happened so fast. At first I wasn't even sure if she was in fact Lucinda Grant, my biological mother. But then once I found out it was too late. I had fallen for her."

Sara stood up and paced the room. "Jake…do…. you realize what you're saying?"

Jake nodded. "Yes."

"Jake that isn't right! Listen to you! What are you thinking?"

"Mom I know how you feel, but I can't deny the love I have for Lucinda."

"She is your real mother Jake. Your own flesh and blood and you can't be in love with her! That's not right!" Sara's eyes began to fill with tears.

Jake stood up and tried to put his arms around his mother but she just pulled away. "Mom I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"You can't go after that woman Jake! You'll regret it later in life!"

"I will never regret it," Jake replied boldly.

Sara looked at him with watery eyes. "This is breaking my heart Jake. I mean how can I let you go be with that woman without any say? Don't I get any say?"

Jake touched his mother's shoulder gently. "Yes you do. You are what I consider to be my "real" mother. You raised me and cared for me. I love you with all of my heart mom, but I have to live my own life too. If it's a bad choice then I will be the one who lives with it not you. Please try and understand."

"Understand? How can I understand this? Jake this is impossible to understand! You have to stay away from that woman."

"That woman has a name mom. Please Lucinda and I love each other."

Sara flopped back down on the couch and sobbed hard. "I thought your father and I taught you good morals. Where did we mess up?"

"You didn't mess up mom. You two were the best. This is something that just happened and I'm sorry."

She looked up at him wiping her tears and he handed her a tissue. "So what now? Don't tell me you plan on moving to Nevada as soon as you finish school to be with….Lucinda."

Jake nodded. "Yes I do. We made a plan that as soon as I finish school, I will move to Nevada to be with her, as her…lover."

Sara gasped. "Oh my goodness! Jake no! Please you are talking crazy!"

"Mom, don't make this any harder than it already is. Let me do this."

"No I won't! I am still your mother and you cannot go off with Lucinda! If you do…then don't even bother coming back here."

Jake felt tears forming in his eyes. "Are you serious?"

Sara didn't mean that but there was no other way to let her son know he was doing wrong. "Yes."

"Mom please I don't want to lose you."

"Then don't go with her. You have that choice."

Jake was trapped. He either went with his love or kept peace with his mother. After all Sara was the only family he had left. She was alone now and Jake had promised his father that he'd take care of her. He couldn't break that promise to his father.

"Fine. I will not go," Jake said slowly.

Sara's face lit up. "You will stay?"

Jake looked away. "Yes."

"Oh Jake honey that is the best decision for you! You made the right choice sweetheart!" Sara said cheerfully putting her arms around her son.

Jake held his mother and cried. He cried because of his decision. He cried because he knew that he wanted more than anything to be with Lucinda. He cried because he knew he'd never find true love like that again.

One year later

Jake had attended summer school and had finished school earlier than he thought. He had worked hard but then realized all his hard work was for nothing. He had wanted to finish early to go surprise Lucinda and to be with her. Now that was all gone.

He decided to stay in Dallas and got a job as a writer with the local newspaper. He lived in his own place but it wasn't too far from Sara's home. He often checked up on his mother and made sure she was OK. He'd stay over at times as well.

Sara was glad her son hadn't made the rash decision to be with Lucinda. It was wrong. It was incest and so very wrong! Jake had to see that and eventually he would in the future. He couldn't possible have children with her or marry her. How could he have expected to live a "normal" life with her? This was all for his own good.

The one thing Sara noticed the most was that Jake still hadn't dated. He would never talk about girls he was dating or girls he thought were pretty. Sara tried to bring up the conversation a few times but nothing. He would change the subject and talk about work or something else. He looked sad. He didn't have that youthful happy glow to his blue eyes anymore.

Could he possibly still be in love with Lucinda?

One night as Jake had just finished having dinner with Sara, she figured she'd bring up the love subject again.

"So are there any pretty ladies you like at your job?" She asked casually as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.

Jake eyed his mother suspiciously. "No. Why?"

"Oh I don't know. I figure you're a very handsome young man most girls would be happy to go out with you. Have you even bothered to ask any of them out?"

"I'm still in love with Lucinda," Jake replied quickly.

Sara stood frozen. "W-what?"

"That's where you're trying to get at right mom? To see if I still love Lucinda or not?"

"N-no it's just that I was wondering-"

"Well I still love her. I think about her everyday. Is that what you want to hear?"

Sara began to cry. "No honey I-"

"Mom I have to go home now. I've got work tomorrow."

Jake grabbed his car keys and walked out fast. Sara ran behind him. "Jake please don't go like this."

Jake turned and put his hands on his mother's shoulders. "I have to go. Goodnight." He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

* * *

Sara watched her son leave and she burst into tears. She cried feeling she was losing him little by little even though he was there for her. Sara closed the door and locked it. She headed to her room and lay in her bed sobbing. Suddenly memories came back to her. Memories she had tried to push away forever.

She recalled his strong hands touching her face and his lips kissing hers. She remembered making love for the first time in her life. She knew it was wrong but she still did it because she was in love. She remembered her father.

His dark green eyes looked into hers as he whispered, "I love you my princess." She cried out of joy and fear at the same time knowing it was wrong but she loved him with all of her heart.

Her mother had passed away when Sara was only nine. She then became the lady of the house. It was only her and her daddy that lived together. When she was 15 she slowly came to realize how much she was in love with him. He was strong, loving and so caring. She fell hard for him and he for her. They had a wonderful affair for years until he had passed away. She then went to live with her grandparents until she left for college and met Tom. Although she did love Tom with all of her heart, her father would always be her true love. She never once mentioned her incestuous affair with her father to anyone. It was her own secret.

So why didn't she understand Jake's point of view? He was in love with his biological mother. Maybe they shared a deep true love like she did with her father. She had to let go and let Jake live his life and not lose his true love. He deserved to be happy.

One Year Later

"So you're all packed and ready to go?" Sara said happily as she stood by Jake's truck ready to say her goodbyes.

Jake sighed and couldn't help smiling. "Yes I am. Thank you mom. Thank you for understanding and being there for me."

"I love you sweetheart. Go be happy," She reached up to kiss his cheek.

"I love you mom. I will call you after I get there."

"No need to call me right away. I'm sure you'll be too occupied," Sara said playfully.

Jake laughed and hugged his mother goodbye. His truck was packed with a few of his belongings. He'd managed to save up some money and was able to transfer to work in Vegas. He had his whole life ahead of him.

* * *

Jake arrived to Vegas two days later. He drove and still remembered where the restaurant was that he and Lucinda had shared their first kiss. It was the same date as four years ago when he and Lucinda had promised each other to meet once again. He loved her and never forgot her and only hoped she remembered him.

It was five minutes until seven that evening. He stood outside the restaurant watching the tourists pass by. The streets were crowded and noisy but all he could do was tune everyone out and think about Lucinda.

Now it was seven o'clock and no sign of Lucinda. Jake felt alone and almost let down. Had she forgotten about him? What if she met a man and married him? What if she wasn't in love with him anymore? All the terrifying thoughts ran through Jake's mind when he saw there was no sign of Lucinda.

He stood there for a minute more hoping that maybe she would show up. A small family of four caught his attention for some reason. It was the father, mother, and two children. Jake smiled at the children and they waved at him as they past him by. Just then he looked up and saw her. It was Lucinda.

to be continued...
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 05-23-2004, 10:53 AM
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Ch. 08

Jake and Lucinda stared at each other from a short distance. Jake felt his breath go short and his heart wanting to leap out of his chest. She looked more beautiful than ever. Her brown hair was short, just under her ears and her face was youthful as he remembered. She wore a short black skirt and a beautiful ivory color summer sweater. He felt almost frozen for a moment before he could even move.

Lucinda felt her whole body numb. Her son looked more handsome than ever. He looked now more mature. He wore a white polo shirt and navy blue slacks.

She's here. She waited for me. God I love her! Jake said silently.

It took a few seconds until either of them moved. Jake ran to her with open arms and Lucinda held her arms open to her son. He wrapped his arms around her and they held each other so tight.

"You made it. Oh God you really made it!" Lucinda cried.

"I've been waiting for this day! I love you so much!" Jake sobbed.

He cupped her face and took a moment to look at her lovely face. Her tears ran down her cheeks and she smiled up at him with eyes full of glory. He leaned down to plant a long wet kiss on her lips. "You look so beautiful. You'll always be beautiful," Jake said softly.

"Oh Jake I missed you so much! But you're here! You're here with me! We have so much to talk about!" Lucinda wailed.

"Yes we do."

"It's so good to see you again. You don't know how much I've missed you," Lucinda sniffled.

"I got me a hotel room for the night. If you want you can stay with me. It's really nice with a hot tub and everything," Jake offered.

"Yes that sounds good. I have so much to tell you," Lucinda replied.

The walked a few blocks to Jake's hotel holding hands. Once in the room, Lucinda looked almost nervous and yet so excited. Jake closed the door behind him and rushed over to put his arms around Lucinda once again.

"I can't seem to stop touching you. You don't know how awful it's been without you."

She looked into his eyes. "Are you moving to Vegas permanently?"

Jake nodded. "Yes! I'm working with a local newspaper in town. I don't start for another 2 weeks though. They gave me some time to get settled into a place."

"That's so good honey. So you wanted to be a writer huh? I can't believe you took the chance to live here without knowing what would happen."

"I had to take the chance. If you didn't meet me, then I would still live here knowing you were here too. I love you so much!"

They shared a long wet kiss letting their tongues slowly slide into each other's mouths. Jake ran his hands up and down her back and hips. She felt so womanly, so sexy!

"How have you been? What's being going on with you?"

Lucinda pulled away for a moment and stood in front of him. She looked scared.

"Are you ok?" Jake asked concerned.

"Yes. I think I'll be OK. It's just that I have to tell you something very important."

Jake slowly took a seat on the bed. "Yes?" His heart raced. Had she gotten married? Did she meet someone else? All these thoughts ran through Jake's mind.

Lucinda took a deep breath. "Well let me start from the beginning."

"Here have a seat babe," Jake offered.

"No I need to stand," Lucinda replied in a shaky voice.

"Ok that's fine. Tell me."

"Well I'll begin with what happened with my mother and I. She had a mild stroke two years ago and almost died. Oh Jake I was so frightened. My mother is all the family I had left. Well besides you for course. I headed to Texas to visit her and she was a totally different person. She was no longer the controlling, evil kind she used to be. She was gentle with me and so kind!"

Jake looked up at her with concern. "I'm sorry to hear about that Lucinda. Is she OK?"

Lucinda smiled. "Yes she's never been better. We had a long conversation about my life and the choices I had made. You came up in our conversation."

Jake raised a brow. "Oh? What happened?"

"I told her that we met. I told her you had came looking for me and…."


"I told her we fell in love."

Jake gulped. "Oh my. How did she take it?"

Lucinda shrugged. "I don't know, at first she took it pretty bad but then she realized she needed to stop being angry. That stroke she had really made her think. It made her realize that life was too short and you should just get over your anger and move on. She warned me about all the consequences our love together would have and then she said it was my life to live. She wasn't going to stop me."

Jake felt so relived. "Thank goodness. I'm glad she was so understanding. I was worried about how she would take it."

Lucinda then sat next to Jake and took his hand in hers. "Did you tell your parents?"

Jake sighed. "Yes. But my father does not know. He passed away as soon as I got back from being with you. He'd had a heart attack."

Lucinda looked saddened. "I'm so sorry baby."

"It's OK. I miss him so much though but I know he's in a better place."

Lucinda squeezed his hand. "And your mother? How does she feel about all of this?"

"Well, she didn't take it so easy at first. In fact she forbid me to come up here or else I'd lose her."

Lucinda's eyes widened. "Oh no!"

"Yes but then she realized I wasn't happy. I would never be happy if I wasn't with you."

"So she knows all about us then?"

"Yes she does. She's actually the one that encouraged me to come out here. She knows how much I love you."

Lucinda felt tears swelling in her eyes again. "Jake I have to tell you something else."

Jake looked puzzled. "Babe what is it? You've got me really concerned." He could feel Lucinda's hands shaking.

"Jake…I…I… had a baby. Your baby."

Jake's eyes widened. "W-what? Lucinda…. you…had…oh my God!" Jakes heart rejoiced from all the joy he felt at that moment.

"Yes. It's a boy. I named him after you. It's yours."

Jake wrapped his arms around Lucinda and held her so tight. "Why didn't you try to reach me about this? I wanted to be here for my son. I wanted to be with you!"

Lucinda sobbed. "I know but we had made a deal Jake. Plus I had no idea I could even get pregnant. I was on the pill at the time and suddenly I just began to feel sick and then you should have seen my reaction when the doctor told me I was pregnant. Oh Jake I was so happy! I was carrying your child in me. Our child."

Jake looked into her eyes and tears streamed down his face. "Lucinda, I can't believe it. Where is he? Where is my son?"

Lucinda smiled wiping Jake's tears. "He's at home. He knows who you are because I showed him your picture since he was born. He points at times and says "daddy." My mother is staying with me until the end of the weekend. She's taking care of him right now. She too wants to meet you. She wants to meet her grandson."

Jake kissed her hard. "I love you! I can't believe all of this is working out for us! I want to be with you for the rest of my life Lucinda."

Lucinda eyed him curiously. "Are you saying you want to marry me Jake Morgan?"

Jake didn't hesitate to answer. "Yes I am. I do want to marry you. I cannot propose to you yet since I haven't bought a ring, but as soon as I do. I want to propose to you in front of millions and ask you to marry me."

Lucinda couldn't stop smiling. "I would love to be your wife and honor you til the day I die. I love you baby."

They kissed and Jake put his hands on her smooth legs. He ran his hands up pushing her skirt above her thighs. Lucinda felt his heavy warm hand moving up slowly revealing her white satin panties. They continued to kiss and Jake slowly began to trail kisses down her neck sucking on her neck and nibbling on her earlobes.

"Mmm baby I have missed you!"

"And I missed you. I need you right now. Lucinda I need to be with you."

Lucinda let herself fall back and looked up at her lover. His baby blue eyes were glued to her and slowly moved down to look at her chest. His hands began to undo the buttons on her sweater. Jake's cock was already hard reach to be inside his future wife.

She wore a white bra underneath that matched her white panties. He saw the bra unhooked through the front. He smiled and his fingers did one quick movement and sent her breasts to fall out. Her dark pink nipples were erect and he could see her chest heaving from excitement.

"Are you excited babe? You ready to be together?" Jake asked in a husky voice.

"Yes! I need you in me! Jake I've been yearning for you!" Lucinda purred.

Jake quickly pulled his shirt off and stood up to undo his pants. He kicked his shoes off and took off his socks. Lucinda watched his hungry eyes glare at her and finally he was down to his boxers. His body was so manly now. His chest had gotten so muscular and his stomach had ripples of muscles.

He picked up one of Lucinda's foot and slipped her sandal off and did the same with the next. His hands crept up and pulled down on her panties. Her little panties came off easily and Jake stared at her beautiful pussy. She was all shaved just the way he liked it.

Jake took off his boxers and his hard cock lightly touched Lucinda's thigh. She looked down to see it and her mouth watered. She could still remember the salty taste of his cum. Jake leaned down to kiss her and as he did he managed to slide his cock inside of her. Lucinda moaned loudly. It'd been years since she had him inside of her. It was so wonderful to have him once again. This time for good.

Lucinda felt her son stretched her tight pussy as he slid his cock in and out very slowly letting her get adjusted to his size. He felt so good inside of her. She couldn't wait to cum and feel him cum inside of her.

Jake quickly picked up his rhythm and was moving in and out of Lucinda faster now. She wrapped her legs around his waist pushing him deeper inside of her. Lucinda looked into his eyes as they began to make love. He was the man of her dreams. Never in her life had she fallen this hard for anyone, not even Jake's father.

Jake saw her beautiful breasts move with each thrust of his cock. She felt incredibly tight and so warm. His heart was filled with pride knowing she had waited for him and hadn't been with any other man. She had his baby. Oh God his baby! He regretted not being able to be with her throughout her pregnancy. He wanted to see her belly get swollen as she carried his child. That must have been so beautiful!

"Hmmgghh! Faster baby! Go faster! I feel you so deep in me! I need you to fuck me faster!" Lucinda cried out.

Jake started to thrust harder and felt her body go numb. Her eyes closed and her eyelids fluttered. Her beautiful lips parted slightly and she moaned! She moaned so loudly letting him know she was cumming.

"Yesss! Ahhhhh godddd! I'm c-cumming! Baby, feel me cum!"

"I do feel you beautiful! You're pussy is exploding on my cock!" Jake panted.

Lucinda's body was trembling and she felt Jake's cock twitch inside of her. "You're going to cum too right baby?" She asked in a shaky voice.

"Y-yes! Oh God yes!" Jake groaned and tossed his head back. He felt his balls draining out his huge load of cum.

Lucinda's body shuddered as she felt Jake's strong ropes of cum shooting hard inside of her and hitting her womb. Is he making another child in me? She thought to herself.

Jake felt as if he couldn't stop cumming. His cock kept twitching hard inside of her until finally he felt his body weaken and his cock slowly softened. He pulled out and fell next to Lucinda. He was breathless and so was Lucinda. She turned to face him and smiled at her handsome son.

"I love you Jake."

Jake looked at her and touched her face. "I love you too."

"Are you ready to meet your son tonight?" She asked sweetly.

Jake raised his body up and planted a hard kiss on her lips. "You bet I am. I want to meet my son, our son."

* * *

Lucinda drove Jake back to her house and felt her stomach go in knots. She knew her mother was well aware of her and Jake's relationship, but she still feared that something might go wrong. Still, her mother had helped her so much with Jacob Jr. and Lucinda would never forget that.

"Here we are. Are you nervous?" She turned to ask Jake.

Jake gulped. "Just a little. I mean for the first time I'm going to actually meet my grandmother. Not to mention my future mother in law."

"It'll be OK sweetie. She's going to love you."

"I hope so."

They got out of the car and headed to the house. Lucinda stepped in first slowly thinking Jacob Jr. might be asleep. "Mom?" She whispered.

Jake saw her. She must have been in her early 60's with dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. There was his grandmother.

"Lucy?" She called out and her eyes glowed as she looked at Jake.

"Mom, this is Jake. My son, your grandson. Jake this is Caroline Grant, my mother."

The woman stood up and quickly tears filled her eyes. "J-Jake?" She stammered.

"Grandma?" He called out.

She opened her arms out to him and they hugged. Lucinda could see her mother smiling and crying at the same time. She held Jake with love.

"Oh my goodness! You are so handsome!" She sobbed.

Jake smiled. "It's so good to meet you. Grandma you are beautiful."

She wiped her tears and sighed. "Oh I don't know where to begin. I'm so sorry for everything Jake. I owe you and Lucy an huge apology."

"That's the past, we have to move on," Jake consoled.

"My daughter loves you. Not just as a son but she really loves you. I know you'll make her happy."

"I do plan to make her happy. She deserves it."

They all had a group hug and then Jake heard some footsteps. They were small little footsteps. He turned and saw his son! His own baby boy!

"Momma?" The little boy called out as he rubbed his eyes.

Lucinda looked at Jake and grabbed his hand. "Hi sweetheart. I want you to meet someone. Come here," She called out to her son.

Jake was mesmerized by his own child; he had the same brown hair and blue eyes. Jake Jr. look like a carbon copy of Jake when he was a small child.

Jr. walked towards his mother never taking his eyes off Jake. "Sweetheart, this is your daddy. Remember daddy in the picture?" Lucinda said softly.

Jake Jr. looked up at Jake and smiled. His beautiful smile melted Jake's heart. Lucinda put both of their hands together. "Say hi to your daddy," she told Jr.

Jr. blushed. "D-daddy?" He asked almost confused.

"Hey big guy. How are you? I am your daddy. I'm here to stay with you now and for the rest of your life."

The little boy moved closer to Jake and put his arms around his legs hugging him. Jake picked him up and held him in his arms and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to take care of you. Anything you want I'm here for you. I love you."

Jr. laughed playfully. "I want to go to Disneyland."

"Jake!" Lucinda laughed.

"What's wrong with that? If that's what he wants than that he shall get. He gets anything he wants. He's my boy."

Lucinda watched Jake reunite with his son. It was a beautiful moment filled with love that she would never forget.

* * *

"What? You mean to tell me I have a grandbaby?" Sara exclaimed at the other end.

"Yes! He's beautiful mom! You have to meet him," Jake said excitedly.

"Well when do I get to meet him, not to mention meet Lucinda and her mother?"

"I'm going to buy you a plane ticket out here mom. Caroline, that's Lucinda's mother is going to stay for the weekend. I'll buy you a ticket on line and you can fly out tomorrow afternoon. How does that sound?"

Sara felt her heart flutter. "Yes! That sounds terrific!"

* * *

Sara took the early afternoon flight out to Las Vegas to visit Jake and Lucinda, the woman he truly loves. Jake picked her up at the airport and drove her back to Lucinda's house.

Sara felt nervous about meeting Jake's biological mother but then again she needed to meet the woman her son wanted to spend the rest of his life with. She walked in the house trailing Jake.

"Lucinda?" Jake called out.

Lucinda came running out of her room and she rushed over to Sara. She was about to hug her but then stopped. She began to cry.

"Mom? This is Lucinda, Lucinda this is my mother."

Sara looked at her and realized why Jake had fallen for her. She was a very beautiful woman. "Hello Lucinda," Sara whispered.

"H-Hi," Lucinda cried.

"Oh come here honey," Sara put her arms around Lucinda.

"It's s-such an honor to meet you Mrs. Morgan. I can't thank you enough for having taken care of my son all these years. You did a wonderful job taking care of him!"

"Thank you. And I thank you for giving me the chance to raise such an wonderful young man. He's my heart, my soul."

Jake handed Lucinda tissue. She wiped her tears and looked embarrassed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to cry like this."

"It's OK. You almost made me cry too," Sara laughed softly.

"I want you to meet my mother. Mom?" Lucinda called out.

Caroline walked into the living room and smiled at Sara. "Hello Sara," She said in a cool voice giving Sara a hug.

"Hi Caroline."

"Let me just tell you did an excellent job raising my grandson. I want to thank you for that."

"It was my pleasure. If it weren't for the whole adoption business I would have never had a chance to be a mother."

"Well it's great to finally meet the woman who cared about the boy we never forgot and always loved," Caroline said sweetly.

Sara looked around and raised a brow. "Now where is my grandbaby?"

"He's watching cartoons in his room. I'll go get him," Caroline said.

Sara waited for a few seconds and then her heart melted when she saw Jake Jr. He brought back memories of Jake as a child. It was as if she had gone back in time to when Jake was a baby.

"Oh dear! Hi sweetheart!" Sara cheered.

Jr. walked slowly to her gazing up at her. "Hi," he said in a baby voice.

She was about to hug him but he ran towards Jake. Jake laughed. "It's OK. That's your grandma."

He looked confused and nodded. "No grandma over there," he said pointing to Caroline.

"Yes but this is your other grandma," Lucinda added. "Now go give her a hug. She's a very nice lady."

Jr. smiled bashfully and slowly walked to Sara holding his arms out. She grabbed him and picked him up. "Hi there! I'm your grandma. Oh your so beautiful!" Sara squealed.

Lucinda and Jake stood next to each other holding hands watching their family reunite.

* * *

"I want to propose to Lucinda," Jake told Sara as they ate at a nearby restaurant. Jake had decided to take his mother out to eat to talk more intimately with her.

"Then do it. If you want to marry her then by all means."

Jake looked worried. "Yes but you know and Caroline knows that I'm Lucinda's son. Isn't that illegal?"

Sara shrugged. "So what if me and Caroline know? We are the only ones that know right?" She winked.

Jake grew a wicked smile on his face. "Yes that's true. So you won't say a word?"

"Not at all. I want you to be happy and I know marrying Lucinda will make you happy I have no intention of stopping you."

Jake had to get up and hug his mother. "You're the best. I love you mom."

"I love you honey."

* * *

"Two days later, Jake held the little gray box in his hands. He felt his stomach go in knots and his knees shaky. He waited for Lucinda to meet him at the same restaurant that had brought them together. It was past seven and he knew Sara and Caroline would be at home with Jr. and would wait for him to come back engaged.

Lucinda arrived wearing a stunning dark blue dress that cling to her beautiful body. She went to meet him and they kissed softly. Jake pulled out her seat and they began their dinner. They sipped some wine and talked casually. Jake hoped to keep his cool.

After an hour when they were finished, Jake cleared his throat and pulled the gray box from his pocket. Lucinda was finishing up her dessert when she noticed Jake's eyes piercing at her.

"Lucinda?" Jake began.

She looked up and her heart raced. He stood up and went around the table and got on his knees. "I love you with all of my heart and I want you to be with me for the rest of my life. Lucinda Grant will make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Lucinda was speechless at first. She noticed all the strangers' eyes on her. Her breath was short and her heart almost leaped out of her chest. "Y-yes! I do!" She blurted out.

Everyone in the restaurant clapped and cheered as the happy couple kissed. Jake slipped on the beautiful diamond ring on his bride to be. Now his life was complete.

to be continued...
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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Old 05-23-2004, 10:56 AM
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Ch. 09

Saturday early afternoon, Lucinda stood in her room putting on the beautiful long white satin spaghetti strap wedding dress. The dress fit like a glove and she smiled looking at herself in front of the mirror. Never did she think she would find love again. She'd been so hurt after having to give Jake away, that she never really loved until now. She found it harder to believe she was actually getting married. Now finally she would be able to have a wonderful husband, a beautiful child and a caring mother and mother in law.

"Lucy? Are you ready?" Caroline asked peeping her head in the room.

Lucinda turned around and smiled. "Yes. I've never been more ready in my entire life."

Caroline stepped into the room and closed the door. She hugged her daughter. "You look absolutely beautiful Lucy. I know Jake will make you a very happy woman. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

"Thank you mom. I am happy. I feel like I'm floating."

They both laughed and held each other for a moment. It was good to finally feel like a family again. Lucinda had lost so many years with her mother and now she had back just like she always wanted.

"Well you better get going outside. Jake is waiting for you."

Lucinda straightened her dress and looked into the mirror once again. Jake had arranged a small ceremony at her house. They had decorated her garden with flowers and ribbons. It was very small but so beautiful.

"Ok it's time. I'll be out in a few seconds."

"Ok honey. I love you."

"I love you too mom."

* * *

Jake waited outside nervously. It was only Jake, Sara, Caroline, Jake Jr., even Joy was there and the reverend that was marrying them. Jake looked handsome in his tux waiting for his bride to step out so they can finally be united as husband and wife. Jake's eyes searched the back door and finally he saw Lucinda come out in her lovely white gown. Her hair was pinned back and secured with shiny white hairpins.

She slowly walked towards him and her heart raced. Their eyes met and Jake extended his hand out to her. She put her hand in his and they stood before the reverend.

Sara watched her son getting married and knew he'd made the right choice. She felt tears swelling in her eyes as Jake and Lucinda made their vows to one another. The couple held hands the entire time as they faced each other and spoke words of love.

"Lucinda, from the first day I met you, I know you would be the woman for me. I knew I wasn't wrong so I followed my heart and I know this is right. I Jacob Morgan take you Lucinda Grant to be my lawfully wedded wife. I will love you all of my life and promise to be true and faithful to you. I will love you for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." Jake said and slipped the wedding band on Lucinda's finger.

"Jake, when I met you, I felt something between us, something special. You have given me life again and made me believe in love. I want to be with you for eternity. I Lucinda Grant, take you Jacob Morgan to be my lawfully wedded husband. I will honor you til the day I die. I will love you for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, til death do us part." She slipped the ring on Jake's finger.

"By the power invested in me and by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife," the reverend announced.

Jake leaned down to kiss his bride. Lucinda had never been happier.

* * *

"We'll be gone until Monday morning only," Lucinda told Caroline as she grabbed her suitcase to leave on her short honeymoon.

"That's fine Lucy. Sara and I will be here and we'll take care of Jr. for you. Have fun sweetheart."

"Thanks mom." Lucinda kissed her mother on the cheek,

"Well Jake's outside with Sara saying his goodbyes to her and to Jr. You better get going."

Lucinda nodded and grabbed her suitcase. She walked outside and saw Jake hugging Jr. goodbye. "No goodbye hug for mommy?" Lucinda asked Jr. as she made a playful pouty face.

Jr. shrugged and ran over to his mom. "Come back soon. Please." He pleaded.

Lucinda laughed. "Oh honey it'll just be for two and a half days. Mommy and Daddy will be back. I promise."

"I love you mom," Jr. whispered.

"I love you too baby. Now go on with grandma Sara and grandma Caroline. They'll take care of you for the mean time."

Jr. went back into the house. Sara stood hugging her son goodbye. "Take care mom and please call us if there's anything wrong," Jake added.

Lucinda put her suitcase in Jake's truck and hugged Sara. "Thank you for taking care of Jr. for us. We really appreciate it."

Sara smiled. "Anything for my grandbaby. You two go enjoying your time alone now."

* * *

Jake and Lucinda checked into a luxurious hotel in downtown Vegas. They would spend the rest of the weekend there being with one another. Once up in their room, Lucinda opened up the blinds and stared out the window. She smiled looking down at the city bright lights and all the people.

Jake walked to her and put his arms around her softly kissing her neck. "Mmm I love your touch," Lucinda whispered.

"I can't believe we are finally married. It was worth waiting for. I've finally found the woman of my dreams," Jake said sliding his hands down to her waist. He pressed her body against his and Lucinda could feel his hardness.

She turned to face him and Jake's eyes were filled with lust and love. "You've made me the happiest woman alive by being with me Jake. I never thought I would be able to be happy again but ever since you came into my life everything's been so wonderful. You blessed me with your love and a beautiful son. I love you so much."

Jake reached down to kiss her. Their kiss was soft with their lips barely touching. Jake slid his tongue out and ran it over Lucinda's lips. Lucinda parted her lips and clasped Jake's tongue sucking on it. His warm saliva wet her lips and she pressed her mouth harder on his until they were kissing. It was a long wet kiss.

"Mmm I've been dying to get you alone again," Lucinda purred feeling Jake beginning to kiss her neck.

"I couldn't be with you again. Now we can always be this way. You're my wife now and I will love you for eternity."

Lucinda smiled and touched Jake's face. "I'm so happy. I've never been more happy in my entire life!"

She jumped up and he caught her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and they began to kiss passionately once again. Jake slowly made his way to the bed. Lucinda felt her body fall to the bed slowly. She looked up at her son and he began to take his clothes off slowly revealing more of his muscular youthful body. Jake lifted her legs up and took off Lucinda's shoes gently rubbing her feet and moving his hands up her legs. She felt him grab the sides of her panties and slid them off.

"Mmm so beautiful," Jake murmured.

Lucinda raised her body up and Jake stood in front of her with his cock hard as a rock. Lucinda moved closer to the edge of the bed and put her hands around Jake's cock. Jake moaned immediately.

"I've been waiting to taste you again. I never forgot your taste baby," Lucinda said softly.

Jake stroked her hair and face. "Put it in your mouth. I want you to taste me. I need to explode in your mouth."

Lucinda took Jake's swollen member and slid it in her mouth. She sucked on his cock like if there was no tomorrow. Her lips moved rapidly up and down Jake's long shaft. Jake put his hands on her face cupping her face making her look up at him. He loved the way her mouth swallowed up his cock and how lovely her mouth looked wrapped tightly around it.

"Yes! That's it babe keep sucking it!" Jake moaned.

Lucinda's hands reached moved towards Jake's balls. She gently gave them a light squeeze making Jake moan louder. She could feel them so swollen with his cum. Her hands continued to fondle his balls moving them around. She pulled his cock out of her mouth and moved her lips to his balls. She sucked on one ball first while she jerked him off.

"Oh God!" Jake exclaimed.

Lucinda took turns sucking on his balls getting them ready to shoot out plenty of cum. She glided her tongue up and down on them and went back to sucking his hard cock. She put plenty of suction on Jake's cock slurping up his precum drops. Jake held her head still for a moment and moved his hip back and forth as if he was fucking her mouth. Lucinda stared up at him and wiggled her tongue on his cock as he pumped her mouth. Jake shoved his aching cock hard in and out of Lucinda's beautiful mouth. Her mouth was so warm and the thought of her drinking up his cum once again was such a turn on.

"Yessss! Oh this feels so good! Your mouth... your mouth... so warm!" Jake said breathlessly.

Lucinda could feel the tip of his cock almost hitting the back of her throat with each thrust. He pumped harder and Lucinda put her hands on his balls again. She wanted to feel them constrict when he came in her mouth.

"Ahhhh babe I'm g-going to cum! I'm going to cum so h-hard!" Jake moaned.

Lucinda squeezed his balls and felt them tighten as he sperm shot out in her mouth. They were hard heavy spurts of cum squirting in her mouth. She tried to swallow but some cum dripped out the corner of her mouth. His warm liquid slowly went down her throat and into her belly. She pulled his cock out after he was finished wiped her mouth. She got up and kissed him hard. Jake was still panting and gasping for air as they kissed.

"Oh my God! That was so awesome! I came so hard!" Jake groaned.

"Mmm yes you did. I love your taste baby. I love you."

He gently pushed her down on the bed and she looked up at him. He held his cock, which was still hard in his hand. He rubbed his cock and smiled at her. "I need to be inside of you. I want to make another baby in you," Jake whispered.

Lucinda opened her arms to him. "Please do. I want to have another child. Our child."

Jake climbed on the bed on top of her. Lucinda held him in her arms as they kissed. He moved his head down and kissed her neck sucking on it. She smelled so good. He moved further and sucked on her erect nipples. Jake flicked his tongue on her nipples and moved his hand down to put it between her legs. Lucinda spread her legs wider, inviting his touch.

Jake slipped two fingers inside her tight pussy. He could feel how hot and wet she was for him. He was so hard for her and ready to plant his seed inside of her. This was the woman for him, for now and forever. He couldn't picture being with anyone else. Lucinda had stolen his heart.

Lucinda's mouth parted as she gasped feeling the erotic touch of Jake's fingers fucking her pussy. His mouth clasped one of her nipples and his fingers continued to fuck her sensitive pussy.

"Mmm more! Jake I need you baby. Get your cock in me now! I think I'm going to go crazy if you don't!" Lucinda begged.

Jake moved back up and kissed her lips. He slipped his fingers out of her pussy and slid them in her mouth. He watched her sucking up her own juices. "See how good you taste?" He asked.

Lucinda was on fire. She licked Jake's fingers until her juices were completely gone. Jake raised his body up until he was positioned between her legs. He wrapped them around his waist and slipped his cock inside of her. Lucinda moaned immediately feeling Jake's cock entering her.

"Jake! Ahhhhhh ooooh!" Lucinda whimpered.

"You're so tight babe. I love being inside of you."

Jake began to move in and out of her rapidly. Lucinda looked into his eyes. She couldn't believe at that moment how lucky she'd been to have Jake find her. All of her life she knew something was missing and now he was the one who completed her. She was no longer empty inside. She never once forgot her child's face when he was born. She cried holding him knowing she'd have to give him up but somewhere deep down in her heart she knew she'd find him again and now there he was, making love to her, loving her.

Lucinda felt so tiny underneath him. She was so beautiful and he loved the way she spread her legs for him and invited him in. He pushed his cock harder inside of her making sure to get really deep inside. His balls slapped against her pussy with each thrust.

Lucinda wrapped her legs tightly around her husband and they kissed passionately as they made love. She pulled him closer to her as Jake continued to pump his cock in and out, hard. "Cum deep in me," Lucinda gasped.

Jake moved even faster now and Lucinda felt her entire body tighten. She looked up at him and her mouth quivered. Jake knew she was going to have her orgasm. She was going to cum on his cock. He loved the feel of her pussy constricting on his cock and her juices oozing out.

"Oooh mmmmgghhhh!" Lucinda cried out as she began to climax.

Jake pinched her sensitive nipples and felt her entire little body shaking underneath him. Her warm juices were coating his cock and he felt as if he was drowning in her. A few more thrusts and Jake felt his cock twitch hard. His cock was throbbing and a jet of hot cum shot out of his cock and deep into Lucinda's womb. Lucinda's body almost jolted feeling each hard spurt shooting in her. Jake continued to pump her until he was completely finished. His eyes were shut and his lips parted trying to catch his breath.

Slowly he softened inside of her and lay next to her. He held her in his arms and she lay against his chest. His heart was racing.

"That was so beautiful," Lucinda sighed.

"Yes it was. Being with you is so wonderful."

Lucinda grabbed his hand and moved it down to her belly. She held his hand against her belly and looked up at him. "I hope we made a baby tonight. I hope it's growing in me at this moment."

Jake rubbed her belly. "I hope so too."

Jake and Lucinda loved that night more than ever. They did create a life that night. A beautiful child would be born with Jake's charms, Lucinda's beauty and the same baby blue eyes that Jake and Lucinda shared. They would be a family now and nothing would ever tear them apart.


~11 months later

Jake got home late that night and found Lucinda feeding Jackie, their newborn baby girl. He smiled watching the baby sucking her mommy's nipple. Lucinda looked at Jake and her face light up.

"Hi sweetheart," she greeted him sweetly.

"Hi babe."

"How was work?"

Jake walked towards Lucinda and kissed her. "Fine. I've got two articles I'll be working on next week so I'll be traveling. It'll only be for three days though."

"Aww I hate to see you go," Lucinda pouted.

"Yes I know. I hate leaving you but it's part of my job. Don't worry though; it's only a short trip. Where's Jr?"

"He's fast asleep now. He helped me out a lot bringing me little things and helping me with Jackie. He loves his baby sister."

Jake's eyes moved to his baby girl. She was so precious. She looked like Lucinda. Jake touched his baby's face and couldn't stop admiring her. He could see the baby's eyes closing as she fell fast asleep. Lucinda took her nipple out of Jackie's mouth and sighed.

"Phew, she sure can eat a lot."

Jake laughed. "Here let me go put her to bed. You looked tired. Why don't you go take a long hot shower?"

Lucinda sighed. "Ahhh yes a shower sounds great right now."

Lucinda headed off to the shower and Jake put Jackie in her crib. He watched her sleep peacefully for a while and turned off the lights leaving only her little night-light on. He went to the bedroom and decided to join Lucinda in the shower. After Jackie's birth, they hadn't been intimate with each other. He waited until Lucinda was fully recovered, he didn't want to hurt her.

He heard Lucinda humming so sweetly as he walked into the bathroom. He took off his clothes and got in the shower with her. Lucinda turned around and shrieked.

"Oh God you scared me!"

Jake laughed. He put his arms around her. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to join you if that's OK?"

Lucinda looked down and her body. "Are you sure you want to join me looking like this?"

Jake's eyes gazed down at Lucinda's body. He didn't understand what she had to complain about. She looked more beautiful than ever. "Why not? You're gorgeous."

She tried to cover up her soft belly. "I don't feel gorgeous."

Jake took her hands off and let his eyes drink up her beauty. "You are. I love you."

She blushed and let him touch her body slowly. Jake rubbed his hands on her soft belly, where Jackie had been for nine months and where he too once had been. The fact that Lucinda had two of his children was so amazing.

"Is it safe to…be with you?" Jake asked curiously.

Lucinda nodded. "Yes. The doctor says I can have sex now."

Jake groaned and held her. "I can't wait to be in you again. I'm dying here."

Lucinda laughed and they kissed as the water showered them.

* * *

Lucinda lay in bed naked and Jake climbed on top of her. He spread her legs open and stared at her pussy. She was wet, he could tell. He moved down and put his head between her legs and began licking her pussy. Lucinda moaned out her ecstasy and squirmed on the bed. Jake's tongue lashed her clit furiously with only the goal to make her cum.

Lucinda touched her swollen breast. They were so big now and her nipples were huge and so erect. She could feel Jake taking turns sucking and then licking her swollen clit. She wanted to cum already. It'd been a while since she last gotten her pussy eaten out by Jake.

"Slide your tongue in me. I want to cum! Oooh!" Lucinda pleaded.

Jake did as she said and slipped his tongue in her wet opening. He wiggled his tongue inside and lightly pinched her clit. Lucinda felt that wonderful rush begin to develop. Suddenly an orgasm ripped through her entire body. Jake felt her shaking violently and her moans filled the room. He kept fucking her with his tongue until she calmed down as her orgasm passed.

"Oh my goodness! Jake that was so hot! I needed to cum. Mmm!" Lucinda said smiling.

Jake made his way up her beautiful body kissing her thighs, then her stomach and finally her breasts. He loved the way they looked so tender and swollen, full of milk. Jake flicked his tongue on her huge nipple and Lucinda looked at him.

"What?" Jake asked thinking he was doing something wrong.

Lucinda blushed. "You want to suck on my nipples?"

Jake felt his heart racing. "Y-yes."

Lucinda pushed her chest out more inviting Jake to put her nipple in his mouth. Jake grabbed one breast and his mouth covered the erect nipple. Jake sucked on it lightly and within a few seconds he felt the sweet milk squirting into his mouth. Jake moved back almost in shock but yet so turned on.

"You want to drink my milk baby?" Lucinda asked with fire in her eyes.

"Yes!" Jake didn't hesitate to answer.

He put his mouth back on her nipple and began drinking the sweet liquid that Lucinda produced. Lucinda felt Jake drinking up her milk and she held him in her arms.

"Mmm yes baby drink my milk. You look so sexy doing that," Lucinda moaned.

Jake moved his hand down between her legs and found her tight opening. He put two fingers in and finger fucked her while his hungry mouth drank her milk. Lucinda could feel her milk leaking out into her son's mouth. Her breasts were slowly drained and she could feel the intensity between her legs heighten.

Jake loved the taste of his mom's sweet milk. This was definitely making up for the time in his life that she didn't get to breast feed him as a baby.

"Mmmgghhhh oh Jake! This is so hot! I can feel you drinking up my milk!" Lucinda moaned.

She wriggled underneath him letting his fingers slide deeper inside of her. Jake took turns sucking both of her breasts and drinking up more milk. Lucinda loved the way his lips wrapped around her nipple and he looked up at her as she fed him.

A few more thrusts of his fingers sent Lucinda over the edge! She raised her body off the bed a bit and moaned so sexy. Jake kept sucking her breasts and milk ran down the corner of his mouth.

"Oohgghhhhhhh! Yes! I'm cumming!" Lucinda cried out and climaxed hard.

Jake felt her pussy clenching his fingers and her juices ran down her thighs. Jake gulped hard taking one final drink of her milk. He watched her gasp as she slowly recovered from her orgasm. Her body slowly relaxed down on the bed and she was breathless. Jake reached up to kiss her. She could taste her milk in his mouth.

"Mmm that was so sexy! I want to do that again with you…mom," Jake said suddenly without realizing what he'd said.

Lucinda blushed. "Mmm my baby boy you'll always be mine. I love you so much!"

Jake kissed her face and neck. "I will always be here for you. You'll always be my beautiful mother, lover, wife."

They made love later on that night.

Jake and Lucinda stayed together and raised their two children who would grow up to be wonderful people. Maybe one day they would explain to Jr. and Jackie who they really were. They lived happily ever after always in love and knowing they had a special bond not only as husband and wife, but mother and son.

The End
I tried to rock you but you only roll.


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