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Old 04-24-2005, 12:01 PM
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Having been raped twice and having a daughter who was sexually assaulted by a pedophile, I'm not what one could call sympathetic. However, I also have a dear friend who was falsely accused of raping a 15-yr-old who accused him because she didn't want her mother to find out that she really was having sex with her boyfriend. What he's gone through is horrendous, and he doesn't deserve to be treated for the rest of his life the way people have mentioned. I am concerned about those falsely accused and also those like the kid who was just peeing in public. How are you going to distinguish, in other words, between those who really DO need to be monitored and those whose lives you would be ruining unjustly? And if you're going to monitor sex offenders, why aren't we also monitoring murderers who are released? We've seen through the more recent use of DNA testing how many people in prison have been falsely accused of crimes, but often the truth doesn't come out until long after the person has been convicted. Someone in my state was just released after spending 18 yrs in prison for rape when new DNA evidence proved he was not the rapist. If you've already castrated the man, what are you going to say to him? Gee..ooops...sorry.
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