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Old 06-28-2002, 07:09 AM
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Sugarsprinkles Sugarsprinkles is offline
Pixies Den Mother
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: No-Hockey Land, dammit!!
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DAMN Scotz!!!! I really didn't need to feel any older than I already do!! I'm already the oldest woman on the site.......hell, if it weren't for Irish, I'd be the oldest.......PERSON!! ROFL So far the only person who remembers more than I do is Scarecrow.
I can remember everything but two things. The Fort Apache play set, but I guess, considering I'm a girl and had no brothers I can be excused on that one. And I don't remember gas ever being that cheap. The cheapest I can recall was during one of Detroit's famous gasoline price wars in the '60s sometime and it was 13.9 cents per gallon.

Since the car we had was a clunker, my mother used to use "bulk oil" for it...10 cents a quart. Came in glass bottles with tops like funnels. It was oil that was drained from other cars when the garage would do an oil change.

Oh hell, how about when you went to the "Service Station" and actually got service??? They'd pump the gas for you, ask if you wanted your oil and water checked, and wash your windshield...all when gas was below .35 per gallon!!!

How about carry out coffe in returnable glass bottles with paper plug/caps??
Cars that didn't come with turn signals...and still had "choke" knobs you had to adjust just right or the car wouldn't start??

OH HELL.....I'm feeling too damn old here...I'm gonna go find a cave to crawl in and wallow in some self pity. Any other "old folks" care to join me?
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Benjamin Franklin
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Internet Lovers Meet - Part 1
Internet Lovers Meet - Part 2
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