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Old 01-10-2005, 10:34 PM
Teddy Bear's Avatar
Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Northeast coast, USA
Posts: 5,055
My hobbies.....

1) People watching. Is that a hobby? I dunno but I enjoy it at the beach, ball games, where ever. I just find people fasinating.

2) Collecting teddy bears. Stuffed, glass, ceremic, wood, clay, pictures, any medium. Not sure why I like them so much.

3) Girl Scouting. I have been a leader for almost 14 years and a Service Unit Manager of 2 towns (basically a leader of the leaders) for 5. The girls are great and I think it's important to invest my time in the future women of the world. Besides that I love all the scouty stuff, the silly games, goofy songs, crafts, community service, camp fires and s'mores. But I will NOT tent camp!! Cabins with cold and hot running water, heat, beds, showers, flush toilets, fridges and cook stoves are the only way for me. LOL.
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