Thread: Eminem's a trip
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Old 01-10-2005, 08:06 PM
silentsoul silentsoul is offline
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AWW Hell, you done did it now. Ok first of all I'll never turn down a good 70's rock hit. Lynard Skynard is like one of the all time greats, Free Bird!!!

"If anything, this country has gotten easier for the younger generation" I think that we (the younger generation) has a much less physically demanding life. Compared to the older generation, we're basically a bunch of lazy bums. HOWEVER, I think the mental stress put on kids nowadays is harder than ever. Back in the old days as a general rule there was a stable family environment. Now a days kids are left with more and more responsibility at a younger and younger age without much if any support from their family.

I guess it's hard for one generation to see from the other generations point of view. That anger that Em has is one of those things. He was raised with no dad, a fucked up mom, and in about as bad of a situation as he can be in. He had to find some way to deal with that reality and getting mad at the world was his outlet.

Another thing that's unique about Em is just because the lyrics are violent doesn't mean that he's trying to be violent. He just likes to fuck with peoples minds. If you actually listen to his lyrics with a sick kinda mindset he's funny as hell. Perfect example is where in one song he's talking about setting a guy's house then drive around and knock the hydrant off. Now that would just be a fucked up thing to do and some are able to have a sense of humor enough to find that funny.

But then again maybe it's just an age thing.
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