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Old 01-10-2005, 07:07 PM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
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I like the idea of reading something different too. Something that would promote discussion and take me out of my box. I went to and clicked on readers resources. In that tab there is a list of different genres that open a page with a book list. You can click on a title and there are group guides for discussions. Many of those catagories and books listed don't "pigeon hole" a reader by interests or gender but allow for many interests.

An example of this (non-fiction) catagory:

Tuesdays with Morrie
An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson

I think using the Random House site as a guide, we can either go down the member list alphabetically or by birthdays and that person would pick a book out from their list (there are lots of them) and then we can use the discussion guide provided which would be available to all of us by a link. That way, the book is new to them too, and they don't have to "lead" a discussion and come up with questions for thoughts to ponder. The only thing that would have to be decided upon (by the group) is how far ahead to read and when to meet for either live discussion or threaded discussion on the blog, There each person can talk about anything that struck them about the book and ask any question they may have in additon to what is on the guide.

I think that the members who expressed an interest in the book discussion have varied interests and most would be willing to explore other readings. I would hope that each would be willing to pick up a book that they normally wouldn't read and take the plunge into something different.

In addition, most of the books listed can be found at the local public library if a person didn't want to invest $$$ into purchasing a book that they may not want or ever read again. Many of them are also available as e-books that can be downloaded at a very reasonable price.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Opinions?
A blessed thing it is for any man or woman to have a friend, one human soul whom we can trust utterly, who knows the best and worst of us, and who loves us in spite of all our faults.

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