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Old 12-24-2004, 10:39 PM
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Amasterfound Amasterfound is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: TEXAS
Posts: 8
I agree with the man who compared it to Nazi book burnings. Bad enough that they want to allow it and keep them from marrying, but they want to silence those who are more tolerant than themselves. This is an attempt to impose one world-view and mindset on all of us. They just want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend that homosexuality is still a taboo, underground, and shameful thing to most people- that it will just go away, if they harass or intimidate enough people. They actually think that gays and lesbians can change. A certain fellow that I know and love is bi- he's NOT going to become straight, just because they want him to.
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