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Old 12-21-2004, 11:22 AM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
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Originally Posted by cowgirltease
Sorry you're feelin so bad Chey........ ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Vicks vapo steam over the stove in a pan of water helps me break up the congestion in my sinuses. vitamin C and Zinc helps too. My mom used to "poke my throat" with vicks when I was young then coat it over the outside of my throat and chest then wrap a hankie over that and the next day I was good to go. It's just gonna have to run it's course. Hope you feel better soon!

Wow! That brings back memories! My mom used to do the Vicks thing on me too! I have used Vicks like that heated up in a cup of water in the microwave and walked around the house with it holding the cup under my nose... I love the smell of that stuff!

I feel kinda puny - here I am complaining about a cold and you just got out of the hospital.... how are YOU feeling????

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