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Old 12-20-2004, 12:51 PM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Thanks Lilith!!! It is lemon!

Cobalt keeps telling me to take my vitamins...he is a firm believer in them - and I don't remember the last time he was sick. Since I started working at the school, I seem to "catch" most everything that the students have. I am told that at the three year mark I should have built up enough immunity to the surroundings enough that I won't be so succeptible....

I will look into echinacea and zinc - would that be just the typical dosage found or is there an amount that you take?

I need to get well fast - Cobalt is looking forward of two solid weeks of sex at the drop of a hat and I don't want to disappoint him!! :drool:
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