Thread: Target Stores
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Old 11-21-2004, 01:57 AM
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BamaKyttn BamaKyttn is offline
Starry-eyed Pixie
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Target Stores

Last night we were watching Whos Line is it Anyway...... and the 700 club came on afterwards and we couldn't find the remote.... hey we were all snuggled down in our bed! and they were going on about Target stores not allowing bell ringers (Salvation army with help for the homless/less fortunate etc) They were outraged that it was an ANTI christian thing when Target has a no solicitation policy that they waived for Salvation army in the past but since making that exception thay've had other non-profit ppl throw fits over not being allowed to hit ppl up for donations. They were calling a boycott on Target just because they're going back and saying "if we can't do it for everyone we won't do it for anyone."

Personally I'm on a shoestring, I give what I can when I can and when I see these people out begging for donations (representitives not the folks in need themselves) I run the other way. I went to catholic schools, I know about the knights of columbus sellin tootsie rolls, and I was a girl Scout...... but I avoid wal-mart during daylight (brfore midnight) hours just to stay away from having to fumble some "I'm poor too" excuse yeah I have a car and a house and pets and a job but if they knew how far up my ass I am in debt maybe they would give me that money instead.

I know this might upset some of the people in our pixie family but I just can't believe that the 700 club folks with their just so hair, brand new suits and grand lives they seem to live are telling us to boycott a store because they maintain their policies completely and fairly so no one is discriminted for or against.

as an aside

my girlfriend and I (yeah yeah lesbians) were having a fight earlier and I told her "Maybe we should find a religon you know the same one together" she said "what?" "You know join together under god to fight the evils of satan and homosexuality...."
End fight

-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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