Thread: Define...
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:49 AM
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I define fetish as being something one obssesses over that would place them outside the norm...of course, 3 years in this place has kept me redefining what the "norm" is seriously, there are things I thought were a little kinky or odd a few years ago, now just seem like...well, that's just one person's passion...

Do I really have to tell anyone here what my fetish(es) might be? First & foremost, women's breasts...such wide variety, each set having its own personality, & in some cases, each one has its own character...that and an obssession with oral, getting it of course, & my favorite porn is watching a good BJ, but I could spend hours kissing, licking, sucking on a woman all over...excuse me, I may have to go take care of something...
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