Thread: In the office
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Old 04-26-2002, 02:18 AM
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LavaLamp LavaLamp is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 13
First time posting in the story section...we'll see how it goes.

...The process of simply clicking a mouse button had never been so exhausting. I felt like I was in high school again trying to dial that last number to call the girl I had a crush on. (Oh, where are you now. God, I bet you are still a little hellcat!)

I couldn't help but let out a sigh as my mind wandered for just a second. Pulling myself out of my own imagination, I focused my attention on the message in front of me. I was scared to read it but I could not wait any longer. I began to scroll through the text:

How have you been these past few days? You seem to be going out of your way to avoid me, even though this project is running up against our deadline.

So far, so good, I thought. I began to relax as I read the message. Maybe I was just driving myself crazy before, worrying that she was going to scold me or accuse me of something. Seems like she just picked up on the fact that I was ignoring her for the past week, which is pretty damned accurate. I went back to reading:

I certainly do not want to drop the ball on the project and get heat from the boss. Why have you been acting strange toward me lately?

Ut oh! How was I going to answer that? Was she playing games with me now? Does she really not know that I was ravaging her in my mind a few days ago? Either she is trying to really toy with my mind or she is just that innocent. I'm not really sure which theory is more attractive. I continued:

We need to really get things moving on this project or we are both in deep. I was going to try and talk to you about this but you barely look at me in the eyes anymore. Am I scary to you or something?

I literally gasped at the last comment. I quickly shut my mouth and tried to stop the air escaping from my lungs. What was her agenda? I still could not figure it out. You can interpret an email about one hundred ways but this was crazy! My mind was racing as I tried to make sense of it all but I knew there was more to the message. Maybe I'd find some answers near the bottom:

Can we seriously just go and have lunch later on today? I promise I won't bite...much. ;-)


Christ! What in the hell is going on here!? My hands were trembling and my heart was getting ready to pounce out of my chest. I reached way back to recall those relaxation exercises I had read about in some magazine but to no avail. I did not dare to look up from my laptop at this point. I felt like a deer in headlights and she was driving the Mac truck that was getting ready to run me down.

"Okay, you're an adult," I told myself. I started to regain my composure, although I'm not sure if it was one minute or ten. I had to reply soon because the lunch break was coming up. I can't ignore this message because she already knows that I opened it. Those damn return receipts!

My stress and tension had all systems running in my body, including my growing erection, which just added to my overall sense of not having control of myself. "I won't bite...much," she said! Just those words took me on a ride down her lips and inch by inch all over her body. I instinctively closed my eyes and reared my head back as I imagined Tracy nippling and biting my chest, working her way down...and down. She would look into my eyes, piercing me, and devilishly flick her tougne out to swipe the tip of my throbbing cock. "My god," I sighed internally, and realized that I was off in dreamworld again.

I snapped out of it and momentarily forgot about the reason I ended up daydreaming about Tracy again in the first place: the message. When I opened my eyes, there she was...looking not at me, more like through me. I froze. It was not a malicious look from her but quizzical...and purposeful. I felt caught red-handed all over again. Then, she did the strangest thing. The right side of her soft mouth arched upwards and it looked like she was stiffling a smile. With that, she looked back down and went to work.

My confusion and fear was held in check and I was resolved to get myself together, for god's sake. I am a happy guy and I have a loving girlfriend. There are no stakes here. Let me just respond to her and get it out of my mind. I'm driving myself crazy..."but it feels so damn good," I thought.

I clicked on "Reply" and started typing:
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