Thread: Going Down===>
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Old 05-24-2004, 07:27 PM
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The wretched King Minos has decided your fate. His tale wraps around his body 6 times.
The sweet light no longer strikes against your eyes. Your shade has been banished to... the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis


You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.
Some stories:

My Birthday

Squirming in the dark
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