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Old 04-08-2004, 03:26 PM
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Originally posted by curvyredhead
Dear Skippy Monkey Tail,

Since I still have to wait another month for the present that I want soooo much....

Could you please bring all my friends at Pixies a hug and kiss for me? (and an extra one for you!!)

Longingly yours,


Dear selfless Curly one,

Your letter has brought moisture to mine eyes. Since you so freely offered my monkeyness and all pixies your hugs, I will have to make your house my last stop. I will first stop by with my most advanced mold making machine and "form up" your long lost grumble-myster. Then I will drop off a fresh made realistic vibe to you...think of how prepared you will be for the real thing.

Yours in latex,

Love...the slowest form of suicide.
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