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Old 04-08-2004, 02:28 PM
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curvyredhead curvyredhead is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: US (by birth only)
Posts: 219
I think it's a good subject...(tho sometimes a contraversial one) and one that a lot of people like to talk about. Those that haven't tried it would like to know more about it and those that have like to express their opinion about it.

I've done it, and I enjoy it, but that doesn't make it everyone's cup of tea.

jseal... I feel for you, you poor dear!
The subconscious is a state in which reality is just a visitor!

A smile can make your whole day.

"I don't mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows, I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my cloths..." ~Pepper.
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