Thread: Sub or Dom?
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Old 03-19-2002, 02:54 PM
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Kissy Kissy is offline
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Well Personally

I would definately rather be submissive. I have tried to be dominating, but I spent too much time fantasizing about what I wanted to do and not actually doing it. I'm sure my husband would love for me to be more in control and initiate sex more often, but there is just something about fealing his strength when he's on top pinning me to the bed. And I Love to be spanked. Mmmm just talking about it turns me on, and sometimes that's all the foreplay we go for, he mentions what's on his mind and I'm ready to have sex right then...hey it's the thought that counts right! Besides I feel I have enough control in the rest of my relationship, I can't imagine being a bitch in the bedroom too!


ps if spelling counts I'm screwed...
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