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Old 02-28-2004, 05:08 AM
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A mixed day
1 spoke with Curvy and CA then went to get ready to go to work
2 came out and found a tap (faucet) still running in the kitchen sink and the place flooded FUCK!!!!! took ages to clean it up wipe out the cupboards and wash and dry all the plates and stuff.
Some carpet got wet too and i used all my towells to get the worst of the water out. Had to wash my towells <sigh>
3 teddy was on line and then Curvy came on and we chatted for hours 3 way. Chatted with Curvy's kids Little K.....n is such a cutie and that was fun then had a guy chat with K.....s her 13 yo son. Felt it went very well and the kids are getting to like me.
4 OK i cant count but this is important... Got a Yahoo message from Osuche and she was home safely was worried that she was driving so far being so tired.
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