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Old 01-08-2004, 05:41 PM
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LixyChick LixyChick is offline
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Originally posted by CunningLinguist
Well just grow your own or switch to pot. Pot is healthier, cheaper, and won't ostrasize you more.

Thanks for replying hun....but I don't agree with your statement! Pot would make me more ostrasized as it's still illegal where I am. I've smoked it and then smoked a cig afterwards! Kind of weird huh? But pot doesn't do for me what cigs do....whatever that is! Pot isn't cheaper where I am either.....unless I grow my own.....and then I have to contend with hiding it from the authorities....etc. etc. etc.! I don't live in a climate condusive to growing tobacco. So that's out!

And my point here is.....not necessaarily the addiction....but being labeled by a tax kook and my pockets being turned inside out....while non-smokers aren't taxed for their so-called "sins".....whatever they may be! It's similar to me having to pay the same school tax...when I don't have children....and there are people who have 4-7 children that live in a rental....and so they don't have to pay school tax at all! I just don't see any fairness in this sin tax. I pay my fair share of taxes along with everyone else.....but this has gone through the roof on tobacco!
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