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Old 01-07-2004, 09:23 PM
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olive-eyes olive-eyes is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 963
lets give more insentive

Hello everyone.
Well it's the pushy one you guys might say...LOL...don't really care what you think.
I was just seaching the forums and realised something, in the forums of pic's of women, and pic's of men, and even in the pic's of couples, we seem to have a problem, we all go to see them, but we don't post enought...Take my thread for example, there are over 6000 views, and only 168 posts, half of those are mine and Urlryn...and in the pic's of men, girls we have to start doing a better job, the guys in here need some insentive from us, otherwise they are going to stop posting, not enought views, definetly not enought posts, compared to the views from them on our pic's...
So what do u say people? Time to post more?
Lets show the guys and girls in the site that we like what they offer, and what they have, and trust me, it takes guts to post the pic's...So get to work people...

<<<<<<<<<<<<GO POST SOMETHING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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