Thread: Aftermath
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Old 01-04-2004, 07:27 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
Janice Fleming

Janice looked up into her son's eyes as he lifted his weight from her body and slipped from the tight sheath between her legs. Not wanting to move, she pulled him back down and they lay together quietly -- for that moment in time they were no longer mother and son but two lovers laying replete in each others arms.

After a while, she shooed him off to dress and shower though she remained in her bed. Jan needed to think about what had happened when they made love this time. That was it, wasn't it? They had made love. When had the coupling changed? When had it gone from "inserting Tab A into Slot B" to lovemaking? What had changed?

Knowing that she had things to do, Janice finally got up and headed to the bathroom for a shower. From the first she had worried about Mark's psychological well-being behind this whole government order, and now she worried that if there was damage, it might be of her own making.

Jan was hard put to lose that afterglow she felt from earlier as she lathered her body and rinsed. She kept imagining Mark's hands and mouth on her breasts. His... She needed to stop this now! She was a married woman. A happily married woman. Married to a wonderful man who fairly worshipped her. Mark was her son, for pity's sake! No matter what the government said they had to do, it wasn't right. It was still immoral and she had done wrong. Nothing should change that in her mind or her heart. He was her son. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Drying off, she dressed quickly and glanced at the bedside clock as she brushed out her hair. Where had the time gone?? It was past noon! Had they really been at it for that many hours? It seemed impossible, yet her body told her otherwise.

Don't think about it, Janice Fleming! she admonished herself. God only knew what Mark was thinking of her right now. His mother the nympho. The slut. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It wasn't!!

Hurrying down the stairs, Jan went into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee and sat down to make a shopping list. It was her day for groceries and there were a million other things to do and little time to accomplish them before the twins came home and dinner had to be prepared. And then there would be tonight... again.

For once, Janice decided that if Mark wasn't willing on his own that they would forgo the evening "session". She felt she had done enough damage for one day. Perhaps enough for a lifetime. She would deal with the consequences -- whatever they would be. In this, there was no one to blame except herself.
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