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Old 03-03-2002, 06:04 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Prophet Reality

Of all the people, I never suspected Bilbo to come out and make a comment like this. Whatever happened to "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all." Playful and I tried to bring our taste and style here, and did not recieve much encouragement from members. Many views, but no comments though. Then we get an unregistered, immature child make a stupid comment.

1. I have noticed with in other threads that Prophet Reality and PlayfulTigress, have both been rather graphic with your comments to other thread users and menbers, so I am asumming that your comment about, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.", onlt appies if the comment is directed at a thread that you are involved in

2. I never mentioned YOU at all Prophet

Hey Bilbo, have you ever thought of maybe making encouraging comments. Like for instance, "I wouldn't say advanced, maybe different and unique." [QUOTE]

I also have made what I believe to be some very encouraging comments, but given your responce to my comments, a you also may feel that your intellect is above them.
Never have I tried to display myself as better than anyone at pixies

[QUOTE]And Bilbo, I think I can say that I am more grown up then a lot of the people that visit. After all, no one what I have endured in my life or yours either. So instead of making discouraging comments, how about helpful and supportive ones next time.[/COLOR]

No one has even entertained the idea of your maturity,
but before shooting off a t the mouth so to speak, maybe YOU should have read what was acctually posted, and maybe YOU will see that you comments are far from what i said.

And one last thing Prophet

Where do you get off PMing Sharniqua with your "What the fuck is Bilbo talking about" attitude!
If you are as goos as you have just said WHY did you not PM me,
or is it you feel a much bigger man pushing your attitude on the females

[QUOTE]Originally posted by PlayfulTigress
It's not a matter of if Prophet or I need to grow up.[QUOTE]

Tell me where i my previous posts did I mention Prophrt Reality?
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