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Old 03-01-2002, 02:06 AM
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PlayfulTigress PlayfulTigress is offline
Master's pet tigress
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It's Niagra Falls!!!!!!!!

No, wait! It's my woman!

So, ladies, how many of you are squirters?!? And, gentlemen, how many of your ladies are squirters?

For years I denied myself some of the potentially best orgasms of my life for fear I had to pee! It sounds crazy to me now, but in my younger years I had no idea that the body had its own "valve" to shut off the uretha when aroused (and that it would take a great deal of effort and concentration to actually pee when aroused or cumming).

By the time I was 21, I was involved with a Man who was 18 years my senior. I learned a lot from this Man and I am greatful I was able to meet Him and serve Him for a while.

It was during a time when He was going down on me that I discovered I could squirt. I was close to cumming, and I felt that "need" to pee building up inside me. (In the past, once I felt that I would stop masturbating or have the man I was with stop whatever he was doing.)

Things happened too quickly. I wasn't able to stop Him "in time" and I started cumming. I can't even describe the feeling. It's just so, so unreal and consumed my entire body! And, as I was cumming, I felt my body just "let go". My once contracted muscles relaxed and waves of pleasure overcame me.

By the time I opened my eyes, I noticed I squirted, but I did not quite know what it was at this time yet. I was so embarrassed! I actually thought I lost so much control over my body that I peed!

Thankfully, to my surprise, my former Dom informed me I was a squirter and that I had the potential all along to squirt but no body prior to Him pleasured me enough for me to pass the point of no return.

So, anyone else? Do we happen to have other female ejaculators here at Pixies?

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