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Old 02-22-2002, 11:08 AM
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Irish Irish is offline
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blk cat---That's it exactly.My wife&I went through alot of our old
records a few years ago.We got rid of most of them because we
don't have a turntable any more and were afraid that they would
warp.We have a few tape decks and CD players but no turntable.
I had a full length (approx.6ft.)oak console with 15"Bass speakers
on the ends,3 1/2Treble&approx.9"tweeters on the front.It had a
56watt. amp.It had an AM/FM-FMSterio radio in it.I gave it away.
I built two speaker boxes to go with it;on the other side of the
room.They are in my garage.I also have an old 8-track;for a car;
out there!We also had a bunch of 45s'.I don't know what she saved!She was a Huge Peggy Lee fan when she was a teenager
and had almost all of her 45 releases.Unfortunately as you get
older;you run out of room and can't save everything.I am a big
pack rat! Thanks,Irish
P.S.My Pontiac has a CD.My Jeep Cherokee has a CD and tape deck.They both have the best AM/FM radios that are available.
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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