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Old 11-23-2003, 06:47 PM
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Teddy Bear Teddy Bear is offline
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Originally posted by LixyChick's as natural as being born naked!
Oh My! How do we remedy that? Slip a slicker over the baby's head as it emerges from the birth canal?

OMG Lixy you kill me with some of the things you say. roflmao!! TY!!

But to the breast feeding issue... my sister-in-law is from Germany where they just whip out the boob and go at it. I picked her & her infant son up at the airport. When he was hungry she unbuttoned her shirt & nursed him in a coffee shop. She noticed the disapproving looks from people & asked me, 'Am I doing the wrong way?' We threw a recieving blanket over the baby & her shoulder but what had been natural to her was suddenly very uncomfortable.

I nursed both my babies anytime & anyplace they needed it. I lifted my shirt up from the bottom and when they were little would put them under the shirt. When they were bigger I'd tuck the shirt in around their faces so nothing showed. I remember people talking to me not even realizing I was nursing until I said something. And I'll never forget my hubby's bachelor cousin bending down to kiss the new baby's head and the look on his face when he saw what was happening. LMAO to this day!!

So I guess it's alot in how you do it and in what country. lol.
But TY to Burger King!!

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