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Old 11-22-2003, 11:36 AM
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Cheyanne Cheyanne is offline
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(o)(o) Burgers and Boobs (o)(o)

Even though the title of this thread suggests that perhaps I am making a jest towards breastfeeding, I am not. I feel that, if a mom chooses to breastfeed her baby, then it should be accepted in all social climates. Typically a woman who breastfeeds her baby in a public place does so in a discreet manner and doesn't just flop out the boob and the baby has at it.... (I know, as I did breast feed my youngest, and it can be done in such a manner that anyone who happens to look at you it can appear as if you are just snuggling with you baby). I applaud the burger chain for initiating this policy, and hope that many more will follow.

Burger King To Allow Breast-Feeding
Fast-Food Chain Announces New Policy Friday

POSTED: 11:32 p.m. EST November 21, 2003
UPDATED: 11:40 p.m. EST November 21, 2003

SALT LAKE CITY -- From now on, mothers who wish to breast-feed their babies are welcome to do so in Burger King restaurants.

The fast-food chain announced its new policy Friday, one day before a planned "nurse-in."

Members of an international group that promotes breast-feeding had planned the protest after a mother in suburban Salt Lake City was asked to feed her baby in a bathroom or leave the restaurant. A customer had complained to Burger King employees.

Under the new policy, employees are told if a customer complains about a mother who's breast-feeding, they are to explain that breast-feeding is permitted in the restaurant and suggest that the complaining customer move.

Burger King said its new policy had been in the works and wasn't timed to defuse the threatened protest.
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