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Old 11-17-2003, 10:39 PM
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Scorpious Scorpious is offline
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Posts: 42
Good thread

Well I was in a bar in Galveston,Texas with my grandmother having a cool one, The TV in the bar was on when the attack happened. We all just sat there listening and watching the news stories as they came out. I had voted for him, my first time to vote and I was not happy. Back then I was the crying kind but then I was a young man and had been taught men didn't cry, but I did tear up a bit. I also was not a bit happy that it occurred in Texas, much less that it happened at all. I couldn't figure out why for years, then I finally got it. Knowing didn't help much either!
As we left the bar I noticed a lot of women were crying, and men were cursing the person or persons that did it. The one thing I did notice was no one was smiling or smirking, I knew not every one voted for him and I also knew there were a lot of folk that really didn't care for him as President. I've heard all the conspiracy theories, and doubt we will ever be sure of what happened that day. BUT I do know that a man was killed before his time, and he was morned by many millions. Not just as President but as a man, and his family too. I have to say that I am not happy about the so called revelations that have come out since then, I say let the man lay in peace and let his last child alone.
Yes, Fucking is fun. Eating pussy is great. Deep soul kissing is wonderful.
But making love is so much better than all the above, even though it is the same it is fantastically different.
.................................................. .........
Making love is not just for the young, it would be a shame to waste all that experience.

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