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Old 11-03-2003, 06:07 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
Morning, afternoon, evening -- depending on your time zone.

I should either be writing or sleeping or maybe sleep-writing. It seems the hurrier I go, the behinder I get. Today I am going to make a concerted effort to do at least five post. Okay -- maybe three. One? I'm gonna do it, I tell you!

Everyone take a look-see at Treasure Hunters and Highlander for group play.

Angelus is around and about, though not as often as he used to be, busy writing that book. Treasure Hunters is in good hands, though.

Kitsuke just moved again but the good news is he has a computer at the new place according to a conversation we had on Friday. Bad news is, he's not online so he must be waiting for internet. He, too, will be joining us soon.

Gazesby is swamped with business stuff -- but he's around and will be writing as well.

What I want to know is -- Where are all the wimmin???
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