Thread: Aftermath
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Old 11-02-2003, 08:23 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 617
A few days later...

Janice and Mark had settled into a routine of sorts, having what they called their "time together" in the morning as soon as the twins and Jack had left for the day and then again after the twins were settled down for the night. They were all agreed that it would be easier if the little ones weren't exposed to what was going on -- less questions asked and all that.

But tensions were rising in the Fleming household. Relations between Jack and Mark were strained at best -- Mark seeming embarrassed and Jack a little more than resentful, though he struggled not to show it for Janice's sake as much as for their son's.

"Don't forget I'm going over the road on Monday, Jan. I'll be gone for almost a week."

Janice nodded. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, babe. I really don't like the idea of being away just now. Especially now, but there was no talking old man Johnson out if it." he said quietly. "What if you need me?"

"It will be all right, Jack. Besides, you'll only be a phone call away and we'll talk in between like we always have done. And your homecomings have always been the best." Jan gave her husband a naughty wink without thinking.

Ignoring her statement, Jack gave his wife a peck and murmured something about running late. Janice sighed and gave kisses all around and watched him head out the door with Emily and Matt.

They hadn't made love since this Government Repopulation Order Worldwide went into effect. The doctors had said a two week minimum of abstinence and then only with condoms. Frankly, Jack hadn't even tried to cuddle up with her, let alone anything else since it had all begun. Maybe she'd encourage it when he returned, and once she was pregnant they wouldn't have to worry about it any more. They could just go on as they always had. Couldn't they?

"Morning, mom."

Jan turned and smiled at her son as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning, sleepyhead. You slept late. I was just coming up."

Mark nodded, but didn't meet her eyes. The act itself was a little easier now -- for her at least. Jan found -- surprisingly -- that she wasn't quite as tender as she had been in the beginning. They still used the pillow to give him better access and of course they were wearing the gowns that had been provided, but they still had those awkward moments when it seemed they might almost be discussing what they were doing.

"Have you seen Sunil lately?" Jan asked. Sunil hadn't been over since before Project G.R.O.W.. In fact, she hadn't spoken to Devi either. Maybe she'd give her a call this afternoon. Devi and her brother couldn't be having any better a time of it than they were.

"No. Guess he's been busy."

Janice nodded and started to make a remark about how even the best of friendships were strained by all of this, but thought better of it. Mark knew it as well as she did. Instead, not wanting him to see her concern, she smiled her sunniest smile at her son and said, "Just let me finish my coffee and I'll meet you upstairs." She needed a few moments alone to get into her mind set.
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