Thread: Mental?
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Old 10-12-2003, 04:33 PM
fzzy fzzy is offline
Learning to talk sexy
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My best friend deals with ongoing issues, complicated by diabetes and congenital heart problems ... she has been diagnosed with various things on the mental level and then another practicioner comes along and says no, it's not that, I think it may be this .... for almost 15 years now she has battled OCDs, depression, voices that tell her to harm herself, night terrors and multiple other issues.... she had never responded very well to different medications they have attempted and so they just keep trying to help her deal with it, but don't come to a really "good" working solution. She will probably never be able to work in the "real" world again, her OCD's and fears get in the way SOOO much ....

I live more than 1000 miles away from her and mostly I'm only able to help in telephone calls and small "care" packages that let her know I care and I'm there for her when she needs me. But as I read the various entries listed, I know that yes, the medical profession is working on new drugs and many of them have proved very helpful .... but usually only to about 60% of those who take them .... the frustration of not getting to a "diagnosis" frequently has doctors saying things to her like she's making it all up, or things aren't really as bad as she tells them ... when I know she actually ends up not telling them everything because she's been threatened by doctors that if she doesn't improve they will put her in the state institution.

All of this while at the same time the funds for helping out in such situations are dwindling and so her very ability to keep a roof over her head is constantly threatened ... I have no answer and no happy ending to this tale ... she is my friend and I love her and am willing to do whatever I can to make things easier for her. that's all I have to tell in this ... hard facts that people are left to deal with when they have such an illness to deal with.
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