Thread: Mental?
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Old 10-12-2003, 09:17 AM
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celticangel celticangel is offline
Scottish Angel
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Treatment of mental health issues is not an exact science. There are basic guidelines and proven methods of treatment, which have helped the majority of sufferers to some degree. But everyone's reations to interventions differs. We aim to treat the symptoms wither by use of medication or psychotherapy input. Alt of the predesposing factors require intervention by everyone~~~~~~~~poverty, bad housing, poor diet/health, poor education(academic/ social etc etc)
We do what we can within the resources we are given to treat mental health in an holistic manner. And I guess that due to lots of us in the caring proffesions having first hand experiance of mental health issues~~we can treat it with empathy, compassion and hopefully make a positive impact on those we care for.
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