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Old 10-06-2003, 04:43 AM
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BigBear57 BigBear57 is offline
Wishful Thinker
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Location: Augusta, Georgia
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Ummmmm maybe you read my 10 things about me thread? LOL OK a dab more... see if it flies.

Pulling back I cradled her gorgeous face in my hands, smiling and half breathless I said " Ohhhh Babe, if we're gonna make it to the motel we gotta slow down a little" I felt a hand swipe across my throbbing manhood and she said " OK Honey, if you need to" a little giggle escaped her beaming smile. I can't even say how much I wanted to take her right there, even with people passing by gawking. She stepped back and I eased by her to open her car door. She gracefully slipped in and sat down. I leaned in and gave her another lingering kiss and then closing her door stumbled along the way to the driver's seat. During the drive to the motel I was having trouble looking at the road. I couldn't get over her radiance.

She smiled and kept telling me to watch the road... as if I could help myself. Here I am riding with a dream. A person who until moments ago was only tryped words on a monitor and an occasional email picture or phone call voice. I'd always wanted meet but we just hadn't been able to. Now he we are and I'm all but bursting at the seams to... to... to EVERYTHING! I wanted to talk, I wanted to make love, I wanted to walk in the rain and sing like an idiot ALL at the same time. Still I felt like I had to maintain some restraint till I could see she felt those same things. Damn!
I felt a sigh of relief escape as I spotted our destination ahead.

I'd already been to check us in and had keys in pocket. Pulling up in front of our room I pointed our door out and said "There's our lovenest". She just shook her head laughing at me. "Silly Man, You haven't had me yet, that could be your hall of horrors" "I'm willing to take my chances Honey" I quipped "At this point, you'd better be Bigboy!" she snickers and raises her eyebrows as if to say... aren't you surprised?. I got out and ambled around to open her door but she met me at the front of the car, grabbed me around my neck and we were tangled up in kisses again. Finally victorious in rescuing my key card from my pants pocket, I eased her back toward the door and swiped the card.

Opening the door we rushed in and pounced on the bed and wrapped in each other for some really intense petting and kissing.... I started to try to unbutton her blouse only to get stopped cold. "No no no no no..... Bigboy we play by my rules. You got me here now you got to wait and see the show." With that she stood up and reached to close the door we left open with the rush in. She started a sort of dance, slowly peeling her blouse and turning just as I'd think I was going to see more. She finally stopped facing me and opened it ever so slowly.... sliding it down her left arm and covering her clevage with it as she slipped the right side off. Leaning toward me tauntingly she reached back an unhitched her bra... an amazingly detailed lacey number with just enough holes to show her luscious form but not revealing the details... oh and the damn thing was purple... she knew I loved purple.

Unclasping the pretty lace, still covering herself with her left arm she draped the bra in front of me so I reached to grab it with my teeth.She released it and I grabbed it to inhale it's sultry fragrance sprinkled ever so lightly with Eau De Somethiner other I remember her telling me she always wore. Damn intoxicating stuff it is too.... between that and the tease of a lifetime I was reeling. Taking her right hand now she reached around back and found the zipper to her pants. (Damn, as many times as i seen women wear those kinds of pants I'd never actually been with anyone who'd had them on) She let the zipper down sloooowly and turned away just as I could see what seemed to be a purple thong. Damn now I AM throbbing.... she knows it too just look at her smirk.... finally letting her pants hit the floor and kicking them aside... I'm seeing one perfectly awe inspiring sight. She's so fine just like she is, not even revealing another thing and still there's more.

"OK now' close your eyes" I hear and it takes a minute to register with my focus on her newly exposed skin. "Huh? What the Hhhh..""Shhhh, if you want to see more close your eyes" Reluctantly I ease my eyelids down and waited. Straining to hear any signs of noise that might prewarn me of upcoming treats I hear only the noise filtering in from the highway outside. I feel a tug on my shirt, lifting it upward so I yield my hands to help in removing it. @
As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will. He will be sure to repent - Socrates

Love is not looking in each other's eyes, but looking together in the same direction - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
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