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Old 09-27-2003, 08:32 PM
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BigBear57 BigBear57 is offline
Wishful Thinker
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Location: Augusta, Georgia
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1) Is there such a thing as loving someone too much?
Unconditional love is just that, whether it's reciprocated or not... so I lean towards saying no. One sided love can sting like hell but I refuse to see it as a waste. It's just practice for when the time is right.

2) Has anyone ever loved you too much and if so what was it that made you feel it was too much? If I said yes it'd sorta go against my first answer huh? LOL

3) Have you ever honestly felt unconditional love? Oh God yes, every day. My two kids... they are the essence of unconditional love and I'm a better man for it.

4) Have you ever given it? Same as my previous reply... I give it and get so much more returned. I hope to include a mate in the circle one day too.
As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will. He will be sure to repent - Socrates

Love is not looking in each other's eyes, but looking together in the same direction - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
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