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Old 09-08-2003, 04:40 PM
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BlueSwede BlueSwede is offline
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I love everyone's list (smile). Eros and BCG, I too am shy (a real introvert), at least until you get to know me. I love shy people; usually still waters run deep (smile).

BCG, I can so identify w/the turtle rescue! My daughter and I, when we lived one summer near the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, spent many, many trips watching for turtles to rescue on the road that ran between those 2 rivers. I'd pull over, my daughter would jump out of the car to grab the turtle, then we'd drive closer to the Mississippi River and throw it in. It broke our hearts to see any of them hit.

osuche, I too am very different from everyone else in the family and have never quite fit in; it was and is at times very lonely. (They're mostly ESTJs; I'm an INFJ; and I'm the only Democrat in a sea of Republicans.) You sound very talented. It must be wonderful to be able to play so many instruments. As I always say, the only thing I can play is the radio.

Lovediva, I'll give you all my garlic (smile).

IAKG, I ALWAYS wanted to take Latin...still would love to. Like an idiot, I chose Russian (even though I did love it, too) in high school instead. Latin would have been much more useful.

WildIrish, I've always admired people who can cook. And I know what you mean about the snow and the cold; I always say the snow is just wasted if it is too cold to go out and play in it.

Lilith, how wonderful it must be to be brave! I know I am strong, but I don't think of myself as brave. I seem to be scared a good bit of the time.

I really am looking forward to more people's lists. I love to get to know everybody better (smile).
Communication is the key.
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