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Old 09-08-2003, 12:37 PM
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BlueSwede BlueSwede is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Deep in my imagination
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1. I'm allergic to garlic (technically, have an adverse reaction to it), and one of my cat's names is Garlic.
2. My "hope chest" (a big filing cabinet) is crammed w/sex tips and how-tos for sex and keeping monogamous relationships forever "hot" (stuff I've been collecting for years), and I'm still hoping to finally put all that knowledge into practice w/SOMEbody. (Damned if I can find any takers.)
3. Inside, I'm still a wild, left-wing rebel from the 60s whose a fierce defender of the underdog.
4. I love anal sex but won't "do it" w/o first being sure I'm "cleaned out" first.
5. I was fluent in Russian and Chinese in my early twenties (sadly, not any more).
6. I'm always frustrated w/myself because I expect more of myself than I can ever deliver.
7. My ex-husband is black.
8. My ex has been the only man so far to bring me to orgasm via oral sex (damn it!), and that was over 12 yrs ago.
9. I can't sleep w/o having a noisy fan on at the same time.
10. I snore.
Communication is the key.
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