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Old 08-10-2003, 12:33 AM
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quisath quisath is offline
HornDawg Cowboy
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Austin, Texas
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When I was 15 and My Cousin was 17.......................... she got My Cherry.

We had been to the Lake with our families and had been Water Skiing most of the Day. She ripped her bathing suit and needed to change...................well I hadn't planned on going with her back to the Cottage to change but since there were a lot of snakes I was made to go with her. The cottage was about 5 miles form the Marina where the rest of the Family and us had been. She drove us back and told me she had a surprize for me when we get to the Cottage. I thought nothing of it as I had never really thought of her sexually. soon as we stepped in the door.....................whammmmmmmmmm she turns around and starts Kissing me and at the same time stripping off her bathing suit. I was stunned but ole willie was on the rise and at that point I didn't give a SH** about anything but enjoying what she had to offer. We did more in thirty minutes than I thought capable. After that episode we f**ked pretty often. We still laugh about it every once and awhile. (no we don't do it anymore.....................but that's only because we live 150 miles apart)
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