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Old 12-28-2001, 10:57 AM
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.........ok..maybe you don't go swallowing a pint of sperm like Rob Stewart did!!!

LOL, Rod did address that story in an interview in Rolling Stone a few years back, he was talking about all the lies the media told on him, the interviewer brought up the stomach pump story, Rod laughed & said that was the one story that never was printed, just word of mouth! Actually, that's a story that's been told on cheerleaders, prom queens, anybody that someone wants to knock down a notch! Think about it, how many guys would you have to suck off in a short period of time to require a stomach punp? Sorry, I have to get off the soapbox now & return it to Oldfart
Irish, speaking of Elton John, have you noticed how he seems to be calmer & happier with himself now that he finally came out of the closet? Just an observation, my statement for years now is I don't have anything against gays... and I don't have anything FOR them either
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