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Old 05-05-2003, 06:05 PM
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ericthered ericthered is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: North Queensland
Posts: 420
Cpt Morgan,

Poor you - all the shit falling on your head at on time. But you can't keep a good man down, so don't let it get to you. Now Spring is here, make yourself a resolution that from today on, you're going to acknowledge that it's happened, put it behind you and get on with life.

Probably a good idea to annouce it to the Mrs. and agree some goals for you (like jogging everyday, so many job applications a week, painting the front room by such and such date). Then get on and do it.

It won't take the problems away but it will make it easier for you to bear because you are doing something, one day at a time.

Also I don't care what they say about modern women, men are still expected to carry more than their share of keeping a household together, and no woman really wants a weepy wuss as their man. So cry on her shoulder one more time, then quit. You're not alone, but she's standing behind you, not in front.

So get on with life, and the sex will come along. Good luck!
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