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Old 03-30-2003, 09:58 PM
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Cobalt Cobalt is offline
Just want to enjoy life!
Join Date: Dec 2002
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“Welcome Leo!” Tony Ramaros waved at them across the den as Kendra looked around at her surroundings. The room that they entered was a muted burgundy with lots of leather furniture, gold-gilded mirrors, and a huge desk off to the far wall. Light music was playing from speakers expertly hidden among the shelves of books and what looked like to her original artwork. “What would you like to drink?” Tony asked Leo.

“Clara, how wonderful to see you.” Althea Romaros said as she made her way across the Persian carpet toward Kendra and her aunt. “Greetings Althea.” Aunt Clara responded as Althea and she touched cheeks in an upper-class greeting. “May I present to you my niece, Kendra, who is staying with us for the summer while her parents are in Europe?” “What a beautiful woman you are. Welcome Kendra.” Althea greeted her lightly brushing her checks against Kendra’s.

“Joseph, Ricardo, and Anthony Jr. will be joining us shortly. They had some of papa’s business to attend to and will be a little late.” Althea explained to Aunt Clara and Kendra as she ushered them over near the fireplace away from Uncle Leo and Tony. Kendra noticed that the seating was arranged to promote conversation and to separate them from the rest of the room.

“You have a beautiful home Mrs. Ramaros.” Kendra said as she sat down on the leather couch. “Thank you Kendra, and please you may call me Althea.” their hostess replied. “Franks,” she continued directed at the butler hovering in the background, “Please get me a drink, and Clara, Kendra, what would you like?” “Some of that nice Chablis you have would be nice, and Kendra?” Aunt Clara asked. “Wine would be fine, thank you.” Kendra responded as she looked over at her uncle and Mr. Ramaros. It looked like their conversation was becoming heated, and Kendra wondered what it was all about. “Thank you Franks, that will be all.” Mrs. Romaros said once they all had been served their drinks. “Dinner will be served in just a few hours. Tony wants to talk to Leo about an important issue that just came to his attention, and I felt that it would be better to have dinner a little later than usual.” She directed towards Clara. “That would be nice, it will give us a chance to catch up on things.” Clara responded with an indulgent smile.

As her aunt and Althea continued to speak in hushed tones as to not disturb the men across the room, Kendra sipped her wine and looked around the room some more. “I don’t remember Aunt Clara and Uncle Leo talking about the Ramaros very much, and they appear to be very rich and important people.” Kendra thought to herself. “Excuse me, Mrs. Ramaros, um I mean Althea, may I freshen up a bit?” Kendra asked. “Certainly Kendra, the powder-room is just down the hall and up the stairs, you shouldn’t have a problem finding it.” Althea responded. “Thank you.” Kendra said as she set down her wine, grabbed her evening bag and made her way across the room toward the door.

“Down the hall, up the stairs.” Kendra repeated to herself. “Well, which hall, and what stairs.” she said under her breath to herself as she made her way down the main hall to find two other hallways leading in opposite ways, both it appeared to have staircases leading to the second floor. “Well, Aunt Clara and Althea won’t miss me too much, so I have a little time to get lost.” She thought as she took the hallway to the right and went up the staircase, the luxurious carpet muting her footsteps. At the top of the stairs, another long hallway decorated with small tables of fresh flowers and more original artwork greeted her. Kendra just shook her head and sighed. “She didn’t tell me what door, so I am going to have to open them all until I find the bathroom.” Kendra said once again under her breath.

The first door she opened was a bedroom, as well as the second. Thinking that each bedroom probably had their own bath, she decided that if the next one was a bedroom, she would go in and explore. The third door, once again, opened up into a bedroom and Kendra decided to go in and see if there was a bathroom attached. As she made her way across the room, she noted that it must belong to one of the Ramaros son’s. It was a decidedly masculine room, muted beiges, and a huge bed just across the way of another door. A suite coat was draped across the arm of a chair, and other items were strewn across the dresser. Must be a bathroom, she thought to herself as she opened the door and stepped in and came to an sudden halt against a very muscular, very tall, very naked man.

Shocked, Kendra closed her eyes, dropped her evening bag and immediately wanted to sink into the carpet. She could feel herself turning red with embarrassment and said, “I am sooo sorry, I was looking for a bathroom, and couldn’t find one, so I thought I would check the bedrooms.”

“Well, you have found one.” The man said with amusement and Kendra suddenly realized that the voice was familiar. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up into the green eyes of the stranger from the store. “We seem to keep bumping into each other.” He said. Kendra, speechless, just kept looking into those intense green eyes and noticed that they became darker with a hidden emotion. She became mesmerized with the change and the stranger bent his head and slowly kissed her. His arms tightened around her as she returned the kiss and she could feel the heat slowly radiate through her body as her nipples became hard and a flush of warmth centered between her legs.

Her hands which were clenched at her sides slowly made their way up his chest and around his neck as his arms held her closer to him. The kiss deepened and his tongue slid between her lips and met hers she moaned and swayed against him. His hands moved toward the straps of her dress and slid them off her shoulders leaving her in just thong panties and high heals. As her dress fell to the floor he lifted her up and set her on the vanity counter making her very aware of his arousal. Her hand slid down his stomach and she grasped him and started to stroke, “Ah, I have been thinking of just this since I saw you earlier today.” He moaned and kissed her again caressing her body, making her nipples harder. As she became lost in the kiss she felt herself being picked up and taken from the bathroom across the bedroom toward the bed. He looked into her eyes as he gently lowered her to the bed.

His breathing ragged, he stood up and then knelt beside the bed softly lifting her legs and un-strapping first one shoe and then the other. His hands gently glided up towards her knees with his hungry mouth following and hooked the waist of her thong and slid them down towards her knees and onto the floor. He bent over the side of the bed and trailed wet kisses up her thighs and across her abdomen.

Lost in a haze of pleasure, Kendra gasped as his hot wet hungry mouth found the tiny bud of pleasure between her legs. Her hands slid down across her stomach to the back of his head guiding him to the correct spot. “Oh, please, don’t stop.” She huskily whispered and she started to rock against his face and he grasped her buttocks. “Ohhhhh, I’m cumming!” she moaned rocking harder, her heart beating out of her chest as electric thrills coursed through her body.
"There's nothing inherently dirty about sex, but if you try real hard and use your imagination you can overcome that." (Lewis Grizzard)

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.
E. E. Cummings

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