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Old 01-04-2020, 10:33 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Central MD, USA
Posts: 21,154
What I'm on about:
‘To give some scale to what has happened here so far, international media outlets have been reporting the 2018 California fires burnt 2 million acres; the 2019 Amazon fires 2.2 million; and the 2019 Siberian fires 6.7 million.

So far Australia's 2019/20 fires have burnt 12 million acres.’

That's about 4.8M hectares. Or, say about the combined size of Wales and Belgium.

And from 2 days ago:
Premier Daniel Andrews has declared a State of Disaster for six Local Government Areas and the Alpine Resorts, after considering advice from the Minister for Police and Emergency Services and the Emergency Management Commissioner.

The Premier is satisfied there is an emergency that constitutes, or is likely to constitute, a significant and widespread danger to life or property in the following part of Victoria:

East Gippsland Shire
Mansfield Shire
Wellington Shire
Wangaratta Rural Shire
Towong Shire
Alpine Shire
Mount Buller
Mount Hotham
Mount Stirling Alpine Resorts

Conditions are expected to deteriorate from tomorrow and the Government’s priority is the safety of Victorians.

A state of disaster:

May be declared to exist in the whole, or parts, of Victoria
Exists immediately upon the making of the declaration and remains in force for seven days (unless another declaration is made)
Can be revoked or varied by the Premier at any time.

The declaration gives the Government, through the Minister for Emergency Services, the powers and resources it needs to keep Victorians safe.

Examples of the Minister’s broad power to direct and allocate government resources include:

Directing any government agency to do, or refrain from doing, any function, power, duty, or responsibility
Declaring that the operation of an Act or subordinate instrument is suspended, if compliance by a government agency with that legislation would inhibit response to or recovery from the disaster
Take possession and make use of any person’s property to respond to the disaster
Controlling movement in and out of the disaster area and
Compelling the evacuation of persons from the disaster area or any part of it.

This is the first time the Victorian Government has used these powers since they were included in the Emergency Management Act 1986 following the devastating Victorian Bushfires in 2009.

The NSW Government has already declared a state of Emergency, giving sweeping powers to compel evacuation etc.

The ACT Government is still on a state of Alert, one step lower, HOWEVER... all postal services have been suspended and all post offices closed due to the bizarre amount of smoke pollution. Currently around 2000, down from 5000 yesterday. 200+ is rated "Hazardous Extreme", everyone should stay indoors unless they have a protection factor 400 respirator, the kind used in fallout zones, cleaning up asbestos, etc. Good disposable respirators have a protection factor of 20, up to 40 if brand new and perfectly fitted. Those who are elderly, have heart disease or asthma should stay inside if AQI is above 69.

A dry, cold front from Antarctica is pushing the high pressure air mass from above the Simpson Desert eastward into South Australia, then shortly thereafter, Victoria, Canberra, and SE NSW. Forecast is for strong, dessicating 45C winds, 40-50 kmh gusting to 70kmh, and veering direction unpredictably.

Things are going to get a little busy in 24 hours. After that, the smoke situation in Canberra is going to worsen drastically, as at best we will have uncontainable megafires to North, South, East and West, possibly for months to come.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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