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Old 09-21-2018, 01:02 PM
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21 September 1918

Western Front
The so-called Battles of the Hindenburg Line: Cambrai: British 12th and 18th Divisions (with 9 tanks) capture Le Petit Priel farm, east of Epehy. 119 Australians of 1st Battalion refuse to attack and go to rear. British encounter stubborn resistance but gain ground east of Epehy.
British line improved at Moeuvres.
Further French gains south of St. Quentin, they take Benay.
British Whippet tanks captured by the Germans and then later recaptured by the British near Méaulte: © IWM (Q 23596):
French Chasseurs on the wharf of Dundee: © IWM (Q 102989):
American soldiers with gas masks at Essey, France:
Australian troops playing a game of rugby during a rest from fighting at Barleux: © IWM (E(AUS) 3355):
A German war cemetery in St. Mihiel after its capture by the Allies: © IWM (Q 78176):
An Australian field bakery in Rouen, France filled with bread to be delivered to troops: © IWM (E(AUS) 3462):

Southern Front
Macedonia: Battle of the Vardar/Battle of the Dobropolje/Battle of the Moglenitsa
: Franco-Serbian troops pursue Bulgarians past Kavadar and threaten Babuna pass. They reach the Vardar near Demirkapu and Negotin.
Bulgarians begin destroying their stores and war material preparatory to a retreat, confirmed by 2 RAF D.H.9 observers report 500 Bulgarian wagons and lorries in retreat at 1040 hours.
Only 5,000 Bulgarian PoWs so far.
RAF (45 serviceable planes) bomb Bulgarians fleeing through Kosturino defile to Lyumnitas, at least 700 killed, 300 wagons destroyed; then attack Kryesna Pass and block Kresni defile (September 28-29). Total of 782 bombs dropped until September 29.
The Prince of Wales visiting an Italian airfield with an Italian S.I.A.9 reconnaissance/light bomber: © Q 68809:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: East of Jordan the Hejaz Arabs cut the Damascus railway in numerous places.
Palestine: Battles of Megiddo (Sharon and Nablus) (see 23rd and 25th): Advance of British Infantry in Palestine; they reach Shechem and Samaria, and drive Turks into arms of cavalry operating southward from Jenin and Beisan, claim 18,000 prisoners taken.
Royal Air Force airplanes operating in support of Generally Allenby's campaign in Palestine attack and destroy the retreating Turkish 7th Army at Wadi el Far'a. T.E. Lawrence wrote of this attack: "It was the RAF which had converted the Turkish retreat into a rout, which had abolished their telephone and telegraph connections, had blocked their lorry columns, scattered their infantry units". 9 1/4t bombs and 56,000 MG rounds delivered in over 84 sorties (2 aircraft lost).
British planes strafing the Turkish column in Palestine:
Mopping up (until September 24) yields 87 guns, 55 lorries and 842 wagons.
Australian cavalry enters Nablus, Palestine while locals look on after the town was captured from the Ottomans: © IWM (Q 12331):
Dozens of Ottoman and German guns taken by the British after capturing Nablus, Palestine: © IWM (Q 12343):
Nazareth is also captured by the British. British cavalry in the town at Mary’s Well:

Political, etc
United Kingdom
: Sir M. de Bunsen returns from successful mission to South America.
War Minister warns Haig against heavy casualties due to poor recruiting at home, but the Field Marshal resolves to continue planned offensive.
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