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Old 08-02-2018, 04:34 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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2 August 1918

Western Front
Second Battle of the Marne: Battle of Soissons
or Battle of Soissonais and of the Ourcq formally ends (see July 23rd), although it had trickled down to practically nothing already.Soissons retaken by Allied forces (see May 29th), (300 of 15.000 population left) and advance up to 6 miles; 50 villages retaken. Soissons in August 1918: The old residence of the Frankish kings changed hands several times during the war:
Germans retreating to River Vesle. Criss-cross shaded areas represent today’s gains, shaded black represent the area captured by the Allied counteroffensive:
Germany: Hindenburg and Ludendorff Press Conference at OHL, latter claims ‘limited tactical success’ on Marne. Both slight AEF, comparing it with France’s Black African ‘auxiliaries’. Hindenburg insists his goal is ‘a peace of honor’.
US ‘Liberty Planes’ (D.H. 4s) first in action.

Eastern Front
On 2 August 1918, anti-Bolshevik forces, led by Tsarist Captain Georgi Chaplin, staged a coup against the local Soviet government at Archangelsk. British diplomats had travelled to in preparation of the invasion, and General Poole had coordinated the coup with Chaplin.
Royal Air Force aircraft help elements of the North Russian Expeditionary Force to occupy the port of Archangel.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: Petrov’s 1200 Reds and 2 guns (from Astrakhan) land in Baku and secure Bolshevik leaders’ release.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Turks occupy Urmia, north-west Persia. all 80,000 Jilus (also spelled Jelu) flee, only, 59,000 reach Bijar.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: British minelayer destroyers Vehement and Ariel mined and sunk (97 lives lost) by German mines close to Dutch neutral zone. During August Royal Navy lays 9,000 mines off Yorkshire and Durham coasts (until September).

Political, etc
: Lenin tells at five meetings ‘The Soviet Republic is in Danger’
Japan: Japanese Government decide to land troops at Vladivostok (see 11th and April 5th).
United States: US War Secretary Baker tells Major-General William S Graves, Commander designate for Siberia ‘Watch your step, you will be walking on eggs loaded with dynamite’. US Vice-Consul at Petrograd notifies state of war between US and Russia.
American sailors in Chicago drape a U.S. flag over a seal of the Prussian Eagle that was displayed over Vogelsang Café:
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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