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Old 07-13-2018, 10:21 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
Join Date: Jul 2002
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13 July 1918

Western Front
: Petain fixes Mangin’s D-day as July 18. General Haller made C-in-C Polish Army (1 regiment).
Aisne: British XXII Corps transferred south to Ardre Sector.
Erich Ludendorff postpones Operation Hagen indefinitely due to lack of manpower, mostly caused by the flu pandemic.
British and French soldiers playing cards well behind the lines:
Testing a Rolls-Royce Eagle engine salvaged from a damaged airplane near Rang-du-Fliers, France: © IWM (Q 12069):
Soldiers of the Royal Scots, 11th Battalion preparing to launch a daylight raid at Meteren. Their lead officer Lieutenant Charles Kavanagh is killed during the raid: © IWM (Q 11751):
French soldier wearing a Tissot gas mask: © IWM (Q 61057):
British infantry practicing an attack with a tank and a smoke screen at Sautricourt, France: © IWM (Q 9818):
Portuguese gunners receiving instruction from the British on operating the 9.2-inch howitzer: © IWM (Q 7893):
British officer and his dog at the Wavans War Cemetery: © IWM (Q 9042):

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: White Russian railway-men massacre Tashkent’s Cheka chief and bodyguard in Ashkabad, but Red Guards repulse drive on Tashkent (July 24).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Turks attack British positions on Jordan and on Abu Tellul ridges (seven miles north of Jericho).
Siberia: Irkutsk occupied by Czecho-Slovak forces (see October 14th).

Political, etc
:[Listed for yesterday]: Pablo Picasso marries Ukrainian ballet dancer Olga Khoklova in Paris. Picasso’s “Portrait d'Olga dans un fauteuil”:
United Kingdom: Demonstrators in Trafalgar Square urge the British government to intern all “enemy aliens”.
United States: U.S. Senate unanimously adopts a resolution to celebrate Bastille Day to express friendship with France.
Greece: French General A. Gramat appointed Chief of Staff to Greek Army.
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