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Old 07-11-2018, 10:17 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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11 July 1918

Western Front
: Successful Australian raid near Merris (north of River Lys).
74 British air-raids in Germany during June announced.
Marne: French deserter informs Germans that Allied tank-led offensive imminent.
Lorraine: First of 4 US radio stations (at Toul) starts to monitor German traffic. First AEF field code in service (July 15), 9 more by Armistice.
French soldiers manning an infantry command post near Antheuil:
American gas sentry in a shelter at Watou, Belgium: © IWM (Q 60980):
Canadian journalists visiting the 42nd Battalion Scots in the reserve line:

Eastern Front
: Red Simbirsk Province Chairman ambushes and kills Mikhail Muraviev, but Whites rise at Arzamas, Murom, Rostov (Yaroslav Province) and Rybinsk.

Southern Front
: At Supreme War Council General Guillaumat says Balkans autumn offensive will succeed, Greeks had entered war to regain East Macedonia, Clemenceau (July 18) instructs d’Esperey to continue preparations.
Albania: Allied troops extend their gains in southern Albania against Austro-Hungarian and Bulgarian troops, advancing 25 miles and capturing 1800 prisoners in total:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Lawrence at Allenby’s HQ told outline of Palestine September offensive. Allenby informs CIGS that it will be mid-September (July 12), replies no winter reinforcements from France (July 20).
Lawrence of Arabia:

Naval and Overseas Operations
: US supply ship Westover (10 lost) sunk in European waters

Political, etc
[Listed for yeterday]: German Socialists in the Reichstag declare they will not vote on a budget unless Germany’s war aims are clarified.
Count Georg von Hertling in Committee of Reichstag: “As long as [the Allies’] desire for out destruction exists, we must endure, together with our faithful nation.” Foreign policy to be unchanged.
Russia:[Listed for yesterday]: Soviet Russia adopts its coat of arms with the hammer and sickle and the motto “Workers of the world, unite!”:
Lithuania: Prince William of Urach (Wuerttemberg) accepts the title of Mindove II, King of Lithuania, from Council of State (Taryba). However, Germany, which occupies Lithuania, does not recognize the election:
United Kingdom: British Government announces stricter treatment of “enemy aliens” to be adopted.
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