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Old 07-06-2018, 06:13 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
Pixie's Resident Reptile
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6 July 1918

Western Front
American medics inside a shell hole at Sérévillers, France:

Eastern Front
Left Socialist Revolutionary rebellion against local Reds; after the assassination of Graf von Mirbach (see below), they besiege Lenin in Kremlin (‘Comrade, can we hold out until morning?’) and in Petrograd. Savinkov rebels against Reds at Yaroslav north of Moscow (until July 21) but Red Army retakes town using artillery and poison gas (apparently). The aim of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries is to re-start the war against Germany.

Southern Front
: Piave delta cleared of Austrians by 23rd Italian Corps; 21,000 men and 63 guns, etc., taken by Italians since 15 June.
Albania: Italian offensive (until July 14): Ferrero’s XVI Corps (53 battalions) with 300 guns (+ 2 Royal Navy monitors) attacks north of its Valona entrenched camp and to east, crosses river Vojusa and General Nigra’s cavalry capture Fieri (July 8), 20 miles northeast, and Austrian Brigade HQ of Berat (July 10). 10-mile advance on on 60-mile front also gains 2000 PoWs, 26 guns and 6 aircraft for 850 casualties, but malaria subsequently creates havoc; French 57th Division conform in Devoli valley taking 700 PoWs.
RAF drop 3t bombs and fire 3,000 MG rounds in support of Italian offensive (1 DH9 lost), but fail to hit Kuchi bridge (hit twice on July 8).
An officer of the Italian Alpini supervises a mountain artillery battery in Albania:

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
Anti-Red ‘Turkestan Union’ obtain 2 million roubles from British Colonel Redel at Meshed which General Malleson reaches on July 16, sends 250 troops to border (July 19-24).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Cossacks fight Bolsheviks north-west of Nikolsk (between Vladivostok and Khabarovsk) and Czecho-Slovaks take Nikolsk.
Vladivostok declared under Allied “protectorate”. President Wilson unilaterally suggests 12,000 Japanese troops for East Siberia to rescue Czechs.
Czechoslovak troops in Vladivostok:

Naval and Overseas Operations
Northern Adriatic
: Italian submarine F12 torpedoes and sinks Austrian U-20 off Tagliamento estuary.

Political, etc
: Wilhelm, Graf von Mirbach, German Ambassador at Moscow, murdered (see April 9th).
Declaration of Siberian Independence cancelled (see 4th).
United Kingdom: Publication of Mantagu-Chemsford Report re: Indian Constitutional Reforms.
Silver Wedding of Their Majesties.
United States: U.S. first large airplane (British-designed, US-built Handley Page O/400) launched near New York.
Steam boat Columbia hits a log in the Illinois River, which causes its decks to collapse, killing 88 people:
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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