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Old 06-20-2018, 06:42 AM
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gekkogecko gekkogecko is offline
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20 June 1918

Western Front
Battle of Belleau Wood
: No Significant developments, but the battle continues.

Southern Front
Second Battle of the Piave
: Field Marshal Svetozar Boroevic cables Austrian High Command ‘As the Monarchy … has loyally fulfilled its duties as an ally … and cannot face the risk of remaining perhaps disarmed, I propose to withdraw … behind the Piave’; Emperor gives permission. Boroevic plans to retreat at night only. Italians decide shelling bridges better than mass attacks. Italian advance continued in Montello, Fagare and Zenson (Lower Piave) sectors.
Austro-Hungarian line at Cortelazzo (mouth of Piave) broken.
Nervesa re-captured.
Italians claim to shoot down 14 Austrian aircraft over the Piave, but top Italian ace Baracca killed strafing in Nieuport fighter. American pilots first fly Italian bombers in action. The Italian fighter ace Francesco Baracca is hit in the air by two rifle bullets, of which one kills him in the head:
Another view of Francesco Baracca, one of Italy’s top flying aces with 34 aerial victories, killed in action near Mount Montello:
Italian trench running underneath an old building at Nervesa during the Battle of the Piave River: © IWM (Q 65362):

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: Turkish 5th Caucasian Division (6,000 men) arrives at Ganja (Russian Elizavetpol) to be core of Enver’s ‘Army of Islam’ (18,000 under Enver’s 28-year-old half-brother Nuri Pasha). A regiment marches to support Azeri Tartars on June 26.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Re-establishment of Civil Law Courts in occupied territory of Palestine.

Political, etc
: Food riots in Vienna continue.
United Kingdom: Appointment of General Northey as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of East African “Protectorate” and High Commissioner for Zanzibar “Protectorate”.
Publication of Lord Grey's "League of Nations"; Report of Shipping Committee; Speech of Lord Curzon re: Ireland; Speech of Mr. Balfour re: peace; Reception of Sir M. De Bunsen's Mission by President of Chile.
Turkey: Samsam es Sultaneh reappointed Persian Prime Minister (see May 31st and August 3rd).
Netherlands: Refusal of passport to M. Troelstra (Dutch Socialist leader) to visit England.
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