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Old 02-15-2003, 05:17 PM
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madmax67 madmax67 is offline
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A Library and a Phone

Here it is folks, the latest story of Angel's adventures. Enjoy and leave lots of feedback :D


Angel carried her books to the library. She had been doing some studies for her job in the care home and needed to return the books. It was a warm sunny day, and she wore a thin t-shirt and a skirt. She felt a vibration between her legs and jumped. Max had slid her cellphone inside her panties before she left. He had switched it to silent vibrate mode. She felt her juices start to flow almost immediately, it felt so incredible. She steadied herself for a moment, her breathing quickening. Then it stopped. She regained her composure and slowly walked up the steps to the library.

At the desk, she handed over her books. Angel tensed praying that Max wouldn't use the phone at this moment; but at the same time praying he did. She felt tingles run through her pussy in anticipation. The clerk placed the books on the pile to be replaced on the shelves. Angel was slightly disappointed, then pulled out the list Max had given her of books to get. She looked down it slowly. There was a book she needed for her job, the latest Star Wars novel, and one labelled "sexy?". Angel almost yelped as the vibration started in her panties. Then it stopped again. She walked slowly, holding herself upright so nobody noticed she was on the edge of cumming.

Angel picked up the two books Max had specified. Then she looked for something to fill the "sexy" category. She hoped to find the adult section without needing to ask. She would die of shame if she had to ask, bad enough she needed to go there and get a book. She checked her watch. She had been here for 6 minutes now, and Max had only allowed her 20 minutes. She grinned wickedly and thought for a moment about being deliberately late. She could imagine wriggling on his lap as he spanked her for being bad. For some reason, punishment always made her cum harder when he loved her afterwards.

The vibrating in her panties brought her out of her daydream. She held tightly to a table that was nearby. The vibrations continued, driving her closer and closer to the edge. The fought for control. Her juices soaked her panties, a trickle running down her legs. She still held on, her legs shaking. Just when she thought she couldn't hold back any longer, the phone stopped. Her whole body was shaking, she could barely stand. Shaking, she looked down at her watch. She had 10 minutes left. She would have to ask someone. She flushed bright red and went over to one of the assiTHE ADVENTURERSstants.

"Excuse me....can you tell me where the ... umm ... " Angel faltered.

The assistant looked up at Angel and smiled.

"How can I help you miss?" she asked with a faint smile.

Angel blushed even more. Helplessly, she just held out the list. The assistant smiled and pointed the directions to her. Angel mumbled her thanks and hurried to the section. There were so many books, which should she choose? Angel had no idea what to look for. None of the novels seemed particularly interesting. Titles like "Lolita" and "The Adventurers" seemed very vague. She had to make a choice. She went over to the factual section. The vibrations started again and she barely stifled a moan, almost collapsing to the floor. She needed to cum very badly, but she didn't dare without permission and Max had specifically told her she must not cum in the library. She wanted to touch herself discretely, but was afraid if she did someone would see her. She also knew she would probably cum on the spot. Her whole body felt as if it was about to explode in pleasure.

Angel picked up a book without looking at the title. Vaguely aware it had pictures, she took it horridly to the front desk. A young girl was on the desk, maybe still a teenager. Angel nearly died of embarrassment. She handed over the books and the girl checked them on the card Angel laid on top of the pile. The girl flushed when she saw the final book and looked up at Angel. Angel felt the heat flush her face, she knew she looked bright red. The girl giggled slightly and checked the book. Angel grabbed the books and the card and almost ran out of the library. She stepped outside and looked for Max's car. She couldn't see it. She looked down at her watch in panic. She had 1 minute left. She ran to wear Max left her and looked around. The vibrations started again and she almost fell to her knees. She couldn't hold back the moans any longer, people were looking at her. Her body felt on fire as she struggled to stay on her feet. She focused on the watch. The second hand ticked. She was still looking. She had 5 seconds left when a car pulled up in front of her.

Angel wept as Max opened the door for her. She climbed in, the vibrations in her pussy almost making her lose her mind. Max took the books from her. Angel cried tears of pleasure, perspiration soaking through her t-shirt and panties as her juices flooded out over her panties. She could barely speak as she pleaded and begged Max to let her cum. Max smiled and checked the books. He seemed to take so long. Angel couldn't wait much longer. She begged, pleaded, cried tears. Finally, Max nodded. She grabbed her breasts that so craved attention now. Pulling at them with the phone still in her panties she screamed as she came. The pleasure took her completely, and she lost all knowledge of where she was, what she was doing. Her heart raced, her brain was saturated with pleasure.

Slowly, Angel regained her wits. She was still in the car, still outside the library. Slowly she peeled of her panties. They were absolutely soaked with her juices. The t-shirt clung to her body, saturated with perspiration. She would catch a chill if she kept it on. She looked over at Max who smiled at her.

"I need to change my shirt Master." she said simply.

"I didn't bring a spare angel, just take it off for now." Max said, grinning.

Angel grinned and lifted it over her head. Her bra was simple, and covered her breasts to an acceptable public level. She still felt sexy, especially with no panties under her skirt. She looked over at the book she had grabbed.

"Is Master pleased with the book?" she asked nervously.

Max was looking through it. Angel noticed the title for the first time "The Joy of Sex". Max looked over at Angel.

"Very good angel, maybe we'll try some of the things when we get home. Here, pick something." he said as he passed her the book and started up the car. Angel looked, her face bright red as she saw the pictures. She spent the rest of the trip home trying to decide which she wanted to try.
My latest story...

Angel's Hot Weekend (part 1)
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